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To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - Printable Version

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To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - Lythrilux - 11-23-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Chester
Encryption: Invincible


Before the neural net crash, my organization had sent you a transmission. Fortunately, I was able to recover it:

Nova Hawken Wrote:Greetings.

I am Guildkeeper Nova Hawken of the Core. You may or may not be familiar with my organization. The Core is a large paramilitary organization operating within the Edge Worlds, dedicated to destroying the evils of the Omicrons and Omegas and install law and order whilst creating peace for the Edge Worlds denizens. Notably, this also includes our battle with the Nomad threat - as well as researching their technology. If you wish to inquire further about us, I suggest contacting the Bretonian Armed Forces. We have already had a lot of contact between our organizations, and share close ties as a result.

Now, onto the matter at hand. If I am lead to believe correctly, Bretonia has laid claim to a system known as Chester. In recent years however Nomad and Wild presence in the system has elevated, making ventures into the system dangerous and a rare occurrence as a result. I hate to sound blunt, but if not kept in check Chester could be the starting point of a Nomad attack into Bretonia.

We have some useful data on the system, left by us by the late Guildmaster Stoat. Whilst his venture to Chester may have attributed to his downfall, it gave us a key insight into what the system holds. We request that our organizations may begin cooperation with each other, so that we may be able to defend Bretonia from any possible alien threat. We understand that Bretonia is currently trying to endure the onslaught from the Gallic war-machine and that your hands may be somewhat tied. To see one of our allies fall to either threat would be detrimental to Sirius as a whole. A report of this data can be compiled for your viewing, if desired.

We can provide agents to maintain an eye over Chester, as well as supply your organization with tools and equipment to use against these creatures. We may also be able to help against Gallia somewhat, however that is another topic for another time which we would discuss with the entire war cabinet in the future. For now, containing the rising threat in Chester would be a wise choice of action. One last thing: do not trust the Order. Those scum only seek to undermine the efforts of Bretonia throughout the war, and withhold it from gaining the technological advantages required to beat Gallia. We have sighted Order operations in Bretonia recently and I highly suggest you stay on your guard.

I hope this comm is received as it is urgent. I await your response.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - AlphaWolf215 - 11-24-2015

~ Incoming Encrypted Transmission ~
~ Pre-Transmission message begin... ~
~ "By opening this message, you agree that you will never share information on Bretonian Intelligence Agents, the contents of their messages, or their operations, unless otherwise agreed to by BIS authorities. Failure to follow procedure is equal to acceptance of subjects death warrant. Please do not compromise our Agents, and have a nice day" ~

[Image: 22ieWrg.jpg]

Good evening Guildmaster Nodtviet, and Guildkeeper Hawken,

I'll be rather to the point. I'm sure you can agree, there is little time to waste.

I would ask for a copy of the data you hold to be sent post-haste. It may be that we are on the same page, but it never hurts to take what you can get. If possible, a summary of the "tools and equipment" you reference would also be appreciated.

As a side note, If you do wish to provide military aid in the defence from Gallia, you will find myself, the Admiralty Board, and the Ministry of Defence to be your best attempt to formulate a working plan.

As a final note. We don't like the Order. Plain and simple. As far as Her Majesty's Government is concerned, they are nothing but the terrorists we are led to believe. We have seen no evidence to support otherwise thus far. Rest assured, they aren't welcome here.

I'll await your reply.

Central Intelligence Commission

RE: To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - Lythrilux - 12-01-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Chester
Encryption: Invincible

Greetings Mr. "C"

Attached is the log of the late Guildmaster Stoat in the Chester system. Unfortunately, his own personal guncams were lost but we do have the guncams of his wingman:

In regards to the tools and the equipment, the Core has the means to not only construct vessels, equipment and other machinery (for example military vehicles and energy field equipment) to help with the war effort, but we also can construct powerful equipment such as cloaking devices based upon the research we have conducted in the Edge Worlds. We can also supply you with research materials. We can supply this in exchange for supplies, credits or vessels/equipment from Bretonians side if they are able to spare any.

Our Military aid against Gallia at this point cannot be direct, however we can certainly notify you if we begin to see them conduct expeditions into the Edge Worlds.

Finally, I am pleased with your stance on the Order. Indeed, they are terrorists and should be treated as such. The Core will keep a watchful eye and will attempt to halt all Order operations within your space.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

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RE: To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - Lythrilux - 12-05-2015


RE: To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - Lythrilux - 12-13-2015


RE: To: Bretonian Intelligence Service - Lythrilux - 01-10-2016

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Chester
Encryption: Invincible

Mr. "C"

I'll assume you've heard about the recent news involving Newcastle and most recently New London. It seems the Nomad scourge is becoming unusually active within the Bretonia.

One of my operatives in Bretonia was able to catch the following guncams in the past month:

Quote:Nomad Entities in Cambridge
Another shot of a Nomad in Cambridge
Another one

Large Nomad Structure outside Planet New London

Further investigation into these sightings is required if we are to combat this threat. The answers may lie in the Chester system.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::