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The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Antonio - 08-18-2015

The Magellan Battle

Gallic Royal Navy vs Liberty Navy and Allies


Date: Saturday, September 5th, 19:00 UTC
Location: Magellan, Sector E6

[Image: 0EHtFHO.png]


The Gallic reinforcements from the inside have finally arrived. After regrouping and gathering enough forces, they are preparing an assault on Liberty. The large fleet slowly moves towards Magellan. Bretonian scouts notice it and alert the Liberty authorities. They quickly gather forces and proceed to Magellan to fight them off. Magellan is a key point in further advancing of Gallic forces and Liberty must defend it at all costs. The whole system will be turned into a massive warzone for the upcoming battle.


The event is mostly meant for official and unofficial factions from each side. Bretonian factions might also join if they want to. Some of them include: GRN|, {B}, [LN], =LSF=, 5th, BAF|, [TFA]. Anyone is allowed to register but if you're coming in a ship not tagged as one of the factions described above, you will be placed as a substitute and allowed to participate if the respective factions lack in numbers.

Gallic Royal Navy:

1. GRN|RNS-Montpellier
2. {B}RNS-Tonnant
3. {B}RNS-Royal.Vauquelin

1. {B}RNS-Tenant


1. GRN|Charles.Roche
2. GRN|Aurelia.Landreau
3. GRN|Mathis:Launcelot

1. GRN|Bernard.Boucher
2. GRN|Yann.Devedjian

Liberty Navy and Allies:

1. [TFA]HMS-Caledonia
2. [TFA]HMS-Adlington
3. BAF|HMS-Harbinger

1. [TFA]HMS-Sentinel

1. BAF|A-HMS-Islay
2. BAF|A-Hurricane


1. BAF| George Teeze
2. [LN]-Johann.Anders


Gallic Royal Navy:
RNS-Archon - Cruiser
Meredith.Salenger - Fighter
Gallia - Battleship
BS_Galaxy - Battleship
Al.Founce - Bomber
RNS-Napoleon - Battleship

Liberty Navy & Allies:
Kalypso - Bomber
Placitum’s-Victus - Bomber
LNS-sasapinjic - Battlecruiser
HMS-Spearhead - Cruiser


1. You must register if you want to take part. Post the exact name and ship class of the ship you're bringing for the event.
2. No respawning. If you're killed, you're out. No returning to the battle again.
3. No running away from the active battlezone. That means no Freeport hugging or running to the jumphole(s). This also includes cloaking or jumping away to resupply and returning back.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Sebastian Nobles-Stirling - 08-19-2015

[Image: 8SpIqqJ.jpg]
[Image: FmvrTIS.png]
Incoming Transmission

Source: Kalypso, Magellan system
CommID: Commander Sebastian Nobles-Stirling

Recipients: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS); Liberty Emergency Comms
Info Copy: Queen Carina's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing

Encryption: Bretonian Diplomatic Standard
Priority: Urgent

This is Commander Sebastian Nobles-Stirling, BAF/QCP:

Ah em in intermittent contact with an unspecified, but lahge, force of Gallic vessels in tha Magellan system. They appeah ta be headin' ta California, but seem ta be stagin' south of the trade lanes for trimmin' formation. Ah regret tha Ah canna get close enough ta report accurately.

Unless othahwise instructed, Ah will subordinate mahself ta any Allied fleet tha responds. My Asset Summary follahs:

Name: Commander Sebastian Nobles-Stirling
Ship: Kalypso
Ship class: Waran SNAC Bomber

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Thunderer - 08-19-2015

Probably going to show up as BAF|HMS-Thunderer, a Dunkirk. I can switch to {B}RNS-Tonnant, a Valor, if needed.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Ace Razgriz - 08-19-2015

If all goes well expect [TFA]HMS-Adlington (Dunkirk Battleship) To arrive

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Antonio - 08-19-2015

Added all 3 of you. Also added an extra battleship slot as I have a feeling those would be popular. I'd possibly be removing the Cruiser and Gunboat slots if people don't sign up, but there's still a lot of time untill the event starts.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Traxit - 08-19-2015

GRN|Bernard.Boucher is my fighter.
GRN|Bernard,Boucher is my bomber.

I'll arrive in one of those depending on the situation.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Antonio - 08-19-2015

Added you as a fighter for now.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Apollon - 08-19-2015

[TFA]HMS-Caledonia (Dunkirk) will be there.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Mímir - 08-19-2015

Hey, nice initiative. I'll try to be there on my Lynx GRN|Yann.Devedjian or my Lynx GRN|Yann,Devedjian.

Don't kill me if I back out though, I'm bad at scheduling game time.

RE: The Magellan Battle - GRN vs LN and Allies - Darku - 08-19-2015

Call sign: RNS-Archon
Ship class: Cruiser