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Does Freelancer Datastorm normally take like 3 hours to start first time round ..? - Printable Version

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Does Freelancer Datastorm normally take like 3 hours to start first time round ..? - Lupusy - 10-17-2008

Here i am trying out freelancer datastorm 340 for the first time...
I've installed Ms Visual Basic, Jet and that little axtivex control

When I run datastorm it comes to a screen that is updating all the info from loadout.ini and a litte blue circle keeps growing on the right hand side. It says in top left 020.14% and is also increasing...

Is all that normal? Because it took like 20 minutes to get to 020%. Does that mean it will take like 3 hours to get to 100%? Or will it take even longer...

Also -- will it take this long to start up every time..?

weird program...

also -- am getting strange errors like this. is it normal? :-
(this is the second set of errors, the 1st was some popups..)

Error Logfile

--- Error in FL-MOD-File:
Cant add to Database (cause of allready exist):
base = Br01_01_base
-> ge_s_cm_04_ammo, 20, -1, 50, 50, 0, 1
--- Error in FL-MOD-File:
Cant add to Database (cause of allready exist):
base = Br01_01_base
-> ge_s_cm_05_ammo, 20, -1, 50, 50, 0, 1

Does Freelancer Datastorm normally take like 3 hours to start first time round ..? - Fellow Hoodlum - 10-17-2008

Its a very well known and very buggy program, with no updates available ... Nothing to add to that.
Pays your money, takes your chance ...