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The "would you rather" game... - Printable Version

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The "would you rather" game... - nOmnomnOm - 12-04-2015

I'm pretty sure everyone played this at some point or another so I dont need to explain the rules?
And ye... keep it in Forum rules plz.
And plz lets actually play the game ^^.

So post your answer for the person above and then post a question for the guy below.

So I'll start.

Would you rather stick your head in the mouth of a healthy living circus lion or stick your head in a retired antique guillotine which may or may not have it's string (that holds the blade) damaged.

RE: The "would you rather" game... - Valhalla Rising - 12-04-2015

Circus lion, any day of the year.

Would you rather join AFC or Core?

RE: The "would you rather" game... - nOmnomnOm - 12-04-2015

AFC ofc.

(also avoid these types of lolzy-trigger questions please)

Would you rather eat something you dont know and cannot see (as in in the dark lets say or blindfolded and you dont know who gave it to you) , or eat a blowfish that was cooked but the chef didnt taste test.

RE: The "would you rather" game... - Sol - 12-04-2015

People eat blowfish? At least it is something edible for sure then, cooked by a chef even, unlike that other thing which could just be anything... Imagination is the worst... /:

Would you rather possess everything you want or need... or absolutely not want or need anything at all and have no need of possessing anything?

RE: The "would you rather" game... - Wesker - 12-04-2015

Posses everything you want or need

Would you rather have power or happiness?

RE: The "would you rather" game... - E X O D I T E - 12-04-2015

Power, obviously.

Would you rather have an easy blue message, or a fun (ie challenging) blue message?

RE: The "would you rather" game... - Durandal - 12-04-2015

Challenging, of course.

Would you rather fly a good looking ship with awful stats or an OP ship that looked like garbage?

RE: The "would you rather" game... - Prowler_Renamed - 12-04-2015

i only fly a scimitar so you already know the answer

would you rather eat chocolate pudding that tastes like poop or poop that tastes like chocolate pudding

RE: The "would you rather" game... - nOmnomnOm - 12-04-2015

Oh no.... umm... ummm... Chocolate pudding that tastes like poop.... at least it wont poison me all that much (hopes)

Would you rather be the best RPer in community by far but the worst PVPer by far OR the best PvPer by far but the worst RPer by far.

RE: The "would you rather" game... - sindroms - 12-04-2015

I've gone through what I consider to be close to either end of that spectrum, or close to it. So if given the chance, the later, probably. You cannot really RP your way out of pew situations, ever.

Would you rather, if given mystical powers to change the perception of everyone in Disco, make PVP be RP or divide them into two separate things.