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To: Sigma Alliance signatories + GMG - Printable Version

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To: Sigma Alliance signatories + GMG - Omicron - 12-09-2015

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]
Comm ID: The Order Overwatch

Grand Admiral Golanski speaking.

To all signatories of the Sigma Alliance, our meeting is due to consult matters that affect all of us. To those new, I welcome you and extend invitation to our upcoming talks. As you may already been aware from earlier conversations, Sigma Alliance is comprehensive military and economic alliance to foster co-operation and enhance our chances against common threats that plague galactic eastern parts of Sirius: primarily Slomon K'Hara or as they are commonly known elsewhere: The Nomads. It has proven time to invite and fully integrate GMG into the ranks of Sigma Alliance as a member state equal of importance and authority as The Order Overwatch, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee and Blood Dragon Shogunate. It is imperative we come together, as one of the security topics at hand involves your recent struggle against House of Kusari.

First, organizational affairs. The Alliance will accept representatives of both regular GMG and planet-based Ryukyu branches, as an equals until specific agreement is settled between your two organizations or decided otherwise by Sigma Alliance entity as a whole. We have no upper authority and our decisions depend on consensus of leading figureheads of signatories factions, which are mainly as of current: Grand Admiral Golanski of The Order Overwatch, Shogun Hideyoshi of Blood Dragon Shogunate and Vorsitzende of the Bundschuhpartei Eistochter. Your two representatives and any attaches permitted to speak and decide on behalf of GMG will be given same level of power among us. Current treaty will be transmitted below.

It is vital that we update content of the treaty to accommodate any changes necessary since date of signing, as well to include any negotiated ammends in diplomatic fashion that GMG will no doubt put through on the table to ensure comfortable and acceptable terms of your membership with us. Meeting point for all invited will be this time, Order's primary base of operations in Omicrons: planet Akabat, Omicron Mu star system. Escorts and guides will be assigned to everyone that requests aid in reaching our homeworld.

⧫ No. 1 The Core

Oberst Klugmann, current commanding officer of Bundschuh's armed forces requested meeting on ground of increasing Core influence that threatens their position in Rheinland. The Order is already in state of total war against those aggressors, who made their home in alarming distance to VWA's installations. To remind you, Core are private military corporation that is currently locked in state of constant warfare in Omicrons to obtain Nomad technology for their nefarious means. They are extremely well equipped with ships and weaponry they share with Bounty Hunter's Guild, as well known to develop multiple capital ships to wage war against Omicron denizens .The means to accomplish that involve total disregard for value of human life: that of the enemy or their own pilots, which they expend casually in sometimes outright suicidal strikes against The Order and its allies.

Despite Overwatch taking the upper hand in the conflict - pushing Core back significantly during Operation Spear - we could not note any decrease in devotion of their personnel. They have gone as far to commence suicidal attacks against both Blood Dragons and VWA in their respective homeworlds, proving time over time that they will stop at nothing but to interrupt our operations no matter the cost. It is our estimate that they will attempt to sabotage our military aid plan to remaining members of Sigma Alliance. We are willing to hear what are thoughts of the GMG on this situation as it may influence outcome of Sigma campaign. To everyone else, we need a common strategy that will allow VWA to survive any eventual onslaught.

⧫ No. 2 The Nomads

As some of you may have already heard from either official or unofficial channels, combined forces of Blood Dragons, The Order, Sisters of Light and even some Maltese dissidents managed to hold off a major Nomad incursion upon star system of Hokkaido. It is in our understanding that this is directly caused by interference on behalf of Crimson Cross government and signs of Tohoku threat emerging back into light of the day.

One of the basis upon which this Alliance has been formed, involved pledged support to counter menace of the Nomad kind posed towards entirety of humanity. Thanks to Shogun Hideyoshi, this 'opportunity' has been used to ease tensions within Kusari underground and unite against common threat. As primary antagonistic force, capable of carefully engineering doomsday event for humanity through means of manipulation, infiltration and pure military strenght combined, Nomads stand as a primary opposition to Sigma Alliance and by extension: entire mankind.

⧫ No. 3 Kusari Civil War

As GMG brought to our attention, propability of conflict between GMG and Republic of Kusari is high. I am attaching report of Order Intelligence agency - The Wedjat - that details our current strategy and information gathered on the Republic so far.

Operative Capella, Wedjat section 2 reporting as requested by The Order Overwatch.

At first, an introduction. Sections of the Wedjat are responsible for not only intel gathering and analysis that is relevant and timely accurate to The Order as a whole, but also given means and authority to carry out high risk missions that fall into unconventional and otherwise unorthodox warfare. By the current outline of the treaty, we are bound to share tactical and strategic intelligence relevant to you and so are others to supply us with information of their own.

