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To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unencrypted. - Printable Version

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To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unencrypted. - Sarawr!? - 07-20-2015

PRIORITY: ------------
TARGET ID:Libertonian Public Relays; Forces of "The Commonwealth of House Liberty".
SUBJECT: ------------
SENDER ID: Vice Admiral Rachel A Baker, First Fleet, Liberty Navy.

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I'm not speaking to you tonight as an Officer of the Armed Forces Of The Republic, despite the fact that my communications credentials are that of a Naval Officer. Tonight I am a concerned citizen of Liberty, sharing my opinion and shedding some light on this so called Commonwealth.

In twenty two years what exactly has "The Commonwealth" accomplished? Their "Military", The Hellfire Legion, has done nothing except spill the blood of brave Libertonian soldiers and defenseless civilians through countless acts of utter barbarism, including the complete destruction of crippled ships incapable of fighting.

Should we simply forget the way of the Hellfire Legion now that they've given themselves some fancy new name? I say to hell with that!

The Government of The Republic of Liberty already provides the following:
- A Nationalized Healthcare Program accessible to each and every Citizen of The Republic.
- Government funding for Secondary Education, provided applicants meet educational requirements.
- Equal Civil Rights for all, regardless of race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, and so on.
- Dozens Of Social Welfare Assistance Programs for those who struggle economically.

Legionaries! You fight for nothing, your cause is a fallacy, and your leaders are deluded...seeking only to seize power as the world around them stands at the edge of chaos!

Those of you raised in The Republic should well know all of this, so why do you continue to believe the lies and vitriole of TYRANTS who fancy themselves the leaders of a "Commonwealth".

It may not be perfect, but the system in place now is far from the "crumbling husk" that the leaders of your "Commonwealth" would have you believe it to be!

This "Commonwealth" is not a nation, and none of you should be willing to die for the lies of traitors and cowards. Sit and ask yourselves, do you really have faith in their ability to run a nation with billions of citizens? Do you really think that it would end in anything but chaos, were you to try and replace the entire military and government of The Republic?

I mean come on! Do you really believe that a handful of space stations scattered across some backwater systems and inhabited by a few thousand people makes you a nation!? Do you really want to die fighting for things that The Republic already strives to provide for it's citizens, regardless of their economic or social standing?

You do not have the capacity to stand against The Republic in a full scale war, and were Fleet Admiral Davies to give the order, The First Fleet alone could lay waste to every single facility your "Commonwealth" has laid a claim to, but that isn't how The Republic handles things.

Were it not for your position in Magellan, your ragtag band of rebels would not be worth the effort to begin with. Oh and that's right, don't be fooled, that IS all that you are; a ragtag band of rebels that fashioned itself some fancy titles and a vastly inflated sense of self-importance.

Toss away your weapons and surrender while you can, while there's hope for you to return to living normal lives.

Vice Admiral Rachel A Baker, Out.


RE: To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unen... - TheJarl - 07-20-2015

[Image: dR36N4u.png]

Vice Admiral,

Like you I am not speaking today as a pilot of the Hellfire Legion. I speak as a Libertonian who finally sees his dreams of freedom and justice coming a wee bit closer. I do not doubt however that we still have a long way to go.

Let me introduce myself first. I am Tharog Frosthearth, a former customs officer. Some years back I hosted a popular radio show on Hell FM. I'm a bit of a softy according to some, but your insults truly made me angry. It's disrespectful to all of those who gave their lives for the cause. Who were betrayed by your Navy and by the Republic.

Now to get to the point: do you really believe what you say? You live in a nation that has gone so far as to privatise their police force. I think that indicates rather well what we can expect when it comes to social security. The Republic is crony capitalism on steroids, everyone knows it.

Someone in your position however knows all too well that the Commonwealth is about a lot more than some social reforms. The Commonwealth has been established by the Hellfire Legion and the Legion fights against you, the navy, and for the people of Liberty. We are no terrorists spreading chaos and destruction. We fight to do what the authorities fail to do.

It's that what makes your claim that we could easily be wiped out rather... laughable. You who could not destroy the pitiful thugs that are the Liberty Rogues, the arrogant bandits of the Lane Hackers. You who stand bye and watch as the Junkers spread crime across Liberty, pollute it with drugs. You do nothing. You are incapable of doing anything and yet you claim you could easily wipe us out? The fact that you are incapable of doing so is why we exist in the first place. Liberty has become weak and infested with crime. We seek to cure it and make it healthy and strong.

And you portray the Commonwealth as violent power hungry maniacs. Ha! You know that could be very much the case if it wasn't for the fact that the Commonwealth held democratic elections amongst its citizens and those democratically chosen in the end have power over the Legion rather than the other way around and as opposed to what seems to be the case with the Republic and its navy.

The Commonwealth is our home within the flames. And those flames will protect it from any who seek to do its people harm.

I am a peaceful man as many can confirm. But I will fight for my believes if I have to. And your arrogant insults are the worst attempt at converting people I've seen in a long time.

