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Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Printable Version

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Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Lupusy - 10-23-2008

Sorry I must be missing something...

Where is the boundaries of the BH's ZOI and why is it there..?
I cant pick up their ZOI from the stroyline... i must be missing something?

Im thinking in 485 BH capships wont be allowed of that zone but i dont know where the zone is. At the moment BH BCs can.. can go anywhere ?

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - pieguy259 - 10-23-2008

The BHG's ZoI is everywhere but Kusari (they aren't allowed past Deshima Station in Shikoku).

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Jinx - 10-23-2008

BHG can go where there is work for them. - that means - if there is business to be done, they can hunt it down. - like other mercenaries, they are not bound to any limit there ( rulewise ) but only RP wise.

but they have certain "fixed" and rather important parts.

- gamma is under permanent attack from the BHGs stationed at freeport 9
- house space is their ZoI, cause the BHG are bound to patrol the gates and the jumpholes
- Tau space is patrolled by them to ensure more safety against the outcasts

so - unlawful space is their ZoI more than lawful space. - cause in lawful space, the duty to hunt down a criminal is sometimes covered by the lawfuls. - so the BHG would not need to go to kusari for example, cause the KSP claims to have everything under control. - but they can go anywhere a criminal is.

if there is a bounty to claim - they can also hunt it in house space - sometimes even ignoring lawfuls intervention .... after all, its business.

BHGs will not go so far as to draw lawful hostilities towards themselves, but they might annoy the lawful forces and might risk a little fine if the reward for a successful kill is greater.

so - in theory, they got a limitless ZoI, cause the ZoI is determined by the contracts they pull. if a contract asks them to destroy the outcasts, they are allowed to go to alpha. - if a contract asks them to kill kusari ships ( given by bretonia - and cause the BHG is considered unfriendly in kusari anyway ) - they can go to kusari... etc.

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Lupusy - 10-23-2008

thanks guys...

in relation to BH BCs....

one further question -- what's to stop a player from giving himself a bounty to perform? that is -- if you have 2 ships in your account, ship A can give bounty hunter ship B (which is a BH Battlecruiser) a specific bounty to hunt down pirate craft anywhere anytime.

won't that just give the BH BC the right to go anywhere and kill any unlawful...?

the BH BC wont need to wait for a bounty from a third party...?

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - pieguy259 - 10-23-2008

Bounties are generally for everyone. Giving yourself a bounty really doesn't make sense.

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Jinx - 10-23-2008

the capships are limited to the omegas and omicrons. - and they need no bounty to kos a pirate / unlawful there.

the BHG can only use anything up to a gunboat. - giving yourself a bounty ( not one in your own head - but a real one posted publicly ) works. - of course you can put a bounty on someone and go after it yourself. - but you must allow others to go after it, too. - and you must fulfil the reward if its someone else that gets the target.

so - yes, you can place a bounty like "paying 10.000.000 to everyone for every unlawful kill for all eternity" - mind, you ll need a big wallet then.

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Rudo - 10-23-2008

Generally, Bounty Hunter Core ships are limited to the Omicrons, where they combat the Corsairs and Order in their quest to secure more Nomad tech. Corsairs and Order themselves fight the Nomads for the sake of limiting their expansion. Hunters just do it to acquire their tech and make money while they're at it.

In RP, it's very unprofitable to field a capital ship to hunt bounties. You have very high ship maintenance costs, not to mention a big crew to pay and feed. The only place where the reward is enough to justify the use of a capital ship is out in the Nomad territories.

Hunting player bounties in a battlecruiser is considered ridiculous, both by the general player population and in terms of RP. And setting bounties on players just so you can hunt them yourself is considered metagaming, which is frowned on here.

At most, you should be taking bounties in an Orca or Gunship. Most player-set bounties have ship type restrictions on them for just that reason -- using battleships to hunt a bomber is both unsporting and impractical.

To top it off, you'll have no respect when someone takes out your battlecruiser with a gunboat.

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Lupusy - 10-23-2008

i've seen lots og BH BCs in Sigma 13 and once I saw a BH BC (i think it was Amarantha) in Stuttgart chasing a pirate...

that was a few weeks ago...

the rules have now changed since then or where those guys out of order? I saw 2 BH BCs having a big fight with a number of unlawfuls (corsair GBs i think) in Sigma 13 then. The BH BCs won of course, though everyone was gracious about it.

i wouldnt seek sanction against BH BCs out of the omicron/omegas, but might rp with them in chat about their movements.

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - Jinx - 10-23-2008

we are messing up things. - we were talking mostly about the upcoming ID changes. - right now, a BHG BC "should" not be in the sigmas - but it can be, cause its rather a guideline not to be there..

however - if the pirates bring ships larger than gunboats ( in the current version ) - its natural that the lawfuls bring them, too ( if they do not have a bomber wing )

in the next update though - all that will be regulated more. - so unlawfuls will not spam the space with outcast destroyers anymore and BHGs will not counter them with BHG BCs anymore.

Where is the ZOI for Bounty HUnters.. and why.... - n00bl3t - 10-23-2008

' Wrote:The BHG's ZoI is everywhere but Kusari (they aren't allowed past Deshima Station in Shikoku).

This is the ZoI now.

They will change in the next mod, and will hopefully be clearly defined on the new ID.