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On board the Sovereign - Printable Version

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On board the Sovereign - Aether - 11-23-2015

The hallways on board the carrier had its plating stripped, leaving exposed wires visible. Many of the rooms were stripped and replaced with massive server nodes. Others were turned into access points, offices and storage rooms. The hangar was filled with modified Suntinga fighters, identified as the Phantoms. Each suited to a specific role. The entire ship was lit by dim, blue lighting. Security officers patrolled the various decks in sophisticated armour.

One deck, under guard by more guards that usual, contained a room, stripped of furniture and sealed by a photon shield. Behind it, a younger Libertonian man sat on the floor staring out of the shield. Two guards stood on either side of the door. Across the hall, a pair of hospital beds were visible through the doorframe. One, occupied by a middle-aged man who had several prosthetic mechanical limbs and reinforcements. He was hooked up to life support and monitoring machines. He appeared to be in critical condition.

On the bridge, a man in a gray trenchcoat and fedora stood overlooking the Command map. He appeared tired, with visible stubble. The holographic display from the map displayed a small, featureless man. They were arguing for quite some time

After a lengthy pause, the man in the coat, Augustin Pierce, let out a sigh. He began to speak.

"Look, Ray. I understand, you've got security protocols, and I'd rather not have the engineers break your code apart for the blueprint codes. You're too valuable of an asset. So, we seem to be at an impasse."

The AI casually shrugged.

"You're caught between a rock and a hard place, as without authorization from Mister Hunt, you wont be getting the Dawnbreaker."

Pierce sighed again, rubbing the back of his neck. He disabled the display and stepped away from the table. He walked over to the intercom, and paged Stacker's office.

RE: On board the Sovereign - wanderer95 - 11-24-2015

Legs kicked up on his desk, Stacker was beginning to nod off in his sleep while browsing over various forms of requisitions and generic financial and maintenance reports. A loud buzzing came from his intercom and he fell out of his leather chair in shock. As he pulled himself up, his fingers hit the intercom several times.

"Go- Who in the-"

Finally managing to keep his index finger on it, he responded

"Yeah what's up?"

RE: On board the Sovereign - Aether - 11-24-2015

Pierce sighed, his finger pinning the intercom.

"That AI from the prisoner, its not exactly cooperating as you expected. Can you head down to medical and check on the bosses status? Seems to only want to listen to him."

Pierce released the intercpm, and approached the observation window, looking out at the Omicron Delta system.

RE: On board the Sovereign - wanderer95 - 11-24-2015

Pressing the intercom once more, Stacker replied.

"Right, well it's been about a day since we last checked. Let's pray for a miracle."

Releasing the button, Stacker gathered himself up and made his way towards the med-bay. Doors opened for him as he made his way past some of the over-zealous crew members throwing him salutes. Upon arrival at the med-bay he waved off a pair of guards standing by Hunt's bed. Accessing the nearby terminal, Stacker read through Hunt's vitals and logs for any significant change. He was however left unsatisfied.


He muttered as he reached for the intercom, switching to a private channel.

"I'm afraid I can't help grant his request Pierce. He's still out of it. You have any ideas?"

RE: On board the Sovereign - Aether - 11-24-2015

Pierce looked back at the holographic display, he places his finger on the intercom.

"I don't know... If his condition isnt improving, we might have to push forward that operation with the prisoner. You said its his son, right? If so, its the closest genetic mark we have for donors.."

He released the intercom, and walked back to the holodisplay, waiting for input. Before he could do it himself, the holodisplay activated, and the small man stood there once again. Pierce was a little shocked, but Sting Ray was still emotionless, and didnt react. In a mocking tone, Sting Ray began to speak.

"I see you're trying to revive Joshua Hunt, can I help?"

Pierce turned slightly scarlet.

"If you're just going to make jokes, I'll pull you from thst terminal."

The small man crossed his arms.

"Relax, get a sense of humor. I know what you're trying to do, since he built half of these systems. You honestly thought you could keep me penned up in here?"

Pierce sighed.

