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Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Printable Version

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Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - DiogoBett - 07-13-2015

Hey guys! I haven't played Freelancer in almost 2 years... I still have Vanilla Copy of Freelancer but it isn't installed, i found the discoveygc website on my old Favourite Bar.
I would like to start playing again! (Even though i probably don't have my ships anymore) But i need an Update and some Help! One question: Do Gallics (Or French, i don't remember the name) still own part of Bretonia? :o Are there some new full of profit trade routes? xD Anyways... Thanks for reading!

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - OrionPew - 07-13-2015

they pushed into bretonia pretty hard. if your part of USI, contact me in the skype chat.

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Techpriest - 07-13-2015

Junker Congress got rekt with Solaris nerf, Premium Scrap's price nerf, jumpdrive nerf.

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - DiogoBett - 07-13-2015

I just started playing from 0 guys... Can anyone tell me how to earn money? :|

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Techpriest - 07-13-2015

yee you may join LPI- and earn $$$

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Maskage - 07-13-2015

Well I must admit LPI doesn't exactly make the most money but we do need people.

For making money your best bet is this

these are the uber trade routes that have the highest profit per second, they are temporary and when this one dissapears a new one is posted in the same thread. So you could mine helium in pennsylvania until you get a transport then start running those ones...

then later when you want to smite all evil and bring justice to liberty (or die horribly in the attempt) apply here

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Traxit - 07-13-2015

Another Doge has returned...

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Connor - 07-13-2015


Hey there. Welcome back to the mod! It's always great to see people returning back. There are quite a few people willing ot help you, especially my Angels. These are the guys in white and are very experienced. All of them are willing to help. If you take a look here you'll find all the guys in white who are willing to help at a moments notice! I suggest getting in contact with one of these:


As they are often about lurking on the forums. I'll direct them here for you, they can be your personal assistants!

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - DiogoBett - 07-13-2015

@Traxit It's good to meet a fellow doge...

@Snoopeh Thank you dude! Iv' currently joined the USI and they've teached me the routes and how to make money again! I'm quite happy already by returining to the game Smile

RE: Hello! I don't play in 1/2 Year(s)! Need an Update and Help please! - Foochow - 07-13-2015

@Foochow lurks in (bandit)

Howdy there mate! I'm hereby summoned by my Orange Lord, @Snoopeh to assist you.

Anyways, I'm here to help you with anything you need! Feel free to toss me a PM or add me on Skype (stefixsrb). I'll be more than happy to answer your questions! Cheers!
