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Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Printable Version

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Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Redacted.Member1-2 - 08-20-2015

Kempeitai Interface
User ID: Accepted
Valid Imperial codes enterted
Inniating secure comms
Transmition in progress.

[Image: Command-HQ_zpsreophjq2.png]

Konnichiwa Agent Hideo

It has been some weeks since communications were last established this is partially due to on going operations within Kempeitai.

Upon your last transmission you requested some intelligence around the Kyushu system, Kempeitai has acquired your intelligence and an operative has been briefed and will be dispatched to hand over your intelligence. However there is a price for such information, the intelligence you are about to receive consists of valuable tactical information such as fleet positions, commanding officers within the republican fleet, and numbers of ships within the system. The intelligence report also provides you with an accurate picture of the state of affairs within Kyushu and how much support you are likely to gain.

As you are aware Kempeitai has long served our empire with the utmost loyalty, to ensure this intelligence is used for the correct purposes Kempeitai command will be dispatching an Agent to to a mutually agreed location where you may collect your intelligence. In return for this intelligence the agent in question will be allowed to operate within the squadron known as '343' where they can report your ongoing efforts directly back to Kempeitai until such a time Kempeitai can openly use it's assets for the purpose of re-uniting the Kusarian people under an Imperial government.

We have taken care to chose one of our experienced agents for this mission and their loyalty is unquestionable, they have been given instruction to follow any command given by your self or your superiors even if this means innocent lives are lost. This is to provide the utmost discretion between our selves and your assets.

There is no negotiations for this intelligence, the terms have been laid out to you. If you wish to gain an alliance for this cause this is your only opportunity to acquire it. This is a very large risk we are taking to form this alliance. Kempeitai will officially deny all and any knowledge of this agreement and you and the agent in question will be named as traitors to the Kusarian people.

You are required to contact Kempeitai directly via this channel to arrange for any collection of intelligence.

Tenno Heika Banzai.

Transmission Terminated.

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Redacted.Member1-2 - 12-31-2015

User ID: Accepted
Initiating secure comms, KPTI763 encryption
Time: 04:45 SMT - 23/12/822 A.S.
Transmission in progress.

[Image: 1EsOtRp.jpg?1]

Konnichiwa Agent Aramaki, or is it former agent now? I believe the patent they have given to you in the Naval Forces probably suits you more naturally than your former allegiance, isn't it so?

It has been some months since communications were last established. I believe this was prejudicial to our concentrated efforts of restoring proper "order" to Kusari. I hope this wish you held has not faded out like an ephemeral flame.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Amagaoka Hiroshi, one of the current Directors of the General Intelligence Directorate here at the Kempeitai. Outside of this secure channel, you shall refer to me be the callsign [Tenmon].
While the agency has changed many times since last time you were amongst us, you can say that I'm a person you can trust to get things done here.

The previous agreement worked under different conditions. Same goals, but from different points of view. The Agency lately has begun to feel the influences of the Republic bureaucracy, and the urgency to act before we become numb by the new status quo urges me to take matters into my own hands. That being said, there are still some virtues in this Agency that can be used for the honorable cause.

My agents have been spotting men associated with the battle group you're posted in, and it has become increasingly frequent.
We are getting the impression that the "exiles" as a whole are preparing to move into something big. And if we are aware, it wont take long for the brass at the KNF to notice, given some time.

The alertness of the KNF to the Taus is not surprising, but the state of paranoia that is building up amongst the ranks of the KNF can be used for our benefit. The Kempeitai is able to perform specific operations that can greatly contribute to the chaos of a surprise offensive led by the Imperial loyalists anywhere in Kusari.

However, field collaboration has been lacking, and information has been scarce from your side. I need to know more about what His Imperial Highness has decided to enact, and what forces are obeying His will and under what leaders.

Provide me with the finer details of any operations directed against the Republican Naval Forces and their puppeteers. The Kempeitai might be able to provide additional intel in return, and on specific cases material and infiltration transports for said actions. More direct actions can be considered further ahead down the road.

We don't know yet how long the Republican Naval Forces will be entertained in Nagano, but our predictions are that they will be able suppress the invasion eventually. If we let them be, they will secure their position well enough that our strength alone will not be enough to upset their dominance in Kusari. Time is of the essence.

We will work together towards victory. Banzai!

Amagaoka Hiroshi, [Tenmon]
General Intelligence Directorate, Kempeitai Agency.

Transmission Terminated.

