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Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists (shameless advertising) - Printable Version

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Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists (shameless advertising) - ~Sisters of Light~ - 12-04-2015

This thread is one hundred percent unorthodox shameless advertising; if you find advertisements offensive and uncanny, find billboards revolting and use adblock on youtube, we apologise in advance.

Since extremely recently, the Sisterhood of Dreams has been in trouble, not that you would see that from our forum Rp or tracked activity. Leadership has been excellent and the skypechat has remained healthy and free of trolling. The memberbase is conversational and everybody gets along.

However, not everyone has always got along with everyone else because the faction, as some people are certainly aware, has been the victim of drama. This has impaired our ability to preserve the overall quality of roleplay we would desire because the players behind the drama eventually get to the point where they leave the faction. The good news, we are now entirely free of internal drama. The bad news? We've lost a lot of well developed characters and it puts additional pressure on the rest of us to preserve the same faction qualities we already have, let alone respond to feedback and advance the faction.

Right now, we are in need of people who would be willing to log for ingame roleplay, coupled to the occasional fight. Anybody who has encountered us will be aware that the ability to fight is not mandatory; we've been a source of complementary blues and regens since well back in August. We're looking for people who are comfortable with playing the game casually, having a greater say over NPC faction lore, have indies who they want to tag up, or are just browsing for a fresh unlawful group.

This isn't a case of wanting to bump the tracker up (we can do that ourselves), if nothing more it's a statement that new blood will be welcomed and will get to do the fun stuff that everybody else in the faction does. That means fly all the same ships, do all the same things, etc. We're not even in the need for new ideas; we have plenty enough. If you don't have the cash for a ship to fly around in, we will provide the credits.

We want to make Kusari more fun. More people throwing ideas into the cauldron and representing the NPC faction always helps out with that, and it's always more enjoyable to fly as a squadron of six than as a triad of three. The faction is lead by the committee and the opinion of the majority.

What we are looking for is new personalities. So for the marginal 0.01% who might be interested in the unique and mostly uncharted territory of terrorist RP? Drop us a paragraph.

Info page

Recruitment page (InRp)

RE: Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists (shameless advertising) - sindroms - 12-04-2015

Do a faction interview. Hint hint.

RE: Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists (shameless advertising) - Prowler_Renamed - 12-04-2015

Quote:Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists

Meanwhile, at MI5/NSA headquarters....

RE: Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists (shameless advertising) - Shiki - 12-04-2015

Well hello @"The Sisterhood of Dreams". Story that you described above looks strange, i might make it a little bit more clear. It is touching me in some parts and I guess I have a right to post not as the founder of the faction, but at least as the first applicant. For the begining I want to say that I also did wrong roleplay decitions so I'm sharing responsibility for the horrible faction situation of the present day.

(12-04-2015, 08:00 AM)The Sisterhood of Dreams Wrote:
The good news, we are now entirely free of internal drama. The bad news? We've lost a lot of well developed characters and it puts additional pressure on the rest of us to preserve the same faction qualities we already have, let alone respond to feedback and advance the faction.

The problem was that people who put a lot of efforts in the faction development and development of their characters inside of it were not indifferent to what is going on in the faction. So this people put even more efforts on internal discussions and were dare to disagree with some things. You described those people as people who "creating problems", "trolls" and yeah this people generated tones of "drama" and were "s.alty" as hell. Because yes, all of the actions were just perfect and those who dare to disagree are just haters. No one even trying to deny it anymore. So this people drop the effort that they put in earlier and left the faction. No one anymore want to ruin ~*~ from the inside.

And here I'm just becoming speachless. Because after you finally liberated from all of internal drama and the people who wants to kill the faction you started to make drama. I mean this is a second dramatic thread that you creating now (the first one was closed, it seems it wasn't kinda successful). So just after you finally got an opportunity to make the Sisterhood of Dreams of your dream without any drama and haters you saying that you have no players. As always, I ask you to be a little more consistent and make some sense.

The other thing is you trying to make people shut their mouths, after you did it inside the faction with just making the most productive members quit you trying to do it on the community level. No feedback thread, this thread also I've received PM from our common friend with the request to not touch 'sisterhood leaders' in the public chats.

RE: Terrorist faction could do with fresh terrorists (shameless advertising) - ~Sisters of Light~ - 12-04-2015

(12-04-2015, 08:08 AM)sindroms Wrote: Do a faction interview. Hint hint.

Will do - send us a PM. Thank you for offering Sindroms.