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Garry's Mod Screenshots - Printable Version

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Garry's Mod Screenshots - Ironwatsas - 10-25-2008

As you may or may not have gathered from such things as my avatar and various image wars in the Flood, I do quite a bit of Ragdoll posing and building in Garry's Mod, and have taken advantage of it for use in making images related to my Discovery RP adventures.

Since I don't have or know how to use Photoshop, and GMod is easy and more fun to use, I'm probably going to use it for a lot of my Disco related media. Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome.

[Image: ironwatsas2is7.jpg]
Watsas standing dramatically

[Image: nexushangarjt9.jpg]
Hangar-Repair facility

[Image: nexushangar2bkp7.jpg]
Preflight inspection

[Image: charge3eo7.jpg]
Cyborg Assault

[Image: gunposingqq4.jpg]

[Image: infantry1qy3.jpg]

[Image: morningstarpw1.jpg]
Air support

This was all made with Garry's Mod, and only Garry's mod. All of the special effects were made with Gmod's built in postprocessing, props, and effects.

Feedback is welcome.

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Jamez - 10-25-2008

That Combine Cruiser (Which I have hereby named it) is pro.

Garry's Mod Screenshots - teschy - 10-25-2008

I love the first one.

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Ironwatsas - 10-25-2008

Yeah, the Combine Cruiser I built on spot out of a couple of thumpers, combine shield generators, and there's a mortar in there if you can see it, then I put it up in the Skybox so it looks huge in perportion to the stuff in the map proper.

The laser effect was made with the rope tool, and a retextured lamp.

Also, the smaller 'gunships' around it are made from AR2 amo clip models and a tiny version of a headcrab cannister.

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Cellulanus - 10-25-2008

But... but that Valkyrie has no glass in its cockpit.

What happens when you launch?

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Ironwatsas - 10-25-2008

The glass is there, it's just hard to see through the DOF effect and shilouetted against space.

And the 'glowy eye' effect was made with the light tool and no-collided into the helmet.

Garry's Mod Screenshots - farmerman - 10-26-2008

Neat. Although I always imagined Watsas having more green. Like glowy green eyes. Of evil cyborg goodness!

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Zork - 10-26-2008

it looks very nice...

the hangar pic i like best

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Ironwatsas - 10-26-2008

Well, Watsas' photoreceptor can change color. It can also shoot lasers to blind opponents and send laser-based transmissions at stuff.

Also, I have done MOER Ragdoll posing. Mostly Gunposing practice, without a lot of the Digital effects.

[Image: boardingga7.jpg]
Watsas + Minions standing in some kind of boarding gangway

[Image: boarding2iy5.jpg]
Same as above, but from a Diffrent angle

[Image: mandownqv9.jpg]
"Coordinator; Personell located at grid 7. All KIA. All sweeper units, weapons live."

[Image: outbreakik8.jpg]
"Outbreak! Free parasitic! Slag it!"

[Image: firingsquadad9.jpg]
Above image, diffrent angle

[Image: nukesahoyrh6.jpg]
Larger version of my (as of this post) Avatar

Also, for the record. The blue thingy in image #4 is supposed to be a Nomad. I used a Headcrab, the ragdoll inflator tool, and the texture gun to make it look diffrent.

Garry's Mod Screenshots - Zygoeths - 10-26-2008

Wouldn't it be awesome if discovery introduced the combine planet XD