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Greetings to you - Printable Version

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Greetings to you - Deiran - 10-20-2008

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen... *facepalms* ah, hello there!

I have many names everywhere, but as always, I chosen a different one here as well. Why? I say, being in a new world means being a new person, or a much older, a long dead one (like this time). Sound ridiculous? Well, if you say so. Apart from my name, I think I started to play Freelancer before the "final fall of the Anvil", but looks like it took awhile to find a place I could fit to (not the place to fit to me). Some months ago, my big brother suggested to try Discovery... Well, I arrived yesterday and it took only not even an hour to find interesting people. Well, the first person I talked with on private com is named Badlands, he's new here too. The first person I talked with, is the captain of the Nevada (if I remember correctly). And there is the first faction I found intriguing: the Junker Congress. And the very first Admin I seen online and heard talking is Fellow Hoodlum.
Well, Junkers were already my favorites, so it was a quick but a very good decision to accept an offer of someone who is called my sponsor, also known as Adjucator Adrian Morvayn. Well, I think I need to post somewhere regarding the recruitment. And I already got into trouble within hours, si I would think before planning to go looking for precious scrap out there in the Edge Nebulae (not to mention the map). Hope this wouldn't end my existence here. Oh, one more thing: I learn fast.

So greetings to the Admins, the Pilots, and all the fellow Congressmen of Sirius.

Greetings to you - Serpentis - 10-20-2008

Welcome To Disco;)

And Hi to a fellow congress member then;)

Have fun, stay Inrp and stay away from the BH:P

Greetings to you - Deiran - 10-20-2008

Thank you for the welcome, Solrais.

Oh, I read other topics, so I state: I already read the rules. And of course, I hope, I would be a valuable member of this community.

Almost forgot... is my signature acceptable, or too big?

Greetings to you - Serpentis - 10-20-2008

Solrais? o.O

Alrighty, well I hope youl have fun here and the sig is a little to big, max is 250*700 ^^

Greetings to you - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-20-2008

Welcome to the server,
Read the rules, have fun, and rp properly.
If you have any problems, pm me and enjoy your time here on the server:D


Greetings to you - Deiran - 10-20-2008

Thank you for posting, Saigo. Well, your name rings me a bell, perhaps my brother mentioned your roleplaying qualities before, I'm not sure. It's nice to meet you.

Oh my! Solaris, my apologies...

Actually, are there people making signatures?

Greetings to you - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-20-2008

Woah, someone likes my rp? im honoured, anyway try Serp for sigs, he'sss good, but he might be a bit busy atm, well hes ill :/
Who's your brother then? :O

Greetings to you - n00bl3t - 10-21-2008

' Wrote:Oh my! Solaris, my apologies...

Serpentis? :lol:

Anyway, welcome to Discovery:)

It appears you have joined a faction, so buying a capital ship should bring you no problems.

You also appear to have experienced RP and have been giving people an experience of yours, well done.

I doubt you will need it, but if you do, PM me with any questions.

Have fun, the Junker's Congress will take care of you.

Greetings to you - swift - 10-21-2008

Welcome to discovery and enjoy your stay;)

Greetings to you - Deiran - 10-21-2008

Serpentis: Sorry, I wanted to tell that I meant Solaris by Solrais, still I know you're Serpentis, but at the moment somehow I forgot to post it as well.

Saigo.Watanabe: I don't know what characters he has, because I use a different account. Perhaps I would check them if he approves, well I even don't know his account here. Perhaps he would show up soon.

n00bl3t: Thank you for the welcome. Well, I'm not sure about my roleplay, it's mainly based on Vanilla story and bar rumors, but Discovery is a bit different I believe. About rp, is anyone flyes around as Trent's ex-girlfirend, Vanessa? If not, it would be interesting to play a girl looking for Trent to fix his face, haha.

swift: Thanks for the welcome.