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Rheinland restricted technology registry - Printable Version

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Rheinland restricted technology registry - Rheinland Government - 12-03-2015

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

>>Rheinland restricted ships and weapons registry

As specified in Article Two of the Laws of Rheinland, technology belonging to the House of Rheinland requires permission for usage.

§2.3.1. Restricted equipment specified in Rheinland restricted technology registry such as Firekiss, Hornviper or Stealthblade weapons, combat vessels (e.g. Spectre, Banshee, Valkyrie, Disir, Revenant, Oder-class gunboat and capital ships) and other equipment. Special authorization can be obtained by submitting a request in the registry.

This channel is to be used to submit requests for the usage of such technology.
The following is a list of equipment requiring governmental approval for usage:

>> Ship-mounted weaponry
  • R3-s "Flamecurse" Plasma Cannon
  • R3-n "Stealthblade" Tachyon Cannon
  • R3-nt "Stealthblade" Tachyon Turret
  • R4-n "Stealthblade" Tachyon Cannon Mk II
  • R6-n "Hornviper" Tachyon Cannon
  • R7-n "Hornviper" Tachyon Cannon Mk II
  • R7-nt "Hornviper" Tachyon Turret Mk II
  • R7-s "Firekiss" Plasma Cannon Mk II
  • R7-st "Firekiss" Plasma Turret Mk II
  • "Panzerfaust" Antimatter Cannon

  • RGT-38a "Vierling" Gunboat Turret
  • RGC-5a "Brummbär" Gunboat Main Cannon

  • RCT-34c "Grille" Cruiser Turret

  • Rheinland Battlecruiser Primary Turret
  • Rheinland Battlecruiser Secondary Turret

  • RBT-4c "Zwilling" Light Battleship Turret
  • RBT-61h "Hummel" Battleship Turret
  • RBM-22a "Von Braun" Battleship Missile Launcher
  • RBF-88f "Acht-Acht" Battleship Flak Turret

>> Ships
  • 140-ARKM-N58 "Spectre" Light Fighter
  • 72-ARKM-G3 "Banshee" Heavy Fighter
  • 90-ARKM-N9 "Valkyrie" Very Heavy Fighter
  • 90-ARKM-N60E "Disir" Very Heavy Fighter
  • 19-ARKM-N82 "Poltergeist" Super Heavy Fighter

  • 13-ARKM-N37 "Revenant" Bomber

  • "Oder"-class Gunboat

  • "Donau"-class Cruiser
  • "Tirpitz"-class Battlecruiser

  • "Elbe"-class Carrier

  • "Bismarck"-class Battleship

Once submitted to this channel, a request will gain approval if the following conditions are met:
  • For any item requested, approval is required from the Empire of Rheinland.
  • Any approved gunboat or capital ship includes permission to use any gunboat, cruiser or battleship weaponry on that ship.
  • All registrations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and any additional information request, restriction or payment deemed necessary may apply.

To request usage of ship weaponry, please use the following form:

[b]Weapon requested, amount:[b]

[b]Identification of ship(s) using weapons:[/b]

[b]Owner of ship(s) using weapons:[/b]


To request usage of fighters, bombers and gunboats, please use the following form:

[b]Ship type requested, amount:[/b]

[b]Name of ship or ships:[/b]

[b]Identification of ship(s):[/b]

[b]Owner(s) of ship(s):[/b]


To request usage of capital ships (cruisers, battlecruisers, carriers or battleships), please use the following form:


[b]Ship type requested:[/b]

[b]Name of ship:[/b]

[b]Identification of ship:[/b]

[b]Owner of ship:[/b]


>> List of permissions



RE: Rheinland Technology Grants - ALG Classic - 12-03-2015

[Image: xZPnH5h.png]
To whom it may concern;

My name is Kai Richter, I'm ALG Waste Disposal's security director.

Some time ago, we were in negotiations regarding the acquisition of a handful of ARKM snubcraft. The negotiations stalled halfway, and with the new licensing system in place I've modified a copy of the original transmission to match the new forms.

We wish to send a request for the purchase and operation of a small number of ARKM-series vessels.
The models we wish to purchase are as follows:

[2x] 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith"
[2x] 72-ARKM-G27 "Phantom"
[2x] 19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir"
[7x] 140-ARKM-N58 "Bergelmir"
[7x] 13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir"

The two Wraiths would complement our the existing six in our possession, five of which are assigned to Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon squadrons respectively.
The Phantoms and Mjolnirs would serve as trial ships to explore their capabilities in combat situations involving ALG Waste Disposal.