Libera te ex inferis!

Star Captain Tharog Frosthearth

[Image: gruQcOM.png]

RE: To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unen... - Sarawr!? - 07-20-2015

PRIORITY: ------------
TARGET ID:This Frequency, Tharog Frosthearth.
SUBJECT: ------------
SENDER ID: Vice Admiral Rachel A Baker, First Fleet, Liberty Navy.

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Oh, I've no wish to convert anyone. Your so-called Commonwealth is an affront to everything I believe in as a person and that, Mister Frosthearth, is why I sent my initial message.

In fact, the Privatization of the vast majority of Liberty's police forces in space, and on our planets is something of great concern to me. My father was the head of a small precinct in Central City on Planet Los Angeles, when I was growing up. With the rapid expansion of LPi, the municipal government elected to have them take over the responsibilities of policing. I've seen firsthand the negative effects that Corporate Influence can have on the average Libertonian, and on government.

If the Navy actually held power over the government, as you seem to be insinuating, I'd absolutely disband any privatized police forces existing within Liberty, and have their assets nationalized so that they could be held accountable to the people. However, that isn't the case -- and I have no desire to see The Republic become a Military Dictatorship.

I agree that government reforms are needed, and thankfully, this year is an election year. If you were a legitimate political party dedicated to reforming the Far-Right Economic Policies that give Corporations in Liberty the level of power and influence that they enjoy, instead of a group dedicated to "Armed Struggle" I might even be inclined to support you.

Instead though, you've taken up arms and declared that all those who wear uniforms of blue emblazoned with the flag and seal of The Republic, are your enemies. You say that The Navy does nothing and yet many Libertonian soldiers have died, their lives given to the defense of our spacefaring citizenry against Rogues and other threats.

As for the Junkers, believe me, if I had my way...we would have nullified any legal protections they enjoy and evicted them from our territories a long, long time ago. Again though, The Republic is not a military dictatorship, and our Armed Forces cannot simply do whatever they want to whomever they want.

The Republic isn't perfect, no government ever is; but I honestly believe that the ideals of The Republic, and the extremely progressive social policies that the average citizen benefits from on a daily basis, are worth fighting for.

I took an oath to defend The Republic and her Citizens from all enemies, Foreign AND Domestic, and I will continue to do just that.

Vice Admiral Rachel A Baker, Out.


RE: To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unen... - Jihadjoe - 07-20-2015

PRIORITY: ------------
TARGET ID: Liberty Public Broadcast relays.
SUBJECT: An open transmission to the 'Commonwealth of Liberty'
SENDER ID: Fleet Admiral David Hale (Ret.)

Good evening.

I address this not only to those who align themselves with The Commonwealth of Liberty, but also to those whose duty it is to protect The Republic of Liberty - Our government, our military institutions, our police force, those good citizens who pay their taxes and obey the law and those people who perhaps do not behave in accordance with the law. Further, I extend this to all those who view themselves as political criminals.

While Vice Admiral Baker is someone who I regard as a good friend and an extremely well respected former colleague, I would like to offer a somewhat different outlook.

Changing your name does not make you a nation. Giving yourself the name 'Liberty' does not make you into the house, or even something to challenge it.

Now, I'm a man who has been called 'corrupt' and 'inept' more times than I care to count, not least by those within your ranks. Sadly the hopes of those who have thrown such words in my direction have always been dashed by me getting the job done and not taking bribes - However imperfect I may be... And believe me, I am an imperfect man.

Just as I am imperfect, Liberty is also imperfect - It is, after all, a man-made construct, just like your own Commonwealth.

No system that is put in place, no statement of policy, no ideological rambling, will safeguard a people against a future tyrant. These things are fluid - Ideology can be interpreted in as many ways as there are people to interpret it, policy will always have loopholes, the intention of a constitution will always be forgotten over time, to be replaced by a tyrannical implementation of its words. It's a sad truth, but one that must be recognised; There is no political environment which can be safe for a people forever. The Republic of Liberty and the Commonwealth of Liberty are both the same in this regard... There's really not much in a name.

However, a nation that is founded upon a (para)military - or terrorist - organisation, is far more likely to head down the path of totalitarianism, rampant belligerance and militarism than one that was founded in peace. I appreciate that strength is a necessity for safeguarding against abuse in the short term, but the first line of that comes not in the form of warships and rifles. Instead it is found in words and thoughts, education, knowing, awareness, learning and complete engagement with the process of living with others, as one does by definition when a citizen of a nation.

In my previous role, I endeavored to make myself redundant - To make my position completely unnecessary, to put Liberty, and indeed Sirius, into a situation where force of arms was no longer the checkmate move in any international disagreement... Only then would the people really be safe from potential abuse. This was, of course, an impossible task, but one for which I strived nonetheless.

