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To: The Junkers Congress | UNENCRYPTED - Printable Version

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To: The Junkers Congress | UNENCRYPTED - Durandal - 06-30-2015

[Image: Hxg9cnQ.png]

This is Lord Commander Samuel Locklear of the Hellfire Legion. I recommend evacuating whatever personnel are onboard Saltese immediately. Ships leaving the base under siege will not be harmed unless they attempt to engage our forces or resupply the installation.

Libera te ex Infernis.

Lord Commander Samuel Locklear.

RE: To: The Junkers Congress - HuggieSunrise - 06-30-2015


This is arbiter Jim Mckenna. At your service.

I suppose you noticed she was empty and overloading when you got there. So I find it curious what about that little casino offended ye so much. I hope this isn't the start of some sorta.. Junkers are the problem crusade in liberty, would mean.. seemingly you and lib gov agree on something.

We should be allies. We should be helping you get what you need. Hell I wouldn't mind going out and shooting a few things with you boys.. We would be more active help then those xeno idiots. But I don't suppose years a differences can be overcome in one message.

So lets work on that. iffin yer savvy about it.


RE: To: The Junkers Congress | UNENCRYPTED - Durandal - 07-03-2015

[Image: Hxg9cnQ.png]

Arbiter, the irony of your title is astounding. Some elements of Legion command actually wished to open up negotiations with your group, thinking you'd have learned some humility following the destruction of Saltese. Clearly you did not.

I believe the flight recordings and guncam logs attached here speak volumes of you and your organization. Rest assured that you will have to contend with many, many Arbiters in the future.

Libera te ex Infernis, and God help you all.

RE: To: The Junkers Congress | UNENCRYPTED - HuggieSunrise - 07-03-2015

Ah i see.

Well iffin its your perogative to interfere in the personal rivalries of other people and be some sorta white knight of happiness and justice that's just great. Plenty of others have sought a reputation by carving righteousness out of our hides in the past few months.

Dsle have done nothing but antagonise and screw around when we tried working for them, all we got outta the trouble was a diplomatic mess with others i wont be namin.

But here I am trying teh figure out what you got in common interest with a little sniveling backstabbing goblin. Are ye daft? didja grow a brain tumor? don't know what the legion sees itself as. A legitimate reform group or a buncha bleedin terrorists.

What your doing is half and half terrorising on behalf of some big corper contractor who has to know demonstrated its self to be quite less then trustworthy and frankly not worth all this mess.

But i wont deny you any mistakes. or your chest pounding I assure you you seem big and scary just like the rest of the big and scary boys we know in liberty... rheinland...bretonia... etc etc etc.

Just to let you know.. I wont take this personally. but I do believe the bill you'll have to pay grows withe very dumb mistake you seem intent on causing.

have your fun. But it will cost you.