For the bombers, we understand this is a significant number to request. This number was chosen in order to supply all six combat wings with one vessel to be supplied to ALG's Division V.
To elaborate on their intended operations, here is a summary of ALG's combat squadrons and their operations, sorted in order of priority of receiving ARKM bombers if the total number granted is less than the total requested:

1.) Epsilon Wing - Planet Holstein, Frankfurt
2.) Gamma Wing - Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart
3.) Alpha Wing - Java Station, Tau-23
4.) Beta Wing - Aland Shipyard, Omega-3
5.) Zeta Wing - Trafalgar Base, New London
6.) Delta Wing - Beaumont Base, Texas

Epsilon Wing is tasked with security in northern Rheinland, countering mainly Hessian, Unioner and other pirate threats.
Gamma Wing is tasked with security in southern Rheinland, combating mostly Corsairs and Hessians.
Alpha Wing responds mainly to Outcast threats, to keep Rheinland's niobium supply undisturbed.
Beta Wing secures the Omegas, mainly 7 and 3, the most common threats being Corsairs and Hessians.
Zeta Wing is in charge of defense of our installation in the Southampton debris field, Danzig Depot. Mollys and Corsairs are the main potential threats, Outcasts to a lesser degree.
Delta Wing is a highly sensitive outfit due to its location. They protect our Texas scrapping operations.
Division V is ALG's corporate security division, the spacegoing branch of which is currently under construction. It is an elite force for combating top-level threats and undertaking special assignments, and therefor in need of cutting edge technology.

As with our previous requests for ships, we are willing to supply necessary resources so as not to strain production lines more than necessary.

The proper forms are attached below, thank you for your time.

Ship type requested, amount: 72-ARKM-G27 "Phantom" Heavy Fighter, 2
Identification of ship(s): ALG Waste Disposal
Owner(s) of ship(s): ALG Division V, ALG Security Division
Purpose: Combat evaluation of model

Ship type requested, amount: 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Very Heavy Fighter, 2
Identification of ship(s): ALG Waste Disposal
Owner(s) of ship(s): ALG Division V, ALG Security Division
Purpose: Assignment to Division V, Zeta Squadron

Ship type requested, amount: 19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir" Super Heavy Fighter, 2
Identification of ship(s): ALG Waste Disposal
Owner(s) of ship(s): ALG Division V, ALG Security Division
Purpose: Combat evaluation of model

Ship type requested, amount: 140-ARKM-N58 "Bergelmir" Bomber, 7
Identification of ship(s): ALG Waste Disposal
Owner(s) of ship(s): ALG Division V, ALG Security Division
Purpose: Supplementation of ALG Security wings

Ship type requested, amount: 13-ARKM-N37 "Fafnir" Bomber, 7
Identification of ship(s): ALG Waste Disposal
Owner(s) of ship(s): ALG Division V, ALG Security Division
Purpose: Supplementation of ALG Security wings

[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

(originally posted 13.10.15)

RE: Rheinland restricted technology registry - Bundeskabinett Sekretariat - 01-02-2016


[Image: Laura_Caspers.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat
SOURCE: Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: ALG request for use of fighters and bombers

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter security director Richter, staatssekretärin Caspers hier. I was entrusted to inform you on behalf of the Rheinland government that your request was discussed by Bundestag and its reduced form was approved.

ALG Waste Disposal is permitted to use two more Wraith very heavy fighters, making it total of eight permitted ships of this type. Also can use two Phantom heavy fighters and same amount of Mjolnir super heavy fighters.

Regarding the rest, Bundestag permitted you use of only six Bergelmir bombers and six Fafnir bombers. Any bomber also can´t be stationed in Liberty, thus assigning them to your Delta wing is not allowed.

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Caspers


(//created by Laura C.)

