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Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Printable Version

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Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Ryukyu Guild - 06-29-2015

[Image: FactionHeader.png]

琉球國 Ryūkyū Guild

Name: Ryukyu Guild
Tag: RG|

The Ryukyu Commonwealth has been the governing structure on Planet Miura. The Commonwealth is ran by the Ryukyu Guild, a sort of aristocracy that is historically used within the Sigmas. A small council known as the Guild Masters conduct the guild to bring forward a greater state of power to the commonwealth. Supported by the Gas Mining Guild, they ran the mines on the planet to harvest important ores such as uranium and plutonium.

[Image: RG13.png]
Now, the Ryukyu Guild has taken on a larger role within the Sigmas. They conduct gas mining operations and shipping runs to the major houses. While fairly new to the space side operations, the Ryukyu Guild shows promise to strengthen the Sigmas and their hold on H-Fuel. Their strong economic power gained through the mines of Miura support this new venture out into space to secure their stakes and uplift their own power. The Guild mainly takes on the task of patrolling the Sigmas.

The commonwealth itself contains all citizens who live on Miura but are separate from any house, such as Kusari or Rheinland. Most citizens hail from Kusari, or are born from parents who work for the Guild.

The general idea of the Ryukyu Commonwealth is to give power to themselves and the people within. It supports itself and when situations arrive, attempt to better themselves over others. While not being too terribly biased one way or another, a portion of the commonwealth dislikes the surrounding houses and prefer to stay within the Sigmas and make a living working for the Guild.

[Image: RGNaha.png]
Historically, the Guild is broken into different divisions. The governing body, the commerce division, and a paramilitary make up the different sections of the Guild, ran by the guild masters. The governing body maintains order within the commonwealth and guild while also dealing with diplomatic matters. The commerce division controls the mining and movement of ore and h-fuel, keeping the credits flowing into the Sigmas. The paramilitary are an unseen barrier that snakes through the clouds and defends the commonwealth. While rarely needed for large combat, the paramilitary still maintains it’s unorthodox guerrilla-style fighting methods to guard and protect.

The culture of Ryukyu is quite mixed. While basic is still the primary language, many elders study and maintain their honored languages of old. This goes past that of Japanese Standard; the elders maintain the knowledge of Uchinaguchi, an ancient language. Some of the language slips into common conversation. Other than language, the people of the Commonwealth are seen as honorable, feeling their accomplishments are worth boasting.

ゴール Goals

Primary Goal:
- Establish the Gas Miners Guild under their control and create a governing body for the Sigmas

Secondary Goals:
- Monopolize the fuel market
- Defend and defeat the Hispanic threat within the Sigmas

ルーチュー Ryukyu Space

Claimed Space:
- Okinawa
- Sigma-13
- Sigma-19
- Sigma-59
- Honshu (Around Aomori)

Trade Locations:
- Liberty
- Bretonia
- Rheinland
- Omicrons
- Sigmas

ナイチャー Diplomacy




Interspace Commerce
Blood Dragons


Golden Chrysanthemums
Bounty Hunters Guild
Independent Miners Guild
Rheinland Federal Police
Red Hessians
ALG Waste Disposal
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Police Incorporated
Liberty Corporations
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonia Police Authority
Bretonia Corporations
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Corporations


Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers


Farmer’s Alliance

[Image: RGFooter.png]

*Credits can be found on RG|Jinkuaw

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Munen Musou - 06-29-2015

I like the write-up.

That being said, taking your write-up into account, I don't like how some things are currently handled and approached. Maybe I'm also just missunderstanding things.

You describe yourselves as "fairly new to space" and also your members said that ingame when I encountered them. You also let people know that you are NOT the GMG, but your own governing body of Planet Miura until now.

Yet you take the GMG's relations for granted without having put any effort into them so far for yourselves - as your own operating body. At least there seems to be no documentation of any on the forums except the one my character initiated - ingame and on the forums.

Something along the lines: "Hey, we are new to space, we hope we can keep things cool between us (or not)." to relevant groups just to have basic things sorted out which should be of interest to your group inrp seems appropiate.
Instead the first thing my character has to read is the "attempt" of enforcing laws on her by a group who operates in space for how long now? Ingame time would be about two weeks. I assume it isn't that short inrp, but still.

Please don't take that as any offense against you guys, as I initially said I like the write-up and idea. But right now I fail to understand or like the points mentioned above as it comes across as a bit meta- or powergamey for me personally. Maybe you can clarify those points for me.