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Char Aznable - 12-31-2015

[Image: IJdUMhh.png]

To: Amagaoka Hiroshi, [Tenmon]
Subject: Your request


I am shocked by your assumption that my dedication towards the Agency has faltered, but not surprised as it is relatively fitting. I was forced to start working covertly, without the guise of your leadership, as the fleet went into Exile and nobody knew if we were to return home again. Now, however, the situation has changed once again.
No, my hope has not faded. I will never give up hope, and nor should you. Kusari will see a new era of glory one day, as long as there are hard-working men like us who work towards that goal.

Yes, your assumption is correct, time is of the essence - and that is why we are on the move. And we will strike, very, very soon. The KNF might be paranoid, but I doubt they're aware when we're coming, and that there is still enough of us left to pose a threat. Your offer arrived at exactly the right time.
When the time is right, you will be notified - but so far, the Empire needs your influence. We need friends. Supporters. Suppliers. One does not win a war with battles alone, but with the hearts of the people burning for you. You have those contacts. Keep them, make them sympathize... but as you did mention something else...

The KNF does not know of our assault, at least I assume that this is the case. I know what the Kempeitai is capable of. Keep them in the dark until the very second we arrive. They will not see us coming that way, especially since our main force is doing something they will never expect. We will be carrying the fight directly to the Nagumo.

You could do us a second favor. There is a jump anomaly to Tau-23 in the Ohka Dust Cloud - we are considering to create a second front for the Battlefleet there. You know the Republicans patrol routes - relay them to us, maybe work with us in diverting them somewhere else, and we might sneak forces behind their lines while they're getting crushed at the gate.

And last, but not least: In the moment we arrive in the system, the Republic will try to deny our arrival, and our threat to their sovereignty. Make sure the message gets relayed to the right people. The people are waiting for us - make them know we're coming!

Good bye,
Aramaki Hideo

Kaigun Daii

[Image: 2QijZeC.png]

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-03-2016

User ID: Accepted
Initiating secure comms, KPTI763 encryption
Time: 00:24 SMT - 24/12/822 A.S.
Transmission in progress.

[Image: 1EsOtRp.jpg?1]

It is interesting to know that the 343 and the remaining exile forces are very close to concluding their preparations for the return of the banners of the emperor to his noble house. Kempeitai will try to relay any intel on defenses and movements we can gather, and send them through back channels on the civilian network. Our old JN21 codes are still from your time, and the KNF has stopped monitoring them for years now. You will receive the data through them.

As for supplies, we have access to some weapon supplies of our own, and we can request a gradual increase of them, diverting some ship worth batches your way. I'm unsure how far we can prolong that without needing to rely on suppliers outside of the government procurement. Same thing for ships, but I believe we can find some civilian suppliers who can provide good material discreetly. I'll make some inquiries regarding that.

I'm contacting the commanders of the KPT special reaction regiments in the planet side quarters to be wary of the pending operations in the future, and to elaborate plans for conducting sabotage and support offensives for the main imperial units, pending command from me and the GID on the situation. They will not win you wars against the main ground forces of the Naval Forces, but uncontested ground occupation and asymmetrical warfare are part of their specialty.

Finally, the diversion action you mentioned. I believe we can provide an window of opportunity for units to enter Kyushu system under cover without being barred by the regular patrols right from the start. We can inform the Naval Forces that we will be conducting special operations in certain areas that require no interference from their guards, and your forces can be coordinated to impersonate said operation. Details would involve - reads from some files and drafts - a bait operation on Farmers Alliance cells, using a convoy with unusually large signatures, in a less patrolled sector. With luck, we could pass some of your transports and large vessels as our own transport convoys.

I would require more details about this message you mentioned in your last paragraphs. You wish the people to know of the arrival of your forces once the initial attack is concluded?

Amagaoka Hiroshi, [Tenmon]
General Intelligence Directorate, Kempeitai Agency.

Transmission Terminated.

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-06-2016

User ID: Accepted
Initiating secure comms, KPTI763 encryption
Time: 21:24 SMT - 24/12/822 A.S.
Transmission in progress.

[Image: 1EsOtRp.jpg?1]

Evening Aramaki-san. I have brought some news that need your attention fast.

We have received word from most of the field units of the Kempeitai spread out Kusari. We have ensured the loyalty of the quarters on Kyushu and Shikoku, and they will be able to operate according to our needs on the ground. The divisional quarters in Honshu did not earned the same trust however, and while we have contained any leaks of our plans from our personnel, it has been decided to extract as many men and assets from the region before it ever gets on the sights of the Naval Forces.

A bigger problem comes in the form of the New Tokyo bureau, and the headquarters in Matsue Base, in Hiroshima. We have many agents that can disperse throughout the metropolis and lie in wait until the time to retake the crown jewel of the Empire. However, the New Tokyo Bureau contains many sensitive information and technologies, and it's imperative that they do not fall into the Republican hands, when they see us as enemies.