"No, I didn't. So, are you going to talk finally, or do I actually have to pull you and toss your digital rear out the airlock?"

"I'll talk, sure, but not about the stuff you need for your little project. The young man you captured with the Legion man, he's not Hunt's son. In fact, he didn't even know who Hunt was until someone told him. The kid has no mother, unless you count glass tubes as people now."

Pierce took a step back, attempting to process what Ray had told him. A minute of silence. Two. Then, it hit him. He was shocked, speechless and confused all at once.

"Y-you mean to tell me..."

Before he could finish, Ray interrupted.

"Thats right, he's your bosses clone."

RE: On board the Sovereign - Aether - 11-30-2015




RE: On board the Sovereign - wanderer95 - 12-07-2015

Stacker nodded and brought a second chair over next to Hunt's bed and awaited the arrival of Pierce. One of the doctors and a nurse arrived to take a look at Hunt's vitals although no significant change occurred at all.

"Would you like anything sir?" The nurse asked. "Coffee perhaps?"

Stacker pulled out a holopad, idly scrolling through pictures from his first days as a Legionnaire and graduation from the Academy in Guadalajara. "Maltese style hot chocolate with whipped cream." He couldn't help but smirk at the sight of his Prosecutor, the very same one which sadly was rusting up and collecting dust in the hanger, stripped of most of its internal components for study as well.

"Certainly sir." The nurse left as soon as doc finished his note taking.

RE: On board the Sovereign - Vendetta - 12-16-2015

Hunt lay still on the medical table, sewn up by the automated surgical equipment that dangled above him. Bits of bone, damaged internal organs and shrapnel blanketted a table on his right. To his left, a blanket lay over a body. Clearly, the man was dead, yet for an unknown purpose. Days had passed, waking up for the fist time to unfamiliar surroundings, Hunt was tense. Suddenly, like a punch to the face, the memory of what happened hit him. He jolted upright, making eye contact with an unknown man, and a more familiar figure... Augustin Pierce.

He opened his mouth speak, but the pain of moving so quickly hit him just as quick. He grunted, placing his unusually cold hand against his ribs, feeling the scars and structure of his body. It felt foreign, metallic, and unfamiliar. He fell backwards onto the metal bed, immediately regretting his choice as pain shot through his body upon impact. Relaxing himself, he let out an audible sigh, making eye contact with the two men in chairs opposite of his bed.
"How long?" He whispered, struggling with each word.

Pierce leant forward, placing his fist underneath his stubble covered chin. " Seven months, fourteen days, one hour." He said, standing up as he finished. "Its good to have you back, Josh." He said with a chuckle. Pierce slowly walked towards the door whispering to an armed guard something inaudible. He turned, walking to the table with the corpse under the blanket. "Luckily, we found this thing. Your little ace. You had a plan for everything, didnt you? Surviving something like that.." Pierce paused, slowly watching Hunt reach for his suit jacket. He laughed a bit. "Hell, a stubborn enough person can survive anything. Just proves you're difficult to kill." He finished with a slighgly uneasy chuckle, tensing himself over the corpse.

Hunt, hand filled with the grip of his sidearm under his jacket, face unchanged, stared at Pierce, taking in his words. His last sentence had caught his attention. "Difficult to kill..." He thought to himself, remembering the detonation of his prototype, Pierce was there. They were arguing... Pierce had left...Then it happened. Hunt's mind, recovering from being unconcious for so long, had put the pieces together. He had to act fast, remembering his encounter with Tuco Ramirez of the Violet Suns. "Just squeeze." He said. Before Pierce could respond, a single round flew through Hunt's jacket, hitting Pierce in the throat. Augustin collapsed to the floor, a pool of crimson forming around him, eyes glued open at the ceiling.

Augustin Pierce was dead.

RE: On board the Sovereign - Fuski - 12-17-2015

A few days after arriving on Navarro, Maverick is told by Jayse Maxwell that he's needed on board a ship called the Sovereign, the Initiative's Mobile Command Center. Maverick and his crew board the Cincinnati, all members taking positions at their posts, as Maverick and Sylus board the bridge along with the few men of the main command. Maverick Peers out into the orange abyss...

