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Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - beander2 - 10-17-2008

Independent Miners Guild Recruiting Now!

Are you a hard and devoted worker, struggling to survive in the midst of unreliable political and economic situations, or even under corrupt corporations? Are you an adventurer, seeking to search out the unknown? Or are you a stalwart protector of the innocent, a defender of the common man or woman just trying to make ends meet and perhaps support their family?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then the Independent Miners Guild needs you.

As a guild, IMG is an association of professionals in the areas of mining, trade, exploration and cartography, and defense. These individuals have come together in order to build a livlihood for themselves and their families. In the process, Guild has become in many ways Community. We work together and we refine each other's skills. If you are interested in such an organization, then we invite you to apply.

For more information, please follow the following link to our organizational profile: IMG Profile

If quesions, please contact a member of Guild leadership.

Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - beander2 - 10-27-2008

Calling All IMG-Affiliated Independents!

If you are an affiliated independent of the Independent Miners Guild, we would like to invite you to join the Guild in full membership. Benefits of full membership include the following:

1. You will be brought in immediately at the journeyman or master level, depending on previous experience and expertise.
2. You will benefit from all Guild diplomatic agreements and business arrangements.
3. You will have access to all Guild training and advancement programs.
4. You will have all rights and privileges of full members, including evaluation of Guild leadership and a voice in Guild policy development.
5. You will receive the lower escort rates available to members rather than the rates offered to the general public.
6. Presuming you already have your own vessel, you will receive a 20 million credit signing bonus.

If you are interested in the benefits of full membership, please link to the Guild recruitment channel of the IMG GuildComm. We will be happy to welcome you in!

PM if questions.

Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - beander2 - 11-19-2008

Accepting Applications Now!

The Independent Miners Guild is accepting applications now for positions in the following areas:


Our organization is versatile, and offers opportunities for training and advancement in all areas. Join now, and receive supplemental funds for new ship startup.

IMG is on the verge of expansion, so join now to be a part of our exciting future!

To apply, proceed to the Recruitment Channel on the IMG GuildComm.

Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - ian - 12-27-2008

*Incoming Transmission...*
*Source: Java Station*
*Comm ID: Ian Davies, captain of the Endeavour and its fightercraft Atlantia*
*Channel Open*

*Transmission begins*

Hello, i have recently applied for a position within the Independant Miners Guild and was wondering if there has been any update on my application

safe travels, Ian out.

*transmission ends*

Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - beander2 - 12-27-2008

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Mr. Ian Davies
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: Application

Mr. Davies,

My apologies for our tardiness in responding. I have sent a reminder to the proper division director to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


Peter Barrington
Guild Master
Independent Miners Guild

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - ian - 12-28-2008

*Incoming Transmission...*
*Source: Holman Outpost*
*Comm ID: Ian Davies, captain of the Endeavour and its fightercraft Atlantia*
*Channel Open*

*Transmission begins*

ahh hello there Mr Barrington, thank you for the response and i shall look forward to hearing from my new potential boss in the required division hehe

safe travels, Ian out.

*transmission ends*