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The Daily Log of Marcelo James Bloodrose - Printable Version

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The Daily Log of Marcelo James Bloodrose - Chrono - 08-07-2015

Log Entry 001
Well then... Where do I start? Umm, she's beautiful, that's for damn sure. She's not someone you'd expect to be collecting bounties, I saw her and... yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I should start from the beginning. We had just docked with Freeport 6, as usual, I headed straight for the bar. 6 has some of the best Tequila around and I wasn't about to miss my chance to have a shot or two.

I was sitting there, sipping from my glass when I overheard some obvious Pirates talking about some girl. First thing I heard was how hot she was and how much she wanted to kill them. I figured 'Bounty Hunter for sure', though for some reason I was intrigued. I asked the barman about her and he pointed me to his waitress Leah. After talking to her for a few minutes, I was out on the docks hoping to get lucky.

Believe it or not, she was there not even 5 minutes after I found her ship. It was a busted up old thing, Manta by the look of it, though the hardware slapped on the sides would have given even my vessel a run for its money. The girl however, was anything but what I expected. She was.. well, she's beautiful, no doubt about it. I started chatting with her, my mind racing as to how I would manage to capture her, though thankfully, I still had my special gloves on. One tranquilizer dart later, and she was in my arms. She never knew what hit her, even as I told her what was happening, she was helpless to do anything. Best 700 credits I ever spent.

She's currently sleeping off the tranquilizer in the ships VIP quarters... I can't believe I actually did it. I never thought I'd take anyone as a slave in my entire life, not with what my mother was and everything. Hmm... Mother. I wonder if she's still alive?

RE: The Daily Log of Marcelo James Bloodrose - Chrono - 08-08-2015

Log Entry 002
That girl sure is an interesting one. She thinks that just because she made a promise to Nathan, that I would let her go? Heh, she really doesn't know how this works. I caught her, and she will do exactly as I say, or she'll learn how mad I can get.

That said... I don't know why this is upsetting me. With a little coaxing, she did exactly as I told her, even if she didn't like it. I pushed her just far enough to see how she would truly react, and it surprised me. She didn't fight, and she didn't argue too much. Well... she argued, but she still let me.

I learned that Lyn isn't her real name either, that being the one she shouted at me through the door when I first spoke to her after she woke up. I'd heard that most Hunters use aliases, and Lyn Beaumont definitely isn't her name. Zoe... It's a beautiful name that fits her well. I'll have to find out her surname at some point... the real one.

*A few minutes of silence pass before a long sigh is heard*

God, why is this bothering me so much? I'm an outcast, we take slaves. We breed with them, use them in every way imaginable from work to pleasure and it's an accepted thing in my culture. I... I just can't shake this uneasy feeling. I know I've always looked down on others for doing what I've done, even though I trade in human lives to begin with. Maybe it's because I've never taken the time to learn the names of my cargo. I don't know. God this ticks me off!!

*A sudden slam is heard before the log deactivates.*

RE: The Daily Log of Marcelo James Bloodrose - Chrono - 08-18-2015

//please remove this post, NOT the thread.