Maverick: It's definately different than the rocks and clear space in Liberty.
Sylus: Indeed. I'm not used to it.
Maverick: You could have stayed behind. You didn't have to join me in my mad escapade away from it all. I'm sorry I brought all of you into this with my own selfish needs and anger.
Sylus: I have nobody myself Maverick. When I signed on to the Navy, I was expecting to die. I wanted to. Untill you saved me. I'll venture to the ends of Sirius with you. Along with all of your crew. We're here for you. All these men have devoted their lives to you, Sir. Nobody wants to go back. I've spoken to each man myself. They, including myself, respect you.

Maverick pauses and just ganders out the window of the bridge. A still silent minute passes by as the crew awaits orders. The sounds of pings, tings, and the Humm of the engines starting up from the rear of the Cincinnati is all that's heard.

Sylus: Sir. The crew stands behind you Maverick. Lead us to our destiny. To our new home. And our new life.

The crew can be heard from all sections of the ship as they slowly start to chant Maverick's name. Maverick stands tall. Clinching his fist in front of him. The crew's chant dies down to a silence once more. Maverick points into the orange Nebula.

Crew. Onto the co-ordinates of the Sovereign. Move it!


The Cincinnati un-moores from the station and cruises off into the system. The ship alive as it ever has been with Maverick at the helm and a new found confidence knowing that his crew would back him in every decision. A couple hours inch away as the Cincinnati come up to the location of the Sovereign. The ship is large like the Cincinnati. Carefully, the pilots pull along side the ship. A landing bay extends, securing itself to the Sovereign hull, Pressurizing with Oxygen, and a gravity field activates to ensure the walkway is traversable. Cincinnati's engines come from the roar of power, to a cut of hum, to silence. The Spyglass still spinning, The turret's pointing off into the distance. Maverick, Sylus and a few men from the bridge move to the extended bay and cross into the Sovereign's third floor bay door. Maverick looks around, seeing only a couple of crew members and a few robots and automatons.

One such automated figure approaches Maverick and company. Addressing them and welcoming them to the good ship.

"*Hello, MAVERICK O'HOWELL and Companions. Welcome to the Sovereign. We have been expecting you.*"

Well. What a greeting. We don't even have that on the Cincinnati.

That's only because Liberty hated anything to do with Artificial inteligance, remember Sylus?

Yes, but... *points to it with a little finger flick and a slight one shoulder shrug* The rules don't apply to us anymore.

Oh. Right. The whole.... Starting over thing. Maybe we can get a few on the ship. Test run th---

*"Please, MAVERICK O'HOWELL, This way."*

You know it's rude to interrupt.

*Maverick, Sylus, and crew follow the Automaton down a series of halls, corridors, and bays. Behind heavily guarded doors and locked entrances. Maverick looks around and gets a feel for his surroundings.*

This place is tight on the lockdown isn't it?

It is. Hey, isn't that Pierce's fighter there? The Phantom-1?

*They walk past a hangar bay just before a few more doors, noticing the Sutinga fighter sitting within the docking hold. On the ship's side reading "Phantom-1".*

Well, I'll be. It is. It's the gent who invited us to come along. The guy who told me Hunt was still alive. I wonder if he know's why we're here.

Sylus shrugs casually as he pauses near the window that overlooked the bay where the Sutinga resided. Maverick and the rest of the men that came along, continue on down the hall through some passageways and down to a set of bulk doors. Sylus catches up and stands next to Maverick. Maverick stands just behind the Automaton with his arms crossed, as it presses a series of buttons and inserts a key like object just below the keypad. A light turns green, the doors hiss, and slide open.

The automaton moves out of the way, revealing a pool of blood that trailed off to the right, just past the wall. Maverick sees the red amongst a room of white and medical equipment, and grabs his holstered pistol. Following suit, Sylus and the crew brandish theirs at the ready. Maverick looks down and peers around the corner, tracing the blood to a body. It hadn't looked familiar. He slides around the corner, Sylus and crew in tail behind with guns drawn. There are 4 men sitting behind a table with a man laying down on it, next to the table, a coat with burnt hole in it. The men stand up and pull guns on the captain and crew Telling them to stand down.

