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Balancing numbers in events - Printable Version

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Balancing numbers in events - Blodo - 07-11-2015

Without referring to any particular incident or event, do you believe it is a good idea for number balancing to be enforced by admins on certain official open events, if one side has a distinct numerical advantage over the other? Note that I would not propose to put this in by default, but rather when requested by the sides involved during event preparation.

There are a number of ideas, arranged from most overbearing use of admin power to least:

1. In open events the admins can intervene at their own will to keep the sides balanced by beaming away people at random and telling them not to come back until the numbers are more balanced. This may be a bit... abrasive, but would be for the good of the entire event. This idea is a very "ends justifies the means" one, and might make a lot of people annoyed however.
2. Slotted events. The problem with this is that a lot of the players participating in events do not play on either side regularly, and just prefer to jump in with an alt. Slotted events in general reduce the size of the event, not just because of the arbitrary number restrictions but because people simply don't register. They are also a horrible cluster to keep track of, since in practice the admins must keep a list of all involved people and beam away anyone who didn't sign up. As a result events are exponentially harder to keep control of as number of participants increases. Personally I dislike this solution the most.
3. Self moderation by involved factions. An assumption that an event is taking place for people to have fun, so when one side is clearly in a position to steam roll the other one, it is the faction leader's responsibility to send some of his/her members away. This is alternative to idea number 1 in the respect that its the faction leader that decides who to send away, with the downside that some faction leaders might not want to do that and it will take longer to organise and carry out than admins simply mass beaming people out at random.

Discuss constructively.

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Connor - 07-11-2015

Just make a sign up sheet and have only those come who signed up if it's a problem

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Jessitrescott - 07-11-2015

how to balance a event , you cant . If you force pepole they wont show up simple as that.

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Sciamach - 07-11-2015

Basically what snoopy said, but honestly turnouts should reflect what people want to fly.

The moment you try to restrict who can fly what, you're going to SEVERELY cut your playerbase-involved rather rapidly.

Be careful how you do it; people will log what they want to log and will log for the side they want to win. Trying to force otherwise will just make people mad.

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Deeceem - 07-11-2015

I wonder who the requesting parties would exactly be. Only official factions? What about indie X or indie group X who happened to make their time free for the event and then suddenly get warped out because faction Y and Z think they want even numbers? How would that work?
Pre-slotted? Why not? If it causes that many problems or is forseeable that it might do so put open slots for everyone up or as the admin team sees it fit.

Option 1, depends on who is left out on whose call
Option 2, possibly
Option 3, depends on who is left out on whose call

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Sath - 07-11-2015

Not going to happen unless you force it. Because oorp hatred.

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Thunderer - 07-11-2015

I'm for 3.

By the way, what made special event servers disappear? I think there would be much less lag on such.

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Blodo - 07-11-2015

Well unfortunately, events are there for both sides to have fun, including the losing side whichever that might be. Roflstomps, I honestly don't know how they are even fun for the winner even, considering there is no challenge involved. Until now we've attempted to give more challenge to winning side by dumping scores of npcs on top of them, which works in general unless the number imbalance is so large that not even npcs can do anything.

Sign up sheets are a problem due to:
Quote:The problem with this is that a lot of the players participating in events do not play on either side regularly, and just prefer to jump in with an alt. Slotted events in general reduce the size of the event, not just because of the arbitrary number restrictions but because people simply don't register. They are also a horrible cluster to keep track of, since in practice the admins must keep a list of all involved people and beam away anyone who didn't sign up. As a result events are exponentially harder to keep control of as number of participants increases.

(07-11-2015, 09:01 PM)Thunderer Wrote: I'm for 3.

By the way, what made special event servers disappear? I think there would be much less lag on such.
Trust me, there wouldn't be. 60 player events are like 90% of the source of the lag on the main server, the remaining 10% isn't big enough gain to justify the expenditure. It's better to have them on main.

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Connor - 07-11-2015

Might be a really long and hard way around things but is it possible to make an "Event" system where we can do mass things in it? Or make duplicate systems of the system where the event is meant to be held and the only way to get ships there is to beam them? Or would that be to hard/unnecessary work?

RE: Balancing numbers in events - Deeceem - 07-11-2015

Honestly, the thing is: If the majority of participating players would care enough about even numbers and "fair" fights this thread wouldn't be needed.