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To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Printable Version

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To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Neonzumi - 07-08-2015

ID: The Blood Dragon Research Division
Location: Kyoto Base, Chukogu
Encryption: Very High
From: Issei Kotaku
To: The Gas Miners Guild / Ryuku Guild Guildmasters

Kon'nichiwa, guildmasters. The name is Issei Kotaku, right now second in command of the Blood Dragons Research Division. So, there are some major projects going on around Chukogu which require heavy machinery. Quite the heavy machinery. This is just a small request, okay not that small. Though it will be greatly appreciated, if it is a possibility for you to spare 5 Hegemons fully equiped with Minig Arrays and have them moved to Kyoto. I suppose you remember how to get there no? If you do each of the Hegemons spared will be compensated for out of my own personal pocket, so do not worry about that. I hope we can co-operate on this. Patiently i will await for your reply.
*as the transmission is about to close*
Oh wait wait wait! Just a little note, don't put armor plating on it we can do that around here. Ehem, excuse me now other matters to attend to, gumen'nasai.


RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Gas Miners Guild - 07-09-2015

[Image: GMG_TB_o_C.Cong_zps5mmqn6qe.png~original]

[Image: cJMTWh5_zpsdvdhguml.png~original]

Konnichiwa, Honourable Issei Kotaku.

GMG welcomes chances of assisting the blood dragons, I would like to know a bit more of detail as to how you want these ships to act and who shall be the main owners? Blood Dragons, or shall we have GMG wrote all over them?

This is a great chance for the GMG to show how easily we can give you mining technology at the click of our fingers, you say you'll be compensated? My question is how?

Yours Faithfully,

Gas Miners Guild
Cheng Cong

[Image: GMG_TB_e_C.Cong_zpsxharvo9w.png~original]

RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Neonzumi - 07-09-2015

ID: The Blood Dragon Research Division
Location: Kyoto Base, Chukogu
Encryption: Very High
From: Issei Kotaku
To: GMG Guildmaster Cheng Cong

You might have misheard the part of that message, i will not be compensated by you, why would there be a need for it anyway? Rather the guild will be paid for each of the Hegemons spared for this cause. Just name the price, and i will "compensate" for it. Understandable enough now no? The main owner of the Hegemons would be myself and the head of the Research Division. They will be used to clear asteroids, if not obvious enough, that is why all five should be fully equipped with Heavy Mining Arrays. Gumen'nasai i am not in obligation to reveal more of their purpose. So rather we want Blood Dragons..."Written all over them". And as i previously said, no Armor Plating is necessary as it is an unnecessary expense for us. I hope that is understandable enough. Again i am patiently awaiting your reply and hopefully we can make a deal on this.


RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Neonzumi - 07-13-2015

I hope you understand that this is quite important...


RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Ryukyu Guild - 07-13-2015

Transmission from Planet Miura, Okinawa.
07-13-822 A.S.

[Image: Ryukyusymbol.png]

To: Issei Kotaku
Topic: Re: Request

Haisai, Kotaku-san.

This is an odd request, as in, it's a request that doesn't make sense. The Guild doesn't own Hegemons or space side ore mining equipment, at least none that it can spare on the latter. We harvest gas using the Kamome, which are built only for reaping and containing gases. Even then, we don't build them entirely ourselves.

Guburii sabira, please rethink your request. I would expect more from the Dragons which I've heard so much about.

Benei Tenson
Ryukyu Guild - Guild Master

Transmission End

RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Gas Miners Guild - 07-13-2015

[Image: GMG_TB_o_C.Cong_zps5mmqn6qe.png~original]

[Image: cJMTWh5_zpsdvdhguml.png~original]

Konnichiwa, Honourable Issei Kotaku.

I will repeat myself GMG welcomes chances of assisting the blood dragons, however hedgemons are (not for sale in Okinawa or anywhere near Kusari for this matter). I understand your need for this equipment but it will need to come at a cost, as a few of my miners would have to go and purchase these legally from DSE in Liberty and I'm sure a few questions are to be asked why our gas miners guild with Kamomes wish to use the hedgemon?

Now if you were to ask for Kamomes, that'd be fine but then I remember recently asking you for a gunboat and you declined, so this business deal is going down hill unless you really throw something at me, because compensating us for these ships just isn't enough for this deal to go ahead. Now you must understand my frustration at this message, because these vessels are sold in Liberty and not only do you want 1, but 4 of these ships and you're only willing to compensate for the ship?

You're asking for not 1, but 4 of my pilots to be transported to Liberty, collect said ships and deal with DSE, officially buy them and legally transport them back to our lands, make them into (Blood Dragon) vessels and finally *get compensated?*

I expected more...Well, cash offers? Then we'll do the job.... Your call.

Yours Faithfully,

Gas Miners Guild
Cheng Cong

[Image: GMG_TB_e_C.Cong_zpsxharvo9w.png~original]

RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Neonzumi - 07-13-2015

ID: The Blood Dragon Research Division
Location: Kyoto Base, Chukogu
Encryption: Very High
From: Issei Kotaku
To: GMG Guildmaster Cheng Cong

First of all i am very sorry we had to decline your request for the Hachimans, but the difference is that unlike the Hegemons that are mass produced our gunships are passed down from generation to generation and the newly produced ones, are made in limited numbers, and serve as a reward to Dragons that earn the privilege to have one made for themselves. I don't know what were you listening too, we need 5, not 4 but 5 Hegemons. The GMG is the only ally we have that is able to actually venture into Liberty without any much trouble and buy the Hegemons directly. I will get straight to the point now that i have to, i am puting on the table 250 Million standard sirian credits for these Hegemons. 100 Million cover the pure cost of the ships i estimate, the other 150 are pure profit for the GMG. How does that sound to you mister Cong? I will once again patiently await your reply.


RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Gas Miners Guild - 07-13-2015

[Image: GMG_TB_o_C.Cong_zps5mmqn6qe.png~original]

[Image: cJMTWh5_zpsdvdhguml.png~original]

Konnichiwa, Honourable Issei Kotaku.

You got your agreement.... I'll be in touch...

Yours Faithfully,

Gas Miners Guild
Cheng Cong

[Image: GMG_TB_e_C.Cong_zpsxharvo9w.png~original]

RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Gas Miners Guild - 07-13-2015

[Image: GMG_TB_o_C.Cong_zps5mmqn6qe.png~original]

[Image: cJMTWh5_zpsdvdhguml.png~original]

Konnichiwa, Honourable Issei Kotaku.

Hedgemons shall be available within the next 1 hour of this message.

Yours Faithfully,

Gas Miners Guild
Cheng Cong

[Image: GMG_TB_e_C.Cong_zpsxharvo9w.png~original]

RE: To: RG|, GMG| From: The Blood Dragons - Gas Miners Guild - 07-13-2015

[Image: GMG_TB_o_C.Cong_zps5mmqn6qe.png~original]

[Image: cJMTWh5_zpsdvdhguml.png~original]

Konnichiwa, Honourable Issei Kotaku.

Job completed... All codes, equipment and assorted relevant information sent privately.

Operation: 5 Hedgemon's Delivered to Sigma 19 - With Blood Dragons Callsign, Standard equipment mounted, no armour.

Yours Faithfully,

Gas Miners Guild
Cheng Cong

[Image: GMG_TB_e_C.Cong_zpsxharvo9w.png~original]