Ultimately, you stand in poor imitation of an imperfect system. The martial focus of your tiny new-born nation will likely be its undoing. Setting yourself up in direct opposition to another is never going to foster the sense of solidarity between all Libertonian people, which surely is the very thing needed to prevent the tyranny you say you stand against. Instead you are driving a wedge between those who support you and those who do not. This is not an effort at productive dialogue - This is not a peaceful means to a better society. Instead it is an inflamatory move by a group founded in violence, agression, and in my opinion unjustfied bitterness.

The accusations your group has historically levelled against Liberty are extremely subjective at best. Additionally, the ideology proposed has ranged across the political spectrum as leadership of your group has changed and altered. The Hellfire Legion stands less for a cause, and more for those who sadly have been left behind by a system that for all its great qualities, has failed them - as any man-made construct will. But the fact your group has accomodated the political extremes of the Xeno movement including the neo-fascist ideology they represent, and has now done a u-turn to push the economic left and socially liberal, the inclusive, leads me to believe this group is less about upholding an ideal, and more about kicking against a system. Standing against something is necessary at times, but to be productive, one must also stand for something concrete. Flipping between political extremes and more moderate policy, promoting two mutually exclusive ways of life in short succession, pulling in a rag-tag and eclectic group of rebels and agitators, is sure to end up in a conflict of opinion, fracture and dischord. This is not how nations are formed.

While I am no longer in a position to demand you lay down your arms, I ask it of you now. If you wish to engage in the democratic process, then that is always open to citizens of the Republic of Liberty. Protest and political opposition are catered for and indeed necessary within our political system - And that is easily forgotten by angry people. Please, take a moment to put down the pitchforks and torches and look around you. Take a long and hard look at the thing you have chosen to fight against, and see that had you not taken up arms, there would be no fight. Your opinions and concerns would be treated as legitimate, if presented articulately and well, with sound reasoning. It is difficult to enter a discourse such as this, I know, but the results would be far more stable than the results of an angry outburst and violent revolt.

If you wish to lay down your lives for a cause fueled by rage, then that is your choice, but I ask you to soften before that one life you have ends in a futile struggle against a far stronger enemy, who could have been your friend.

I've fought many wars, and have done so with great sadness. I can only imagine the sadness in fighting a lost cause, as you have set out to do.

~ Fleet Admiral David Hale (Ret.)


RE: To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unen... - Yoshida - 07-22-2015

[Image: w8eVlaW.png][Image: GrsS6Am.png]

The Lane Hackers would like to congratulate Vice Admiral Rachel A. Baker for her bravery to speak publicly about several controversial issues despite her sensitive wartime position.

All private organisations seek to make bigger profits, expand and remain competitive. Subsequently, the tactics and methodology of the private mercenary force called LPI is no different. However the police force of a House can really work on a corporate model? And who pulls the strings of LPI in that case? As with every other private business, the shareholders are. Namely the Independent Neuralnet Division as well as other mega-corporations. That is fundamentally against every market law of this House and Admiral Baker had the courage to touch this issue and reveal the truth. For that she has our respect and if you do not want to hear it from us, listen it from your wartime Admiral.

However Rachel Baker I would like to give you a word of caution, after witnessing your sympathy towards the ideology of the Hellfire Legion, which undoubtedly several other Naval officers also share. The Legion is not what it used to be. After they betrayed the Lane Hackers and found their new sponsors in the Xenos, their agenda was also modified. They are now nationalists, and nationalists belong to the far-right...

Kind regards,
Goro Yoshida

RE: To: The "Commonwealth of House Liberty" From: VADM Rachel Baker. -- Unen... - TheJarl - 07-22-2015

[Image: dR36N4u.png]

Good afternoon,

Both of you admirals seem to imply that us taking up arms was a choice. It never was. I suppose Admiral Hale is not entirely wrong in his observations, I suppose. We are indeed a group of people left behind by the system. It is indeed that unites us, rather than a narrow political ideology. I do not see that as something that discredits us, quite the opposite.

The Commonwealth is not a political party that wishes to force ideas on others. The Commonwealth seeks to alter that system mentioned before. We are left behind by not simply a slightly imperfect system, but rather one deeply flawed. Admiral Hale, even I am shocked by what you're saying so casually. Are the numerous Legionnaires insignificant to you? Are they not Libertonians? Are they not human beings?

And that's where the Xenos come in. I'll be honest, no, I do not personally agree with their methods, nor with their specific ideals. That's okay, because we aren't Xenos. What we share is that we have been 'left behind by the system'. The Republic's policies are the cause for their existence. We do not share their ideas on how to reform the system and so we haven't merged and never will.

Finally, on peaceful reform, I honest wish that would work. I even tried. However changing the system can not be done using that same system. It does not accommodate that option. Still, I personally always have been trying to stay as peaceful as possible and always will be. Spreading information has always been my favourite tactic. However a legitimate political party, and I did try that mind you, will never be accepted. After all, we have been cast out by the system.

In conclusion, we do not wish for violence, we would love to fight without weapons, but it is the likes of you who left us no choice.

Libera te ex inferis!

Star Captain Tharog Frosthearth

[Image: gruQcOM.png]