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Remodelling the Gallic BC - Printable Version

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Remodelling the Gallic BC - Epo - 12-03-2015

Hey folks,

What do you think about remodelling the current Gallic BC a bit?
[Image: gallicbc1.png]

1. Fill this hole shown as No 1
2. Remodel this thing (No 2) to look more like a hangar bay
3. Maybe remodel the down part of the ship to make something like \__/ (No 3)
Connect the edges of this "line" below the ship with the "hangar" or remove it completely, just shrink it to the "hangar" height. It could make this ship better looking

What do you think about it? C&C welcomed


RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Thyrzul - 12-03-2015

1.) Maybe.
2.) Why?
3.) No.
Maybe remove.

I'm kinda fine with the current model though. You should really check out how the previous one looked like.

RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Epo - 12-03-2015

(12-03-2015, 06:13 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: 1.) Maybe.
2.) Why?
3.) No.
Maybe remove.

I'm kinda fine with the current model though. You should really check out how the previous one looked like.

2. This thing looks a bit like a hangar bay from sides, but when you rotate your ship it is just a handle which leads to nowhere. It looks a bit weird if you ask me. Even filling it like this would make it look much better
The same goes for the front of the ship, this "hole" makes no sense for me and ship will look more serious with this space filled

RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Miaou - 12-03-2015

I like it how it is. The engine bay is a little bland, but I enjoy the arcs and hole design as it fits in with the Gallic details and architecture.

RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Epo - 12-03-2015

If you say so. I would just prefer those holes filled, but it's your country


RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Swifty - 12-03-2015

As far as i remember, nobody gave a dang about what it looked like in the past, no, actually nobody even knew or cared about it's existance before it's upgrade. I feel the need to ask, 'why?' so... Why? Why now?

To your suggestion - eh, i don't really mind the way it looks like at all.

(12-03-2015, 06:25 PM)Miaou Wrote: I like it how it is. The engine bay is a little bland, but I enjoy the arcs and hole design as it fits in with the Gallic details and architecture.


RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Titan* - 12-03-2015

this model more fits to cruiser class and old model fits to battlecruiser

RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Swifty - 12-03-2015

Is that so? I know certain people who've said the opposite of what you say. It hasn't even gotten resized, so what exactly are you on about? Try another

RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Thyrzul - 12-03-2015

Carter, just because you weren't around at that time doesn't mean people didn't find the old model ugly. Oh, and guess what, somewhen between it got it's new model and been turned into a BC (approx at least 2 yrs ago) it was actually scaled down a bit.

RE: Remodelling the Gallic BC - Hidamari - 12-03-2015

only way id be bothered to touch this is if i got the chance to remove the stupid handle bars on this ship and the valor that make the ship look stupid.