This situation demands a solution that you may provide. We need to quarter these men and their equipment somewhere out of the sight and reach of the KNF, and the same is necessary for our databases and other classified intel. Leaving them stationed on ships is a temporary necessity in the first 24 hours, but a stable base is paramount, the same way the imperial forces might endure the cramped cruisers and destroyers, but only if they have a solid station to return at the end of their mission.


The Kempeitai has made some inquiries with trusted contacts regarding procuring combat worthy vessels to replace the Naval Forces issued crafts. We found out that some civilian fighters from companies related to the Hogosha. Samura and others can suit well our needs. Unfortunately, our old partners trusted some influential directors in the past that are no longer among us, and refuse to negotiate with us new deals without some mediating influence.

I trust that there is men within the imperial forces with enough sway to persuade this merchants to comply to our requests. It is essential to have the Hogosha and any other suppliers to be willing to provide us as many support as they can, before the big push.


On our side, we have begun feeding false information to the Ministries of Justice and Defense, and providing the KNF and KSP with the fake operational data to disguise our actions. A unit is being assembled, and our best agents are being picked to perform the best results for your operation.

Amagaoka Hiroshi, [Tenmon]
General Intelligence Directorate, Kempeitai Agency.

Transmission Terminated.

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Char Aznable - 01-08-2016

[Image: VC7uIe2.pngd]

To: Tenmon
Subject: Cooperation and bases

Kon'nichiwa, Tenmon.

I will cut straight to the chase.
What you are telling me is both troubling and relieving news. On the topic of the final question in your first message: Yes. Once we arrive in the Kyushu system, I want Kusari to know that we're still alive, that their rightful emperor is still coming for them, even with all the setbacks. While I understand that you are busy with the retreating of assets away from the less secure bases, I would like you to saw the seeds of revolution in the hearts of the people.

Your request, however, is a more difficult one. I will be contacting a few people in the Hogosha and Samura, to make sure that you will receive a base of Operations, but as long as that is not the case, you can retreat your assets to the Battleship Yamaguchi. It is currently not fully staffed, as many of its crew are helping out in the preparations for Operation Kamikaze itself. Aboard the ship there should be enough room for now.

This diversion action you're talking about is a good Idea, and we should be pursuing it further. A small force could use the current disarray in the Gallic forces and sneak through Tau-23, including the Yamaguchi. It is a gamble, but it is a necessary one. Feel free to add Ideas to that, however, as careful planning is mandatory for a sucessful operation.

Until then!

Gokurousama deshita,

Aramaki Hideo

Kaigun Shosa

[Image: 2QijZeC.png]

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Redacted.Member1-2 - 01-10-2016

User ID: Accepted
Initiating secure comms, KPTI763 encryption
Time: 06:44 SMT - 25/12/822 A.S.
Transmission in progress.

[Image: 1EsOtRp.jpg?1]

Hello once again. I have received your transmission with the utmost attention.

The lack of suitable safe heaven for our background intel units will be a tolerable nuisance. It will leave us unable to demonstrate our full potential in code interception and decryption. Our men and combat ships will be accommodated on sections of the Yamaguchi, as well as any maintenance crews we can spare. Meanwhile we will redirect most non combat personnel to Tokai Shipping Platform, and hide the other ships somewhere discreet.

We have reviewed your proposal for the Yamaguchi infiltration, and found a possible solution to avoid most of the troubles related to the Gallic garrison in Tau-23. A unit of the imperial forces will have to meet us in Kyushu, preferably under the cover of larger commotion in Kyushu, and from there we can call upon the Yamaguchi and cover its passage to more secluded territory. The ship is not to go into a frontal assault on Planet Kyushu though, am I wrong? For it to become a base for staging operations, you wish to move it to a more secure location within Kusari. When able, have one of your men pass us the operations plans if you may. Then we can spin our web of lies around it, and cloud the eyes of the republicans and their lackeys.

A well performed operation will net us an near invisible movement beyond the republican frontlines. I cannot assure you that wont there be any losses if a mission goes less than perfect. Losses for them at least.

Amagaoka Hiroshi, [Tenmon]
General Intelligence Directorate, Kempeitai Agency.

Transmission Terminated.

RE: Kempeitai: To Aramaki Hideo - Char Aznable - 01-13-2016

[Image: VC7uIe2.pngd]

To: Tenmon
Subject: Cooperation and bases

Kon'nichiwa, Tenmon.

Your last message is acknowledged and has been regarded for the plans we made for the Operation to come. I will notify you via a ping over this channel twelve hours before the Operation starts.

Gokurousama deshita,

Aramaki Hideo

Kaigun Shosa

[Image: 2QijZeC.png]