What is the meaning of this?! Sylus, Check vitals.

On it.

*Sylus kneels down next to the body, placing 2 fingers on the neck, shaking his head to Maverick that the man was gone.*

"That... Was Pierce." Said the body on the table, Slowly sitting up and turning to position with his legs dangling off the table.

That voice... I remember that voice....

"Lower your weapons, Men.... *The man's bodyguards lower their plasma rifles off the crew.* "Maverick... It's been some time." Said the man on the table, standing up.

HUNT! YOU PIECE OF SH-- *The sound of the pistol, Maverick fires a single round at Hunt. Hitting him in the stomach, pinging off some plating but still hitting a bunch of nerves, bringing Hunt down to the floor.*

Agh.... Dammit....

*The 4 men from just behind the table move up and surround the Cincinnati's crew with their Rifles drawn on them once more, Hunt raises his hand. Issuing yet another stand down order. The men, slower than the first, lower their rifles off the Cincinnati's crew, Sylus gandering at Maverick. Such anger never emanated from the captain ever before.


hmm... Did you... Have.... *nnng* *Hunt tries to pull himself up before Maverick stands over hunt, grabbing him by his medical gown with a fist, rearing back and hitting Hunt across the chin with a heavy right hand, knocking him back down once more.*

THAT.... Was for me.

*Hunt coughs a little bit, Picking himself up off the floor, holding his gunshot wound and leaning against the table.* I guess I deserved that....

RE: On board the Sovereign - Vendetta - 12-18-2015

Hunt, in pain, stood up, facing Maverick holding a pistol to his face once again. He looked at the guards, the Cincinnati's crew, and Stacker, who had his gun drawn on Sylus. Hunt sighed. "Not even ten minutes up and I'm already getting shot." He thought to himself. He looked at Stacker, who turned his eyes to match Hunts.

"Relax. I did deserve that... I deserved worse. A lot of things happened to Maverick that I was partially responsible for. A lot of people died because of me, I don't blame him."

Stacker nodded, lowering his sidearm and gesturing to security to do so as well. Hunt looked over at Maverick.

"Look, I know that apologizing wont fix everything that happened to you, your crew, your ship... And I doubt you'll believe me when I say that I didn't know that thing would show up. I know you think its my fault, and it might have been, as I was drawing a lot of attention then. I'm sorry about everything, really, I am, but what happened in the past is in the past, and their lives wont be forgotten."

Hunt began to pace, continuing his speech.

"When I started my project, I set out with the intention to stop things like that from happening. To unit everyone against a real menace, but I didn't realize how close to acting like a psychopath I had become. I didn't see that setting out to perform a twisted idea for the greater good was doing more harm. I was lost in a pit of dark thoughts, and the man I just shot?"

He had paused for a moment, pointing at Pierce's corpse.

"He explained that to me. I believed it, and then he tried to kill me. On his way to the hangar, he triggered the firing sequence for the Dawnbreaker prototype, which I was lucky enough to be in the washroom at the time it imploded. I was put into a coma. I know Pierce, however. I had just hired him I knew his record, the things he did to further his career. He had a pattern, and he came back to the scene to make sure I was dead. That's how I got here. Why you were involved I don't know, but you're here now, for better or worse."

Hunt paused, stopping in his tracks, lowering his voice ever so slightly.

"You're all here because he thought you were someone of value, someone who could help him accomplish this idea. The Aegis Initiative lives on. Maverick, you and your crew came here. Was it for revenge on me? Was my name brought into this? Nothing I can say can fix the past, but you and I need to look towards the future. Humanity is in danger, and we've got the skills and technology to stop these purple squid bastards from taking any more lives. You, Mav', your crew, the security, Stacker, everyone, are here for their own reasons, but united we can stand against the Omicron menace. So either stand with me, or step aside."

Hunt immediately walked through the crowd, out the medical bay doors, to investigate his new home. Navarro.