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TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Printable Version

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TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Pepe - 07-27-2015

|><| |><| |><| ATTENTION! ROLLCALL TIME! |><| |><| |><|

[Image: exu8.png]

Elder Deputy Alphonso Perez di Martino

Hola Hermanas and Hermanos! *nods*

Rollcall or say hasta la vista. We must know who can we count on. I added new line, very important for our future raids and events: time you can fly.

Quote:Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.:
Time you can fly, weekends:
Names of your TBH chars:
Ships they use:
Your untagged ships names:
Your skype nick:

We will kick some nice people out this time. It's temporary, really nothing personal and they just should PM any of TBHs whenever they feel like returning.

Di Martino over and out.

|><| |><| |><| MUCHO SNOW ON SCREEN |><| |><| |><|

[Image: d6bg.png]

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Acid Alchemist - 07-27-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: only after 16:00,UTC but depends on my internet
Time you can fly, weekends: All day,but depends on my internet
Names of your TBH chars:
Ships they use:
Your untagged ships names:None
Your skype nick: paulo.oliveirabr

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Clavius - 07-27-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: 20-22h SMT
Time you can fly, weekends: 20-22h SMT
Names of your TBH chars: Vreni.Volante and it's variations, Aniquilador, Arsenal, Falcon.Negro
Ships they use: Titan, Praetorian, Gladiator, Imperator, Centurion, Murmillo, Correo.
Your untagged ships names: /
Your skype nick: Simun.Henry

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Jack_Henderson - 07-27-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: rather flexible; European evenings are best
Time you can fly, weekends: rather flexible; European evenings are best
Names of your TBH chars: Arcelia Chavez
Ships they use: snubs only, mainly Titans, Pretorians
Your untagged ships names: -
Your skype nick: you know it

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Exterminator - 07-27-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: 19-21h SMT (Due to RL, I probably won't be able to play during the week at all for next few weeks)
Time you can fly, weekends: Most likely around 19-22h SMT, but I can come during the day sometimes, but with temperatures from hell here, not likely
Names of your TBH chars: Cesar.Gutierrez[TBH], Flipado[TBH], Musculo[TBH],[TBH]
Ships they use: Centurion, Titan, Praetorian, Armicustos, Raba
Your untagged ships names: Same old ones
Your skype nick: Exterminator

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Ivan - 07-27-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: european evenings
Time you can fly, weekends: european evenings
Names of your TBH chars: Rodrigo Mendoza
Ships they use: Rodrigo.Mendoza[TBH], Boveda[TBH]
Your untagged ships names: -
Your skype nick: Іван (Elven), id elven12 (out of chat)

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - An'shur - 07-28-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: 8-10 UTC
Time you can fly, weekends: Saturday only, 10-22 UTC
Names of your TBH chars: Jose Juarez
Ships they use: Jose.Juarez[TBH], Jose.Juarez'[TBH], .:Spartacus:.[TBH], Gordita[TBH]
Your untagged ships names: None
Your skype nick: An'shur

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - 9th.Legion - 07-29-2015

Names of your TBH chars: Allegro.Dominguez[TBH] , Allegro: Dominguez[TBH]
Ships they use: Gladiator and Praetorian.
Your untagged ships names: Cheeky.Waffle , Del.Diablo
Your skype nick: f1r3.f0x

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Kane182 - 08-01-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: It differs everyday, but let's say 19:00-23:00 SMT
Time you can fly, weekends: Same as Mon-Fri
Names of your TBH chars: Pablo"Zorba"Escobar
Ships they use: Zorba[TBH] (Titan), Zorbas[TBH] (Preat), Pablo.Zorba[TBH] (Decurion), Minotaur[TBH] (Imperator), Iraklion[TBH] (PirateTransport)
Your untagged ships names: - None
Your skype nick: zorbathekane

RE: TBH summer cleaning - RollCall! - Darku - 08-04-2015

Time you can fly, Mon. - Fri.: 16:00 to 20:00 UTC
Time you can fly, weekends: 16:00 to 20:00 UTC
Names of your TBH chars: Del.molla[TBH] , Jordi[TBH] , Antonio[TBH]
Ships they use: Gladiator , Pirate Train , Praetorian
Your untagged ships names: BlackBeard , Jordi
Your skype nick: you have it