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To: Jared Nomak - Printable Version

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To: Jared Nomak - Aether - 11-27-2015

[Image: zv9gALm.png]

Mister Nomak,

I apologize, as our previous communication channel server suffered a malfunction. Yet, we've kept a record of what you provided us with. Even so, it was rather insufficient for us to determine our response. Until we can decide, allow me to offer our assistance. We have sufficient information and technology that could prove useful, depending on what you'd use it for of course.

Warm regards,

Augustin Pierce.

-|Signal lost|-

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Valhalla Rising - 11-27-2015

[Image: GcLfuOm.png]

Sender: Andre "Apex" Rise

Location: Assyria's Dawn, -connection.not.established-

Encryption: High

Mister Pierce.

Overlord Nomak has instructed me to respond to his comms, since he's way too busy dealing with things in deep Omicrons, and simply has no time for handling messages sent to him. I hope you see myself, his right hand, as important as he is.

Your interest in our group has been received, in both a good and a bad way. We have, somewhat, seen what you can do, and we've heard how well you're informed of our previous group. Yet we still do not see why, and where, all this interest in us is coming from. I am worried about that, to be perfectly honest with you. We have ran your name through our database and we've seen stuff we do not like.

We have been shot by your "friends", let's call them, in the past. I sincerely hope you're not gonna try anything that may backfire onto you and your group, since, trust me, you wouldn't like that, and neither would we.

We still want to know who you are now, and what do you want with us, since our last meeting was more or less an introduction. You offered us no info in return for what we gave you, and that's not how the world works. I trust you'll have something for us soon.

Safe skies pilot,

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Aether - 11-27-2015

[Image: zv9gALm.png]

Andre Rise,

I don't know what "friends" you are referring to, as our organization has had no direct contact with The Commune or the Samarran Raiders at any time. Individuals, maybe, as many of our operatives come from a variety of backgrounds, and it's likely some might have been previously involved with militant groups engaged in hostilities with your people. We have no intention of initiating hostilities with The Commune, unless the situation changes. Like I mentioned before, your intentions and future actions will set the tone for our response.

As such, with our operations expanding, I can provide some information on just who exactly we are. I am the Director of Field Operations for an organization called The Aegis Initiative. We've only recently begun operating in the open. We've spent the last year collecting information on various topics, advanced technology, blueprints, so on and so forth, for safe-keeping from anyone who might use said technology or information to do serious damage in Sirius. Many of our operatives come from backgrounds involving said technology and information, thus giving us an inside look and certain aspects of the data we've recovered. Scientists, Military specialists, logistics officers, veteran mercenaries, veteran naval commanders, private investigators... The list goes on.

We take all that data, information, technology, whatever peaks our interest, and we research it, improve it, and decide whether or not we can use it or if it is too dangerous to be in the previous holders hands. Of course, in order to operate safely in dangerous areas, like a war zone, sometimes we might alter the balance of a scenario. Further information withheld. Now, the offer stands. Cooperation could further both The Commune and the Initiative's goals.

I look forward to your response.

Warm regards,

Augustin Pierce.

-|Signal lost|-

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Valhalla Rising - 11-28-2015

[Image: GcLfuOm.png]

Sender: Andre "Apex" Rise

Location: Assyria's Dawn, -connection.not.established-

Encryption: High

Mister Pierce.

You really are a shady persona, aren't you. I have never heard of the group you mentioned, so I'd like to inquire some info before I do tell you what our opinion on you and your group is.

-- Who and what is The Aegis Initiative, and who is the currently occupying the leading position, if we may inquire such an information. A group has to have some higher meaning rather that just "collecting information, data and research for higher purposes". Even a group like ours has a higher meaning. You know it well.

-- You speak of your willingness to share information and research data. Why should we trust you, or whatever data you wish to openly give us. It may be a sign of good intent, but we're still cautious about you since we have no ground to rely on; We simply don't see why would you want to help us

-- I previously mentioned that OUR group of folk, most of which is now deceased, has been in situations in which they were fired upon by YOUR old friends, namely the Hellfire Legion. Do correct me if this information is wrong. I still am not sure if this information I got is correct or not.

