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Division I-Can't-Count-That-High | Information & Feedback - Printable Version

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Division I-Can't-Count-That-High | Information & Feedback - Pinko - 08-09-2015

Division I-Can't-Count-That-High

ID/IFF: Xeno
Tag & naming convention: D?-
Fighters, bombers, freighters: D?-Office supplies
Transport & heavier: D?-DMV-Office rooms
Flagship: D?-DMV-TPS.Reports


The exact origins of this group are unknown for the most part. Rumors and evidence attribute them to be an obscure LSF Division whose identifications and registrations have been lost to the hells of Libertonian bureaucracy, the resulting loophole causing the formation of this odd splinter among the Xeno movement.

No longer restrained by any tapes whatsoever and given free reign over their actions, the Division would have fully embraced their new status and decided to play their part to protect Liberty under the cover of just another 'dumb Xeno movement'. Division I-Can't-Count-That-High (hencefort referred to as either Division ? or D?) was born, ready to serve Lady Liberty and its economy.

Of course, if this is even true, no one can really tell. They themselves don't care much.

Deception and ruse are D?'s weapon more than brute force is, despite the attitude they give themselves as a front. The least dangerous they look, the more surprising their bite is: more than one pilot's last thoughts were wondering where the Division ? went. They highly favor attacking foreign shipments as they firmly believe in their mission that was carried over from their supposed time in the LSF, and that Liberty can only grow stronger by dominating the markets of every Houses. They see the Libertonian authorities as misguided as best, and while they evade confrontations with their forces, they hold no love for them.

With the recent demise of the larger Xeno groups despite the threats at every doorstep of Liberty, Division ? grows ever more vigilant, expanding their reach and attempting to push their weight around to unify the different cells of the Xenos into one unified cause as the bastards Liberty needs, not the ones it deserves.


Hellifre Legions


Independent Miners' Guild
Libertonian Corporations

Liberty Navy

Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers
Foreign Corporations and authorities
Most other unlisteds


Lightheartedness aside (and intended), the group is a serious one and is always looking for serious roleplayers that just need to sometimes sit back and relax. Similarities to any existing group or factions are completely coincidental and unintended.

Feedback is appreciated of course.

RE: Division I-Can't-Count-That-High | Information & Feedback - |nfrared - 08-09-2015

Just curious mostly as to how this group will interact with XA, or why a seperate group is wanted/needed?

*Checks B.O.*

RE: Division I-Can't-Count-That-High | Information & Feedback - Pinko - 08-09-2015

No real reasons, really. I was planning on doing a lighthearted faction like this for a bunch of friends to just hang out in and relax. I, of course, respect the XA and its legacy, and by doing this we're not forcing our different standards on them. The last thing I want to do is ruin anyone's fun.