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a little quick help maybe? - Printable Version

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a little quick help maybe? - bearlee89 - 10-27-2008


To the point:

How do you get the xbox 360 controller to work with freelancer? or is it possible...

I mean, if a joystick can do it, why shouldn't a 360 controller? =]]

Any help in this area would be loved. <3

a little quick help maybe? - Orin - 10-27-2008

How would that work...? You'd need a mouse to aim no matter what, no?

a little quick help maybe? - bearlee89 - 10-27-2008

idk....other games manage it....

a little quick help maybe? - Orin - 10-27-2008

I don't think many other sims use the mouse for 90% of the actions. >_>

a little quick help maybe? - Lohingren - 10-27-2008

well if you could get the left or right analog to simulate the mouse im sure it would be very possible... wether or not it is effective is a different matter, it would be tricky to aim and dodge etc, you would most likely only be able to do one at a time, though your aim would most likely sky rocket with a controller

a little quick help maybe? - Tomtomrawr - 10-27-2008

you would become easy prey (licks lips evily), but cool idea. I tried Freespace 2 for a while and used the joystick. I couldn't steer and shoot at the time time, and i could barely ever hit, the mouse is way better. If you used the controller, you would have a massive dis-advantage from us, but cool idea.

a little quick help maybe? - Tenacity - 10-27-2008

you really do need to use the mouse.

I had the idea for a while about using a combo of joystick/mouse for playing but you'd have to be pretty damn good at multitasking to do that=P

Basically you'd hook up the joystick and set game controls so that it handles the pitch left/right/up/down/strafe/etc, while the mouse would be left free for aiming. That way you could aim seperate of your movement instead of using 'mouse flight' - could be an advantage if you get good at it but it wouldnt be easy to do.

a little quick help maybe? - kindred - 10-27-2008

There are usb adapter cables for sale that allow you to use a Xbox360 on the pc, then it's all about mapping the controls. Don't know how effective or usable it will be though

a little quick help maybe? - bearlee89 - 10-27-2008

I need to figuire out how to map fl controls to the controller . X_X

a little quick help maybe? - Zero755 - 10-27-2008

Try XPadder, its how I got my joystick to work as a mouse, sadly it dosent work well though