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How do I set up a lan server? - Printable Version

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How do I set up a lan server? - Angelfire - 10-23-2008

I be messin around with the 88flak mod for a bit.

There is no SP though so the only way to mess around with it is to set up your own flserver and connect to it.

I start up the fl server and then start up freelancer but don't see my server in the multiplayer lan list.

There is a program in the exe folder that allows you to 'force' fl to find the server - how do i find my server ip address?

I know.... Anjulfoya = N00b!

Any help would be appreciated.

How do I set up a lan server? - Seth Karlo - 10-23-2008

Strange, it should show.

Try clicking Internet instead of LAN first, if that doesn't work download IONCROSS and use that to start Flserver, maybe that'll work.

How do I set up a lan server? - 13CentKiller - 10-23-2008

Its probably still blocked in your Windows Firewall. Or you server is starting incorrectly.

Are you using FLHook?

If you have Xfire, click the servers tab, and see if you can find your server under LAN.

How do I set up a lan server? - Angelfire - 10-23-2008

Iron cross starts up with the server.

everything seems good... nothing in my server list though.