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friendly with nomads - Printable Version

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friendly with nomads - johnson87 - 07-24-2006

Is there any way to become friendly with the nomads?
i've been friendly with almost all except them.

friendly with nomads - Hyperwave22 - 07-24-2006

i don't think there is any way.

Hyperwave22 :)

friendly with nomads - Chucc - 07-24-2006

only the friendly universe mod, and that gets you a ban on Discovery

friendly with nomads - Korrd - 07-24-2006

In discovery, that is not possible. Only an Admin can mae you friendly to nomads. And that is by editing your profile.

friendly with nomads - Davey Jones - 07-24-2006

yea no way to be good with nomads and friendly universe crashes discovery and makes you have to reinstall... Besides It's more profitable to kill them :)

friendly with nomads - MrSns - 07-24-2006

lol i agree wid DJ


friendly with nomads - Fire_Tzunami - 07-24-2006

Actually, once i was neutral to them..... But then it was an ENORMUS lag.

What ca I say? Lag does wonders. :crazy:

friendly with nomads - kiggles - 07-24-2006

Fire you would have been on a mission in Delta or somthing makes them neutral unless you shoot them or dock and undock. (I did a mission vs the BH once and the BH where neutral :P )

Kiggles :laugh:

friendly with nomads - Fire_Tzunami - 07-24-2006

No mission at all, because exept my fighter, i maintain a -Neutral-to-all- Reputation, exept my fighter, my chars are only enemy with xenos. (and i managed that with out making the zoners hate me).

friendly with nomads - johnson87 - 07-25-2006

ok if u guys r right then wats the point of the LOST BATTLESTAR? And is it possible to buy the battlestar 2 anywhere else besides the LOST BATTLESTAR?