Aside from that I like that the miners I encountered are willing to roleplay even during mining operations, where many miners rather keep their "ore per second" up than putting thought or time into their answers.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Miaou - 06-29-2015

Thanks! I'm glad you like most of it.

There is a bit of a misunderstanding, I agree. RG| is technically apart of the "Gas Miners Guild" NPC faction. We plan on being a major component in the group. As such, we do keep the NPC faction's lore. When we said we were new to space, we ment that we were new to space operations (like transporting, gas mining, etc), not to ongoing relations made between groups. So factions such as Kishiro and Blood Dragons are going to be friendly by default. Though there are a few factions that don't make sense for us to have relations with, such as AI, Order, or player factions. We just have no relations with them.

We were approached by your group already, which is super cool (going to reply, sorry for the wait). We also are on the works to make ourselves noticed to the Dragons, though that was done more ingame than on the forums.

If you find a problem with something, by all means point it out. Just be specific so we can look into explaining it or changing it if need be. Hope that helps you understand a bit better.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Munen Musou - 06-29-2015

Ah okay, yeah the ties to the NPC faction kinda got lost for me in the description and I took it as more of an individual group than it is supposed to be by you guys.
That clears it up quite a bit, thanks for the fast and clarfying answer.

Then the only thing left is to wish you good luck and success, since I can't think of anything else which needs clarification or I have a problem with. All good!

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Wesker - 06-29-2015

Yea besides you stopping me through metagaming, at the Frankfurt gate, saying "drop cargo and pay 3 mill or dai" and not even RPing, and then failing to catch me, and claiming ownership to all of the sigmas, I've had cool encounters with you guys.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Mister_X - 06-29-2015

(06-29-2015, 05:04 AM)Punisher5431 Wrote: Yea besides you stopping me through metagaming, at the Frankfurt gate, saying "drop cargo and pay 3 mill or dai" and not even RPing, and then failing to catch me, and claiming ownership to all of the sigmas, I've had cool encounters with you guys.
Can you provide any evidence of that, because that doesn't sound like anything one of our members would do, especially the no RP part?

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Miaou - 06-29-2015

@Munen Musou

No problem. Hope to see you guys in space again, love your roleplay!


Please do not lie to make us look bad, or whatever you're trying to do.

You carried illegal cargo. It's established that we do not like artifacts. There was plenty of roleplay, I have the chat logs. You acted poorly and did not give a proper reasoning why you are carrying said cargo.

We have announced a mandate which basically folows previous GMG laws, just updated. Regardless, stop making yourself look bad, alright?

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Wesker - 06-29-2015

I'm not lying, you camped at the sigma 19 jumphole for literaly 5 minutes. Like wow. And to make me laugh even harder, you couldnt even stop a 5k stork with no CDs CMs or guns. Might want to work on that. I'm not like upset, but just my input, i don't think that camping the jump hole for that long is really just. Q_Q I don't think I acted poorly.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Miaou - 06-29-2015

If you are here to laugh at someone for not being able to CD a ship or something, then stop. You clearly don't even know what was going on.

Unless you have actual feedback, then please remove yourself.

Edit: if you wish to continue, you can PM me as well.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Laura C. - 06-29-2015

Isn´t this quite premature and hasty? I know there are veteran players behind this faction, but going for official status after exactly two weeks of existence when you even barely interacted with all factions and inhabitants around your turf? I trade in Kusari and Okinawa with helium quite regularly and I didn´t notice any super extra high activity of RG which would warrant such quick move towards officialdom (though, despite i didn´t notice you around often, I don´t want to say you have no activity, maybe there is influence of timezones - it´s hard to judge when you don´t have your tag in tracker, maybe once it will added, it will prove I´m wrong).

Anyway, this makes impression you just want to apply for official status as soon as possible/in same month because there is rival faction for same ID which already did that too this month (and to be fair, their thread was obviously posted hastily as well considering it contained outdated and inaccurate info).

Two questions:
1. Do you plan to be different in some way from GMG| ? Because so far it seems there are just two factions of same ID which were formed just because each group wants to do things "their way" but in the end they are almost similar (one could call that "Liberty navy indie factions syndrome").

2. Do you cooperate with GMG| or do you plan it? So far I didn´t notice much communication between you two so I wonder how will you live and work together, especially if both of you will get official status.