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Forced to her luck - Printable Version

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Forced to her luck - Skorak - 08-17-2015

//Roleplay between me and Chrono

After Zoes encounter with Cayden she really wanted to rest. The alcohol really hit her harder than she expected and she really wanted a good nights sleep. She had to drop the box full of cardamine first though. No need to make staying on this station more risky than necessary. She went to her room to get her gun, no need to run around the hangars unarmed, even on a freeport.
Back in her room she thought about what happened before. It had been long ago since she had been talking to someone for so long. And the really had to admit that it was fun. She told herself to closer watch how much alcohol she would be drinking next time though.
After taking a deep breath she grabbed her gun and picked up the box again and moved to the hangar.

People were walking around the hangar as always and she really wonders about why someone is standing next to her ship looking in her direction. She stopps in her tracks and thinks about turning around but then deems it safe. The station being a freeport after all.

Which was a mistake. The man who waited for her was Marcelo Bloodrose, a maltesian of the Bloodrose Syndicate who overheard some other criminals mentioning Lyn at the bar. After asking for her his curiosity had been piqued and he decided to look for her and take her with him. As was the nature of a slave trading outcast.

With a smile, Marcelo bows as the woman aproches him. "Signorina, I apologise for my forwardness, but I heard the most enraging thing in the bar a few minutes ago. If you mind, could I ask you a something?" he says, his jacket open in a way that his Bloodrose emblem was hidden from view as any Bounty hunter would know it.

She looks at him, surprised someone would talk about her. "Excuse me, but you are probably looking for someone else.", she says then wondering why he would know she was in the bar not even an hour ago.

"Hmm. So.. you were not in the bar with a man that continuously forced question on you that you did not want to answer? Such a man has no right to speak to a lady, in my opinion.", he says with a kind voice.

"W-What? This must be a misunderstanding. He didn't force anything on me. He is a... friend.", she says and smiles apologetically. "I guess I have to thank you for caring though."

He could tell by the way she said 'Friend', that she wasn't being honest. "Signorina, I am a very careing person. When I hear of a man that has caused a woman to cry, I feel duty bound to see that the man pays for such a thing. Is this man truely a friend of yours?" He asks, taking a step towards her, his eyes glancing for a mear half second at the womans pistol on her hip.

She makes a step back and looks up in his eyes. "It is alright. Really.", she said wondering what he wanted from her since she never saw him before.

Noticing her take a step back, he sighs. "Please miss, I am not here to harm you, I simply wish to know that you are ok as I wouls any other Signorina I see." He holds his hand out in a peacful, kindmanner, as it simply wanting to shake it. What she doesn't know is that his glove is equipt with a fast acting micro tranquilizer dart, just for cases such as this, when he would find himself needing to take someone prisoner, or to make an escape.

"I am fine. You really don't need to worry.", she tells him firmly.

"Okay, I can see that I am bing to forward. Please, have anice day Signorina!" he says, flexing his wrist as the dart fires silently into her left shoulder, not seen or felt. It would only take a few seconds before she would start to feel the effects.

"Yes. Good day. And...", she says and her eyes widen. She makes a confused sound and drops the box filled with cardamine, stumbling to keep her balance.

Marcelo quickly rushes forwards, spinning her arond, holding her gently yet firmly, one hand arcorss her upperchest, his other hand at her hip, pinning her right arm to her side, while holding her sidearm tightly, not wanting her to pull it even though her strength would soon run out. "Shh.. shhh, Signorina. Let it take you without resistance and the pain will be minimal." He says, an evil smirk on his face as he pulled her with him until he was leaning against her ship, with her back against his chest.

"Wha-What is happ-happening? Stop.", she says. Weakly trying to move her weakening body away from the man. She isn't able to properly focus her thoughts. And could only make a helpless sound when she wants to cry for help.

"You are being taken prisoner, signorina, that is what is happening. A bounty hunter as beautiful as yourself does not need to be fighting and kiling, but serving a man such as myself with her very body." He says with lust in his voice, grabing her chest now, sending chills through her body.

A tear runs down her cheek on her last attempt to break his hold. She can't believe this happening to her but she is getting weaker every second and her thoughts start spinning. Any second now she would pass out.

Slowly, Marcello adjusts his hold on the woman until she is facing him, her head leaning against his shoulder. "Do not worry, Signorina. I am a kind person. if you do as you are instructed, you will be well kept, if not, then you will be punished." He says, looking down at the box as he feels the beauty go limp in his arms. "Sleep well." he says.

It really didn't go too well for her from that point on. She was scared by Marcelo not backing off and her fear should prove justified. When she wanted to leave the maltesian drugged her and took her to his transport. Being imprisoned on a transport again, especially under these circumstances should prove to be one of her greatest tests so far. She should experience fear and embarrassment like never before. Now she was a slave and her freedom that had been so important was taken away.