That is something I would like to know about. I hope it's not much, since, we need to get some info before we share any more of ours. We are definitely interested in you mr. Pierce. We are. That's why we even bothered responding to this.
You know well that we are secretive, and just knowing of our group and goals means you are well informed. Knowing who our Overlord is could make you a target of assassination. But you are something else. You have me interested, in every aspect of that word. I hope you are quick to respond, because if I deem your answer worthy, we will proceed to something more... "benefitial", for both of us.

May the Anunnaki bless your path,

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Aether - 11-28-2015

[Image: zv9gALm.png]

Andre Rise,

Relations with the Hellfire Legion are non-existent. In fact, only two of our operatives are "former" members. Specifically, Alan Stacker and Operative Hunt. We do not follow Locklear or share the Legion's ideals. Said members, have discontinued all contact with any associates within the Legion, as per security protocol 271-A. I myself, was a Freelance investigator who.. Did a lot of unfortunate things that I regret. Things I don't talk about. Currently, the head of the Initiative is Joshua Hunt, who is currently indisposed. The Initiative is exactly what I told you it is, or at least, as much as we are currently willing to reveal at this time.

Let me re-assure you that our interest in providing assistance is purely beneficial to your goals. Despite this olive branch, you still remain cautious, which is understandable. We are an unknown. Unaffiliated to any house, an anomaly to say the least. One that's growing at an exponential rate. Our overall goal is to benefit mankind as a whole. Nothing more, nothing less. Maintaining the balance of power in conflicted areas. Hence our interest in the return of the Samarran's. You were... an unexpected arrival. Especially when arriving in Bretonia, which is currently the largest area of focus for our coordinators.

I hope you deem this response "worthy".

Warm regards,

Augustin Pierce.

-|Signal lost|-

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Valhalla Rising - 11-28-2015

[Image: GcLfuOm.png]

Sender: Andre "Apex" Rise

Location: Assyria's Dawn, -connection.not.established-

Encryption: High

Mister Pierce.

The Overlord has been informed of you and your group. Expect a response from us very soon. Let's just say you have poked our interest enough, that the Overlord has paused his research in the Omicrons and turned his focus onto your group. The names you mentioned are very familiar with me. Let's just say we've met before and those meetings were not very friendly.

I do have to say that you, Mister Pierce, are a very odd man. Anyone knowing our real agenda would run away from us as fast as they can, yet you are persistent in making the best out of this weird relation we're having here. I find that both odd and amusing.

But I do wish to change my relationship with the afore mentioned people. You will have your answer very soon. Keep your eyes out for a response.

May the Anunnaki bless your path,

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Valhalla Rising - 11-28-2015

[Image: GcLfuOm.png]

Sender: Andre "Apex" Rise

Location: Assyria's Dawn, Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin

Encryption: High

Mister Pierce.

The Overlord has spoken. Your previous actions, alongside with the huge interest in our group has provided you with a once in a lifetime opportunity to get to know us better.

A meeting, face to face, near Barrier Gate. Date and time will be sent to you soon over this channel. We also wish to meet your superiors so, make sure you bring someone we can talk to about whatever you wish to, and please. Be prepared to answer alot of questions. Your sudden involvement with our group, alongside with the help you're proposing is quite an interesting thing which we certainly didn't expect.

And worry not. We may come in force, but that's just a necessary precaution since we're meeting a new force which, by the way you talk, includes alot of people that hold places of power and influence all over Sirius.

May the Anunnaki bless your path,

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Valhalla Rising - 11-30-2015

[Image: GcLfuOm.png]

Sender: Andre "Apex" Rise

Location: Assyria's Dawn, Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin

Encryption: High

Mister Pierce.

The time and date are set. Today, 2000 hours (//UTC). You already know where we'll wait. Be there.

May the Anunnaki bless your path,

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Aether - 11-30-2015

[Image: zv9gALm.png]

Andre Rise,

Unfortunately, we have become pre-occupied elsewhere, and will need to postpone this meeting until further notice. I do apologize, but this isnt something we can work around.

Warm regards,

Augustin Pierce.

-|Signal lost|-

RE: To: Jared Nomak - Valhalla Rising - 12-06-2015

[Image: GcLfuOm.png]

Sender: Andre "Apex" Rise

Location: Assyria's Dawn, E5, Hamburg System

Encryption: High

Mister Pierce.

The Overlord, and myself, are growing restless. We are awaiting a time and date from you. Be swift, or this opportunity may perish.

May the Anunnaki bless your path,