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To: BDM Direktor Volker Koch | Subject: Büro´s operation on Baden Baden? - Printable Version

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To: BDM Direktor Volker Koch | Subject: Büro´s operation on Baden Baden? - Laura C. - 08-09-2015

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[Image: Laura_Carsten9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Polizeidirektorin Laura Carsten
SOURCE: RFP Direktorium Büros, Bonn station
SUBJECT: Büro´s operation on Baden Baden?

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter direktor Koch, Polizeidirektorin Laura Carsten hier. I´m sending you this message to verify certain suspicious information and actions which involves person with Büro´s identification marks.

Few days ago I caught on my patrol ship named Hakkera_Endo which was carrying sorted artifacts. It was not even for first time. But now captain claimed that this is part of some MND operation to catch some terrorist on Baden Baden. After some arguing, he promised the MND agent will show himself and speak with me. That happened, but the MND agent in ship named Tialpoy with MND identification papers behaved suspiciously, for example he didn´t know name of his superior officer. You can read the important parf of conversation with both yourself...

I gave both benefit of the doubt but for future encounters we really need to know what is going on. So my questions for you are simple - is Tialpoy really your agent using very unusual procedure? Is there any operation like this conducted by Büro? And if ja, why polizei wasn´t informed? I don´t have to remind you that when we don´t know about it, we will treat the ship like any other smuggler and unintentionally disrupt your operation.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, polizeidirektor Carsten out.


RE: To: BDM Direktor Volker Koch | Subject: Büro´s operation on Baden Baden? - SkyNet - 08-10-2015

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Secured military channel

● RECIPIENTS:... Polizeidirektorin Laura Carsten
● SENDER:.......... Direktor Volker Koch
● LOCATION:...... Bonn Station, New Berlin System
● PRIORITY:.......
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● SUBJECT:........ Re: Büro´s operation on Baden Baden?

Sehr geehrte Frau Polizeidirektorin,

I have never granted such opertions on Baden Baden. Neither we haul contraband without special reasons and certainly not without to inform you beforehand, nor are my agents corrupt. Long story short, you were the victim of a terrible staged fake operation of a bunch of criminals with access to MND papers. Their assertions are ridiculous. Every Marinenachrichtendienst Agent should know his superior officer very well.

I suggest to put both vessels on the wanted list. If you wish, i will dispatch a small team of inspectors, who will assist your Polizei units in this sector of Stuttgart.
That's all so far.


Direktor Volker Koch
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: direktorzpui8.png]

Message End