Our operatives in the field have carefully been observing current events in Kusari, with great interest paying attention to political divide that risks to cut open entire House. It is in our understanding that currently elected government of Kusari believes that their current armed forces will be able to defend any and all fronts that might appear despite already failing to prevent two major incursions. I do not doubt that Blood Dragons are even more familiar with ongoing situation in Tau 29, where some of the Imperial staging grounds have been discovered. I shall instead skip to sectors concerning our campaign in the east most.
  • ⧫ Kurile offensive

    Samura has a single fortified platform, housing currently 2500 civilian workers and possibly up to 1000 security forces - both land and space based. Over the years, Kurile has been destination for several transports carrying wide variety of light arms to defend the establishment should necessary and sell surplus to the Corsairs, however they do not posses any orbital defense system save for a shield system that protects the main platform from orbital assault.

    Hogosha, Corsairs and Core are likely to interfere in various capacities. Their movements are to be monitored with exceptional care. Kurile itself is within operational range of any squadron based in Order space, nullifying any need for deploying of carrier or battleship assets to Sigmas for logistical reasons.

    Available forces
    - Two platoons (60) of Company D of Toledo Scars
    - multiple Order squadrons based from Akabat
    - Recon Cruiser OCV Tombstone

  • ⧫ Honshu defensive

    Should hostilities commence between House of Kusari and GMG, Aomori becomes objective of absolute strategic importance. It is the asset that prevents any meaningful attempt to invade Sigmas from Honshu, halting any meaningful relief for Kurile that republic may attempt to muster.

    It is also the only station that Kusari might take by force with relative ease, before thick Crow nebula and logistical strain becomes a decisive factor. Should Aomori fall, we will have to resort to partisan warfare within Sigma 13, 19 and Okinawa which is also double edged sword as we may stage raids from multiple directions at once to weaken KNF's resolve in Honshu star system.

    It is essential that Sigma 13 remains open for trade, as we cannot permit Rheinland to get involved into armed conflict, on basis of protecting national interests. Currently House of Rheinland and Kusari are allied. Escalation of conflict to international status is undesirable. Both Okinawa and Sigma 19 are adequately protected from invasion attempts.

    Available forces
    - Company B (200) of The Guard
    - Assault Carrier OCV Fedayeen
    --------55th Space Superiority squadron (Bastet)
    --------183rd Space Superiority squadron (Bastet)
    --------30th Bomber squadron (Sekhmet)
    --------141st Heavy Assault squadron (Nephthys)

  • ⧫ Tohoku crusade

    As Kusari Naval Forces influence weakens in outward colonies, The Order intends to create another distraction for our allies that will also put an end to last Nomad fortress in civilized space. Following the course of civil war and the two remaining campaigns that we pledge our military to, we intend to shift our attention towards Arch. No details concerning battle plan are currently in effect as we still await favorable circumstances in which we may begun our approach. The Order Command insist this to be our ultimate objective and our biggest contribution for betterment of Kusari and mankind as a whole during this campaign.

    Available forces
    - The Order's reserve

The Order will appreciate any pledges of additional warships, squadrons and other support to any of the following operations. More assets will be available as operations elsewhere will resolve. The Order Overwatch out.

RE: To: Sigma Alliance signatories + GMG - TheJarl - 12-13-2015

[Image: XNxFBvk.png]

Sigma Alliance

Honourable representatives,

The Bundschuhpartei accepts your invitation. As before, I will be representing the Bundschuhpartei. Oberst Klugmann of the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee represents his sect, the main armed forces of the party. Although we will surely work out the details during the meeting itself, the Zentralkomittee has agreed on the following points to be communicated beforehand which we wish to include on the agenda for the meeting.

- It has been noted that an anomaly has allowed Core forces access to our homesystem. Our specialists at Bielefeld University believe that this anomaly is not a lone case however. They suggest that the new jumphole is not stable and that other jumpholes might collapse and appear in the near future as well. The nature of these events that thwart time and space are beyond my own understanding, but it seems they are important nonetheless. As such we'd like to discuss the possibility of allied research institutes cooperating with Bielefeld University to investigate the matter. Especially the people at the Hannibal Research Institute are known for their expertise on such matters.

- The increase in Nomad activity, possibly caused by the Crimson Cross, is extremely troublesome. The Zentralkomittee wishes to avoid blindly throwing forces into combat. In order to effectively deal with the alien threat, human involvement needs to be dealt with as well. For this to work all signatories need to be on the same page. Thus we suggest that the Alliance comes to a common policy in dealing the Crimson Cross and other human individuals and organisations that willingly collaborate with the Nomads.

