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To a new future. - Printable Version

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To a new future. - Devastator - 12-02-2015

Hyun Shik stares at the blank canvas infront of him he had tinkered with ships all his life but never had he tried to build one like this. As Hyun had been helping with the new engine for the prototype racer his mind got stuck on an idea it would not let go. His hand twitched as his mind searched for a design that would work. There were so many obsticals to over come he wasn't sure where to start but He was determined to make it work. First thing he needed to do was get some supplies and some help he would start there.

RE: To a new future. - Devastator - 12-03-2015

Finally a design had presented its self time to get the ball rolling so many ideas and so little knowledge. This was going to be a massive undertaking one Sirius would not soon forget. He began at Newport station where he could remain hidden from prying eyes. He would need to gather the systems best and brightest. But he wasn't willing to accept the degradation of what he was trying to do. So to begin with a model on paper and His thoughts running wild he began to make contacts and work his way to where he will need to be.

RE: To a new future. - Devastator - 12-06-2015


To Valmar Alderson,
This is a formal invitation to the classified AFC project called project Tumbleweed. You are being asked to give feedback when you deem fit and be the primary test pilot on the project. More than that I cannot say. If you accept please report to Newport Station where you will be contacted by one of our people.

RE: To a new future. - Bojangles - 12-06-2015

Off the grid in Coronado, Val was adrift. His Arrow hung silently in space among a cluster of asteroids. Inside, he was simply sitting in the darkness staring out into space. Just knowing a thin layer of alloys and polymers was all that separated him from the vastness of space used to be enough to excite him and even scare him a bit. Now, it didn't even occur to him. He'd been on his own for a long time now, only stopping off now and then at BP66 to restock and refit a vessel or sleep off a hangover, so Val was surprised when his comm lit up with a message from the club.

"Test pilot, huh?" He muttered, re-reading the message. If nothing else, he was interested to know what was so secretive about this "Project Tumbleweed."

The message hadn't asked for any kind of reply, so Val sent none. Instead, he reached down and flipped a pair of switches on the console and the Arrow purred to life. Lights and screens flashed on as it did and Valmar was already reaching for his navigational controls to plot the course. Newport Station would be easy enough to find, but he was curious about who he would meet there and what they intended to have him fly. Gripping the yoke with one hand and throttling up with the other, he bent the light fighter around the curve of the nearest asteroid and began weaving his way out of the field and toward his destination. It was smooth flying, and only a matter of time before he began docking maneuvers at Newport. When he was out of his ship, he made his way into the station, keeping an eye out for someone who was intended to meet with him.

RE: To a new future. - Devastator - 12-07-2015

As Mr. Alderson stepped onto the stations it was quite a dull sight it being a freelancer base and all. There wwere a few people here and there mostly station workers checking the station and performing routine maintenance. He had only been there for about five minutes when a young man approached him and addressed him. "Mr. Anderson I presume." the young man said with an almost sinister smile. "As you can tell I have been awaiting your arrival. Well to be more accurate I have been hoping for your arrival. I hope what I have to offer is of interest to you. The young man stated. "Before we go further a few house keeping chores the first of which is my name. I do apologize for not sending one in the invitation but I would rather not be a target in Sirius at the moment as this project is rather enterprising shall we say. Right, but my name is Hyun Shik I am heading up this project. Now let us retire to a more secure environment seen as how the invitation included little information. As he finished his last sentence he began heading for an elevator. The trip to the private suits was not long and Hyun made small talk all the way there asking simple questions like what ships he normally flew and how in depth his education was. It was mostly to pass the time but Hyun learned a few things in the conversation. when they reached suite 156 Hyun paused at the door and looked down the halls. "Now as you are already aware this is a very sensitive project and on penalty of termination I ask that you do not reveal anything you see hear or touch beyond this door. I am having contracts written up but they are not available yet." With that he pulled out a key card opened the door and entered a pitch black room. Once they were inside the door automatically shut behind them and locked. As the lights started to come up many boxes sat in sorted piles neatly stacked in different areas there was only one table in the middle of the room and a terminal was there as well. The boxes were a sorted variable of Metals alloys computer parts and some unknown items were also there. He brought mister Alderson over to the table and began to speak again as he typed away at the terminal. Well I know it isn't much to look at at the moment but an invite have been sent to IMG and we are planning on adding some Zoners to our fold as well. So to be blunt about it you are the first to respond to the summons. So Project Tumbleweed? It is an interesting name and will be the code name for this project as long as it is in the trial mode but I hope to have a working prototype by the end of next year. We will see how long it takes us to get support. So what will you be flying? This! He says excitedly as he taps the enter key and a 3d image pops up on the holographic display. "Now I know it isn't built yet but there is only so much a young man can do. However if we can build it it will be the fastest and largest transport in Sirus know today." He pauses for a brief moment to read Alderson's face. I am sure you have many questions and I have talked plenty; please ask me anything. As the test pilot for this ship I want you to know everything about it,

RE: To a new future. - Devastator - 03-27-2016

Relocating transmition to Project Tumbleweed encrypted folder.