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To: Jun Kirishiki || From: That Unnamed Outcast [[Heavy Encryption]] - Printable Version

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To: Jun Kirishiki || From: That Unnamed Outcast [[Heavy Encryption]] - "Seeker" - 08-13-2015

[Image: sYj3X1d.png?3]




To: Jun Kirishiki of the Sisterhood of Dreams

A hooded figure appears over the visual feed as a distorted female voice comes through the speakers.

Buona sera Jun Kirishiki, we met a few days out in space in the Hokkaido system. I was the Outcast that had been employed by the head of an important Maltese family to gather information in Kusari. I hope you are still interested in doing some work for the Nation of Malta as I told my benefactor of your willingness and it appears he might have some work for you after all.

There is only so much information about the current state of Kusari I can gather as an outsider, my benefactor believes that you and the rest of the sisterhood might be able to gather some intel on the subject that I would not be able to do so myself. However, as I said to you earlier my employer is rather… paranoid and ordered me to meet you in person in order to judge whether or not you will be both trustworthy and useful to him before he will be willing to enter a more formal business arrangement.

I propose a meeting on Freeport 10 in Tau-37, if you are interested let me know and we can make some plans.

--That Unnamed Outcast

RE: To: Jun Kirishiki || From: That Unnamed Outcast [[Heavy Encryption]] - Shiki - 08-14-2015

[Image: kGUHgi0.png]

Target Location: Approximating...
Encryption: Heavy Encrypted.
Sender Contact : Jun “Shine” Kirishiki.
Subject: <Unspecified>

“Good night, child of Malta.

I do remember our the first and last for now meeting well, the sudden and significant events like this one are usually well remembered. Nowadays it is difficult to surprise me with something and you did it. I need to remark that you continue to surprise even now. As you may have noticed, I'm going to be completely frank with you and expecting some of this kind from you. No I do not ask to take off your hood or call the name of your master.

I believe your employer have a good reasons to act in such specific way. This is specific of the whole Sirius and especially Malta. Even in Sol things were the same as I can judge from the history. But you still have to understand that I potentially endangering myself and the sisters trusting the female, which is good, but still only voice. What I 'm doing now is already inexcusable. Your words about paranoid Maltese power sounds usually, there is many of families doing things covertly, but this one could not even exist.

Why am I going for it, then?

A rational type of explonation will not sound convincing enough and... I believe this transmission is not about my personality. I just want you to understand how serious and sensitive is it to me and what I risk by trusting you.

As I said, I'm ready for a different kind of collaboration with you and your masters, as long as you are Maltese and following our common cause of spreading the Orange Dream in Kusari. I have many personal capabilities and sufficient influence inside the Sisterhood. Involving of forces and resources in the operations will come after the specification of the tasks. If we will reach an agreement , I can guarantee full dedication of me and sisters which will be involved.

Meeting is required, since you can never be sure that long range comms are sefe until the end. All of them could be hacked, trust me on this one. But I don't see the reason to meet in 'neutral' space, we can instead meet in lovely Maltese space. I would suggest the orbit of Planet Albegna in Omicron-80 instead of the zoner scrapyard that they are proudly calling a 'Freeport'. "

[Image: kXcUv78.png]

RE: To: Jun Kirishiki || From: That Unnamed Outcast [[Heavy Encryption]] - Shiki - 08-21-2015

Welcome to Battleship Matsuda transmission terminal.
... please stand by...
Security alert
Enter the the security system codes below
Identificator: KyushuGirl^67
...Retinal scan...
...Fingerprints scan...
Welcome, "Jun Kirishiki"
retransmit id3861056355602845
retransmission successful
shutdown now