RE: Rheinland restricted technology registry - Cursetantine - 01-09-2016

<<-Incoming Transmission->>

From: Albert von Lübeck , Red Star Exports
Location: Waldenbuch Storage Facility, Stuttgart System
To: Bundeskabinett von Rheinland
Subject: Requested ships

We got redirected to this channel about our request for Military gunboats.It can be found here.
Here is the form requested;
Ship type requested, amount: "Oder" class Rheinland Gunboats, 2
Name of ship or ships (not required from official tagged Rheinland corporations): [RedEx]GB-Kafer , [RedEx]GB-Raupe
Identification of ship(s):Republican Shipping (Red Star Exports)
Owner(s) of ship(s):Red Star Exports, Security and Logicstics
Purpose: Defending and patrolling around Waldenbuch Shipping Facility

Thank you for your attention.

<<-Transmission Terminated->>

RE: Rheinland restricted technology registry - Bundeskabinett Sekretariat - 01-12-2016


[Image: Laura_Caspers.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat
SOURCE: Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
TO: Albert von Lübeck, Red Star Exports
SUBJECT: Red Star Exports request for use of gunboats

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter Herr von Lübeck. My name is Laura Caspers and I´m staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat.

Rheinland government discussed your request and submitted it for voting in Bundestag, however I have to inform you its members rejected it in the voting. Thus the request is denied at the moment.

You can submit the request again in two weeks. If I may, I recommend you to establish contact and cooperation with primary branches of Rheinland corporations. Some representatives in Bundestag expressed that this could change their negative stance towards your request, as it will show more significantly your motivation to work not only for yourself, but also for Rheinland economy as whole.

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Caspers


(//created by Laura C.)

RE: Rheinland Technology Grants - ALG Classic - 05-21-2016

[Image: XeCrTmF.png]
To whom it may concern;

Greetings, Kai Richter here, Director of Security for ALG Waste Disposal.

Recently, we've been looking into upgrading our two longest-serving gunboats, the Orkan and Taifun.
The two have served with distinction for years, but occasionally their civilian-grade weaponry leaves something to be desired. With the end of the war flooding the market with military surplus, we believe it to be an opportune time to acquire two sets of Vierling gunboat turrets for the two, weapons which significantly outperform their current armament.
Therefore, we are requesting permission to purchase these weapons, for usage by ALG Security Division, to be equipped on the Gunboats Orkan and Taifun.

The proper form is attached below, thank you for your time.

Weapon requested, amount: RGT-38a "Vierling" Gunboat Turret, 12
Identification of ship(s) using weapons: ALG Waste Disposal
Owner of ship(s) using weapons: ALG Security Division
Purpose: Improving firepower of ALG Security Division Gunboats

Kai Richter
Security Division
[Image: 9JwWorU.png]

RE: Rheinland restricted technology registry - Bundeskabinett Sekretariat - 05-25-2016


[Image: Laura_Caspers.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat
SOURCE: Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: ALG request for use of "Vierling" Gunboat Turrets

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter security director Richter, staatssekretärin Caspers hier. I was entrusted to inform you on behalf of the Rheinland government that your request was discussed by the Bundestag and approved.

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Caspers


(//created by Laura C.)

RE: Rheinland restricted technology registry - Gagadug. - 08-05-2016

* * *

[Image: ELvoUOV.jpg?1]

ID: Bernd Kühn, SMH
Location: Omega 7 system
Encryption: MEDIUM
Priority: MEDIUM
Recipent: Bundeskanzleramt of Rheinland

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren of the Bundeskanzleramt,

My name is Bernd Kühn, and I speak on behalf of the security Division of Schwermetallhandel, or SMH, an auxiliary departmend of Daumann.
We hope to be granted acces to gear that will allow us to fend off threats we encounter in the Omega region.

Those groups are often equipped with military grade weaponry, for wich we need a counter. In the last days we had a rise in piracy aiming for our ships, so we see ourselves forced to react. The civilian gear is just not suited to keep up with the big number of threats that the Omegas house.
The ships will be used solely for defensive purposes of course and mostly not leave Rheinland and its neighboring systems.
We hope you see the urgency of our situation and decide for the safety and prosperity of the working people in Rheinland.

The form is attatched:

Ship type requested, amount: 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Very Heavy Fighter x4
Name of ship or ships (not required from official tagged Rheinland corporations): SMH-S-Adler, -Falke, -Habicht, -Bussard
Identification of ship(s): Daumann Heavy Constructions
Owner(s) of ship(s): SMH, Schwermetallhandel
Purpose: Defense of assets and convoys in the Omegas, but also escorting along the main trade routes.