- The Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee unfortunately has only limited manpower and as such does not have the capacity to directly involve itself in the just struggles of the Kusarian revolutionaries the Blood Dragons. The Widerstand is however willing to pledge forces to relieve some pressure of the brave fighters that will have to hold Honshu from falling to the forces of the puppet Republic. One possibility is to have the Widerstand to increase their presence in the Sigma-13 system, covering the rear for those at the front. The Widerstand and the Bundschuhpartei thus wish to discuss how to best use those assets that are available.

With these things stated, we hope that the coming meeting will be fruitful.

Long live humanity! Long live the revolutionary struggles of Kusari and Rheinland! Long live the Bundschuh!

Freya Eistochter
Vorsitzende der Bundschuhpartei
[Image: W5CfOBL.png]

RE: To: Sigma Alliance signatories + GMG - Ryukyu Guild - 12-16-2015

Transmission from Planet Miura, Okinawa.
12-15-822 A.S.

[Image: Ryukyusymbol.png]

To: Sigma Alliance signatories
Topic: Re: Sigma Alliance


From our conversation on Miura, I believe you have mentioned the Sigma Alliance. As it already stands we are glad to name the signatories as our own close Dushikuwas and feel this offer is an honor of trust between us. Each of you have supported the Guild in the past, and we have supported you. Any advancements of the Sigmas can improve the livelihood of those who happily decide to made their homes there. We accept the invitation to attend these talks.

On the topic of the BHG Core, they have given us little concern. The Bounty Hunters Guild has worked for the Gas Miners for a long time, one of few allowed operate in a militaristic fashion in the Sigmas. The Core version of them that seem to operate in the Omicrons have only moved through our space, and only broken minor laws such as moving capitals through the Sigmas. During this summit, we would like to fully understand the background surrounding the BHG Core. While we understand there is some hostilities directed towards their organization, for the Guild to make more enemies at this point would be of a negative outcome.

On the topic of Kurile, the possible assault if Samura does not back down may result in problems between the sovereignty of the Sigmas and Kusari. We are grateful for the support each of you have shown towards the cause to keep the Sigmas as a place of advancement and prosperity. In our own effort to show we are dedicated, we have looked over the treaty put forward to us and while we agree with most points there are some we wish to bring up once the summit is in session. For transparency, we wish to bring up the terminology written within the document, those regarding the general label "slaves" and "nomadic materials". There's also a contradiction regarding the Blood Dragon sovereignty and the Guild sovereignty within the system of Honshu, as we do claim a minor section of space within. There's also questions about the exact logistics between section 2.2 and 2.3, and of course the status of the protected third parties. By announcing our concerns of these topics we hope everyone will be prepared when the topics come up at a later point.

As a last note, the Guild is becoming more and more independent in it's own status. While this will allow us to work closer with those that are apart of this agreement, it does leave us vulnerable without backing from a large nation as we had with Kusari and partly with Rheinland. This is an important time for us as a new state within the sector, and we wish to continue our support of those who helped us stand on our own without worry.

Hashi Sho
Ryukyu Guild - Tanmei - Guild Master

Transmission End

RE: To: Sigma Alliance signatories + GMG - Zephyranthes - 01-07-2016

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Konbanwa to you, noble allies,

We sincerely apologize for the delay it has taken our Shogunate to respond to this communication. We shall, however, give our own stance as is expected of us. As you know, the Shogunate is currently embroiled in conflict with Samura and the Farmers' Alliance for the system of Nagano, in addition to the traditional enemies we have come to know with the Kusari Naval Forces and Hogosha criminal underworld. We have no doubt that the KNF will be moving to attack our position in Northern Kusari in the near future, and we must bring as many of our forces to where they are needed in order to bear the brunt of this onslaught. With the recent advances of the Exiles into Kyushu, the Republic is currently hard-pressed to respond to the multiple threats around it. Despite this good fortune, we will be pre-occupied dealing with the KNF and Exile fleets in the coming battles, and our operations may be limited in the Sigmas.

That being said, the topic of the Core is one that has presented itself as a growing interest to the Shogunate. With their audacious incursions into our space, we have had no choice but to open full hostilities with them long ago. If they continue their incursions into Kusari, we will answer them with steel and fire. We will not be able to engage in offensive operations against the Core due to our aforementioned war. We will do our best to support actions within Kusari against them.

The Nomads are another troubling concern for all of us, and the recent incursions in Hokkaido and Tohoku have raised a degree of alarm for our Shogunate. We would look forward to cooperation between Dragon forces and those of the Order in a possible joint effort in pacifying Tohoku during the Tohoku Crusade. Though we may not be able to spare what we normally have at our disposal, we can at least do our part in ridding another corner of the universe of the Slomon K'Hara and their thralls.

The Shogunate would appreciate any assistance in the Kusari Civil War that other Sigma Alliance members may provide us with. We will be working diligently to advance our mission in this war, and hope to reach a speedy conclusion to the conflict.

We look forward to future talks between our groups within the esteemed forum of the Sigma Alliance.

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