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To: Interspace Commerce - Printable Version

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To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 12-17-2015

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

Good day,

I bring you greetings from the Gas Miners Guild. I have not yet introduced myself to our partners at Interspace Commerce, so I would like to take this opportunity to do so. My name is Keiji Namura, and I am the current acting Guildmaster of GMG.

The reason I am making contact is to further extend the hand of friendship and offer a valuable supply contract. The Guild has recently initiated a new project in the form of Iejima Station, in orbit of Planet Miura, Okinawa. This is quite an extensive undertaking, and so The Guild would like to enlist the assistance of the capable IC transport fleet.

Iejima is currently in need of 40,000 hull segments, which can be acquired on Planet Kyushu for 500 credits per unit. The base's commodity dealer will also pay 500 credits per unit of hull segments delivered, but if you were to engage in the aforementioned contract, The Guild will raise this by an additional 2,500 credits per unit via direct transfer over the neural net, provided proof of the transaction is uploaded to this channel. This would result in a contract worth a total of 100,000,000 credits profit, paid at 3,000 credits per unit.

In addition to the direct credit transfer, The Guild is willing to and capable of transporting gold ore to Roppongi Station on the return leg from fuel supply runs to Bretonia. Roppongi is currently purchasing said ore, and GMG is happy to repay your efforts in kind with our available shipping capacity. We will also ensure Iejima is stocked with enough Helium-3 for you to transport appropriately on your routes from Okinawa to other areas.

Thank you for reading this message. We await your reply with great anticipation.


Keiji Namura

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Neonzumi - 12-18-2015

[Image: A1zYqkY.png]

Konbanwa Namura-san, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am the current acting Interspace Kusari department director Raku Yagami. I have looked over your request along with the board of directors and we have made our decision.

Looking over our partnership with the previous guildmaster and the outcomes of it, we have decided that it would be our pleasure to assist you with supplying the instalation. Our transporting divison will be directed to start moving the requested materials to your station as soon as possible.

I have heard things about you Namura-san, you seem to be doing a great job at running the guild, if I dare say an even better job than the previous guildmaster. I personaly wish you the best of luck with that.

Arigato for contracting Interspace Commerce.

Transmission Ends

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Neonzumi - 12-21-2015

[Image: A1zYqkY.png]

Konbanwa again Namura-san, I have just been informed by the trade division that your contract has been completed. I hope we haven't taken too much time for it, efficiency is very important here at Interspace. The docking master should have all the logs of the shipments arriving to Iejima, but just in case I will put our own proof of delivery in the attachments bellow as previously requested by you.

As for the direct neural net payment, It should be forwarded onto the account of IC|Hartford. I once again thank you for contracting us, it has been a pleasure doing business with the guild.

Transmission Ends

RE: To: Interspace Commerce - Gas Miners Guild - 12-21-2015

[Image: RRIeQCU.png]

The pleasure is mine, Mr. Yagami,

The efficient and professional conduct displayed in fulfilling this contract is not lost on The Guild. We recognise an excellent job you have our thanks for your efforts.

We will, of course, uphold our end of the bargain. Please find enclosed the relevant transaction log and expect the occasional gold ore shipment we drop at Roppongi on our routes.

Interspace will definitely be kept in mind, should we be in need of extra transport capacity again in the future.


Keiji Namura