Ship type requested, amount: "Oder"-class Gunboat x1
Name of ship or ships (not required from official tagged Rheinland corporations): SMH-S-StuG
Identification of ship(s): Daumann Heavy Constructions
Owner(s) of ship(s): SMH, Schwermetallhandel
Purpose: Defense of assets and convoys in the Omegas

Weapon requested, amount: R4-n "Stealthblade" Photon Cannon Mk II x16
Identification of ship(s) using weapons: Daumann Heavy Constructions
Owner of ship(s) using weapons: SMH, Schwermetallhandel
Purpose: To equip the requested Wraiths (should they be granted) in order to give them the firepower to counter the threats of the Omegas.

Weapon requested, amount: RGT-38a "Vierling" Gunboat Turret x7
Identification of ship(s) using weapons: Daumann Heavy Constructions
Owner of ship(s) using weapons: SMH, Schwermetallhandel
Purpose: To equip the requested Oder (should it be granted) in order to give it the firepower to counter the threats of the Omegas, namely hostile Gunboat class ships.

Weapon requested, amount: RGC-5a "Brummbär" Gunboat Main Cannon x1
Identification of ship(s) using weapons: Daumann Heavy Constructions
Owner of ship(s) using weapons: SMH, Schwermetallhandel
Purpose: To equip the requested Oder (should it be granted) in order to give it the firepower to counter the threats of the Omegas, namely hostile Gunboat class ships.

Best regards,

Bernd Kühn

* * *

RE: Rheinland restricted technology registry - Bundeskabinett Sekretariat - 08-31-2016


[Image: Laura_Caspers.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Laura Caspers, Staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat
SOURCE: Bundeskanzleramt, Planet New Berlin
TO: Bernd Kühn, SMH
SUBJECT: Request for permission for use of restricted ships and weaponry

Guten Tag, Sehr geehrter Herr Kühn. My name is Laura Caspers and I´m staatssekretärin of the Bundeskabinett Sekretariat.

Rheinland government discussed your request and submitted it for voting in Bundestag, but I have to inform you its members rejected it. Thus the request is denied at this moment. Representatives mostly found your company to be too new and not known enough at this moment to be entrusted with use of the finest Rheinland military technology which is supposed to be under strict control.

However, as a sign of good will and understanding with your problems in Omega systems, you can equip one of your own ships with the requested "Stealthblade" Photon Cannons. If you want to use this offer, inform us about name of the ship which will be using them, bitte.

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Caspers


(//created by Laura C.)

RE: Rheinland Technology Grants - ALG Classic - 01-20-2017

[Image: XeCrTmF.png]

To whom it may concern;

My name is Kai Richter, I'm ALG Waste Disposal's Security Director.

As you are undoubtedly aware, our flagship, the battlecruiser Erdbeben, has finally completed the journey to Rheinland to serve as Security Division's mobile headquarters and training grounds, as well as a formidable tool for defending our own assets and lawful traffic and installations in the Federal Republic.
We could not have foreseen how quick and violent her baptism of fire would be, when a substantial Nomad and another mysterious "Cultist" fleet attacked Frankfurt simultaneously.

Just the next day, we were reminded of the growing Unioner problem when we came across a Unioner cruiser dangerously close to New Berlin orbit. The problem was dealt with swiftly.

What we have already learned in just a few days of service is that it will be necessary to improve the ship's civilian-grade primary weapon systems.
Particularly against the devastating firepower in the Frankfurt, the range and damage output of the T3b-type turrets currently mounted was insufficient. In such situations, the greater capabilities of the RBT-61h turret would have substantially improved the Erdbeben's combat performance. Judging by the previous engagements, we can reasonably anticipate frequent action against enemies of the Federal Republic using capital ships, so the benefits for our house should be evident.

If desired, we can provide records of such engagements to confirm the ship's value in this role.

The proper form is attached below, thank you for your time.

Weapon requested, amount: RBT-61h "Hummel" Battleship Turret, 2
Identification of ship(s) using weapons: ALG Waste Disposal
Owner of ship(s) using weapons: ALG Security Division
Purpose: Enhancing long-range offensive capability of our flagship

Kai Richter
Security Division Directorate
ALG Waste Disposal

[Image: 9JwWorU.png]