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To: Rheinland Federal Polizei, Subj: Restricted substances - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Federal Polizei, Subj: Restricted substances - Alestone - 12-15-2015

[Image: HotVampiresDavid-thumb-330x266-25911.jpg]
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User ID: {AFC}-Bolide
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So, yeah, I figure I better get some clarification afore you lot an me bump heads.

I saw your Public Service announcement, an I'm noticin tha you've gone and Restricted both Armaments and Munitions. Seein as those are tha components of most weapon systems, am I wrong in readin tha as you've just outlawed armed ships in Rheinland unless they get a special license?

Here's hopin for a reassurin response.

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RE: To: Rheinland Federal Polizei, Subj: Restricted substances - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 12-15-2015

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

[Image: Christiane_Laurich.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Christiane Laurich
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
TO: {AFC}-Bolide
SUBJECT: Re: Restricted substances

Guten Tag, Herr...uhm, Bolid? My name is Christiane Laurich and I´m kommissar of administrative department of the Rheinland Federal Polizei.

I think little clarification is needed at the beginning - Rheinland Federal Polizei didn´t restrict anything. Laws are made by Bundestag, not by polizei, we just enforce them.

To your question - nein, armed ships were not outlawed. Restricted cargo licensing is related to trade regulations. Basic munition for basic reloading - like for example mines, missiles or torpedos - which is placed directly in the reloading systems of ship´s weapons is not affected by this restriction. It only applies to additional amunition transported outside of reloading system.

But I intentionally said basic munition for basic reloading, because attempts to claim that ship is loaded with additional munition because this munition is transported for its own needs will not be recognized, so without restricted cargo license this will be considered as law violation. But don´t worry, scanner devices which Rheinland law enforcers use can can quite accurately distinguish between basic munition and additional munition in most cases. And if there will be any ambiguity, law enforcer can make inspection personally aboard the ship.

By the way, Bundesrepublik Rheinland is not only house which restricted these types of cargo, similar regulations exist also for example in Kingdom of Bretonia or Kingdom of Gallia.

Mit Grüße

Kommissar Laurich