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To the Tinkers & Transport Trade Fleet - T&T - Printable Version

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To the Tinkers & Transport Trade Fleet - T&T - Megpoid - 07-03-2015

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[Image: USGBRho.png]

Message directed to Foreman of Tinker Haven, FynnMcScrap.

Good evening sir, FynnMcScrap. My name is Benson Harris, I am currently the only captain available at Fujisawa, as I am led to believe by my boss, that the official branches are moving fuel far away and are rather "busy" in a contract that I am not allowed to disclose.

For that reason I was assigned the case of hauling the H-fuel from Fujisawa to the other parts of the colonies. I read an article earlier while doing some maintenance to the Konami, which was probably directed to all independent miners from the guild, me being the most interested one on getting more for the guild. It is not a secret that I am trying to attain a new and higher position in the station and I am always looking for new oportunities that will of course benefit the guild itself.
Not to be confused of my position as of now, I am just a miner and the only available hauler working directly for the Fujisawa administrative. I was just assigned the case of expanding our business.

I am currently, if not already finnished, reading the articles attached in the message on the news chanel, it was beeping hot on my neural net device.

And I got quite a few questions about it, which I did not understood well before we get into signing papers/contracts. I am still young to space and I was reading too fast, or I am too tired from the over duty I am having right now. So I'll ask for safety's sake.

-The main one being: my alignment with the guild will be kept like it is? or is there another special requirement to meet aside from me being a "hauler", and keeping the ovbious (being a guild member) aside. And I am planning on staying in the guild.

-Will these contracts affect my standings with the guild in any way, taking into account that I am one guild member myself. Explaining myself better, will I be exporting goods to the guild's enemies? or venturing deep in our "enemies" territory?

For now... and just for now, I have these questions on mind.

Now taking into account that we will be dealing with each other from now on, I will have to put a few regulations in our contracts, and by "ours" I am reffering to the ones I, and other independent guild members will be signed on to. Taking into account the regulations of the Gas Miners Guild and its assets.

-We will not be hauling any goods coming out of the Sovereign Guild's space, to any "Party" affiliated or marked as "red" to the guild 'in General'. (Reffer to the attachment below)

-Our cargo is 'Reserved' (but not limited) to H-Fuel, Helium-3, Oxygen, and Helium (on demand only, due to limitations). And has to be limited to be found inside the sovereign space of the Gas Miners guild, otherwise on Kusari, (except Helium) due to corporation competition and duty demand inside the guild (hard to come and go these days).

-Patience, we are having decline of labour due to very important contracts, and I am talking about the main branches, Independent labour has been... low these past... months, I have read in the archives, currently with the 'Konami-Maru' being the only one available from Fujisawa.

-And most important, but I know by reading your rules that this will be no problem. The Hauling of contraband is stricly prohibited by the guild.

For now that is the only thing I must address for the little business we might be getting into, please understand that being strict in these little details is part of my job. To finnish my long message, which I hope is to your liking, I wish for your good health hope to hear from you soon.

One more thing, for a more live conversation on the topic you can contact me on my S.K.Y.P.E. fast communication protocol with the ID: Almog otherwise, ValiAlmog.

Benson Harris,
Miner of Fujisawa Station and captain of the Konami-Maru Vessel.

[Image: JD6hxZr.png]

RE: To the Tinkers & Transport Trade Fleet - T&T - FynnMcScrap - 07-03-2015

[Image: TampTtb_zps38c4b146.png]

Well met, Mr. Harris.
This is FynnMcScrap, from the Tinkers trade union

You are correct in your assumption that the last message was not only directed at you alone, but to all independent contractors of the Gas Miner Guild.
But I admit I had hoped you would answer.

We are currently short on pilots , and the contracts I offer you are all in your general zone of trade.

I have answered your questions as precisely as I can, and will affix a link to our new open trade board as I noticed the last link was broken. I am at the moment working on fixing that.

Tinker & Transport is at the moment planning to open our second orbital facility to the public , as we have succeeded in renting most of the available space on Brunswick in Baffin. But with overtime reduce, holiday leaves and all that I am at the moment seriously short on pilots for our trade fleet.

We have had good experiences with independent traders, and are planning to open up a trade board open to all, de facto offering to act as a mediator for contractors, base Administrators and other companies to issue short term contracts.

McGurey says he had a good impression with you, and thats something I go by.
After all he was my shipmate for jears before I went to lead this rig here in Texas.

So, if you are interested, im affixing some neuralnet flags beneath to guide you to our trade net. The union welcomes independents from all over sirius.
I will also update current contracts soon, it´s been slow the last weeks.

Quote:-The main one being: my alignment with the guild will be kept like it is? or is there another special requirement to meet aside from me being a "hauler", and keeping the ovbious (being a guild member) aside. And I am planning on staying in the guild.

-Will these contracts affect my standings with the guild in any way, taking into account that I am one guild member myself. Explaining myself better, will I be exporting goods to the guild's enemies? or venturing deep in our "enemies" territory?

There is no other requirement than following your own standards.

The Gas Miners Guild has an excellent reputation, and your usual IFF code does not trigger any alarms as far as we are concerned.

As for aquiring the cargo we need : If you choose to purchase this cargo deep in jostile territory to keep profit high that is your own decision : We would never invade into a traders independence where he gets his cargo from. All Ports of calöl are either Freeports or secure stations for the Gas Miners Guild.

Also : there is no obligation to fulfill any contracts you do not like or see yourself unable to complete.
You may even opt to deliver only part of a contract if you find somebody to complete the rest.

Quote:-We will not be hauling any goods coming out of the Sovereign Guild's space, to any "Party" affiliated or marked as "red" to the guild 'in General'. (Reffer to the attachment below)

Completely understandable and ok

...: attaching neuralnet data :... < complete >

<<< Tinkers Haven comnet hub >>>
<<< Tinkers trade fleet contracts >>>
<<< open trade hub >>>

FynnMcScrap, Foreman at Tinkers Haven
Tinker & Transport trade union

[Image: TampTte_zpse12cde9d.png]