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What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - Printable Version

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What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - Lupusy - 10-23-2008

now that we know that capships in 485 will not be allowed out of their ZOI.. and that BH BCs will not be allowed into Sigma 13...

does that mean that Harvesters will be generally unopposed in Sigma 13 when they bring their Talarca cruisers? I'm not sure what is the ZOI of the Harvesters or if they have one.. except that they are in Sig 13 fairly regularly..?

Can someone point me to a description of their faction status and what ships they are allowed to fly? I dont think they are an official faction but i dont know how to RP with them except to think they are some borg faction. being a borg im not sure they care whether they bring a taklarca or a gb...

What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - n00bl3t - 10-23-2008

They are an official faction.

The Harvesters are restricted enough as is.

What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - Lupusy - 10-23-2008

i cant find them on the official list of factions :/

im hoping their faction description will show their ZOI so i know how to rp them netter.

What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - chovynz - 10-23-2008

That is a guide. Nothing more.
The OFFICIAL official thread you want is the faction status post thread.
Post #34

What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - Dennis Jameson - 10-23-2008

The harvesters are pretty much getting their own cruiser in 4.85 (as far as i know) so all is going to be well and good for them in the next version.

What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - RingoW - 10-23-2008

I have read a story proposal where all Harvester will become inactive in 4.85 and will be salvaged by Junkers.:P

Seriously, they are getting their stuff. This will hopefully prevent misunderstandings as happened in the past.


What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - Lupusy - 10-23-2008

ah thanks

i always have trouble finding things in that thread...
i think i need to look at the search function ore closely..

What will happen to the Harvester faction under 485...? - Raekur - 10-23-2008

I think the initial ZOI for the Harvesters was going to be Omicron's, Omega's and the Tau's.
Granted my feelings on this is that this should only apply to anything larger then a gunboat.

As to the harvesters being limited, how so?
Through their RP they can build ANY ship they encounter or steal the plans to.
If they really wanted to push it this could also include building any weapon that they get there hot little hands onto. The RP potential for the harversters and what they would have access to far exceeds what any other faction could get. Its only the limitations that they place on themselves that limits them to something within reason.