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To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - Printable Version

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To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - TheSauron - 12-20-2015

[Image: 1vJZT1P.png]
From: Kabukicho Depot, New Tokyo
Subject: Formal Request
Encryption: Very High

Good day.

Allow me to introduce myself first.
The name used by many is Flora. I'm a former Gaian, member of the Watchers and later the Guard, and now I've found myself under the wings of Samura Heavy Industries, on indirect behalf of which I am contacting you right now.
The reason for this communique is the inqury of senor Alberto Rodriguez that was made during our discussion of the matter. I fully understand the need for clearing up any and all concerns related to the project that may arise, and will gladly do so.

First off, I will start with describing what exactly is the mentioned project about. It is a personal initiative of mine, authorised by Samura, to carry out a series of xenoarcheological searches of various sites on the surface of Crete as well as in surrounding space. Those will be just preliminary searches to pinpoint any sites of particular interest. Every single site I, along with a small team, will wish to explore will be first consulted with the Council, or any supervisory entity of your choice. Even if the site does not yield desired results, I will report any action me and my team made during our stay.
However, if we do stumble into something more than mere dead crystals with no application, I'll immediately notify the Council after a brief investigaton of the finding. I do hope I will be able to carry out a more detailed study of wathever we may find, but that will be up to the Council to decide.

The benefits for both sides, me and the Empire, are the same: any and all knowledge I manage to uncover on any of those sites. Any useful data, technology, samples of materials. The only issue I do believe might appear is the distribution of physical artifacts of value, and as much as I wish to get a hold on as many of them as possible, I will leave this matter in your hands.

All of the above lead to two inquires to the Council. I'd like to ask for actual premission to carry out the project, as well as largely unlimited premission to traverse Crete and Empire's space in search for new sites or clues to locations of such. I, of course, do not ask to be allowed to enter any important, classified or otherwise restricted areas planetside or in space that should stay locked for Corsair eyes only, but merely want to be able to conduct my work without being held for questioning by every single patrol on every corner.

That concludes my communique. I will be awaiting your answer.

With respect,


Message end.

RE: To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - Clavius - 01-09-2016

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Buenos dias senorita,

I am Centurion Vreni Volante and I am here to finalize this deal since senor Rodriguez is absent. Council has allowed you, and your team to scan Crete and the surrounding area. We expect you to report to us everything you find there. When that is done, we can continue to stage 2.

Looking forward to your findings,

| Centurion Vreni Volante, The Brotherhood
| Transmission terminated.

RE: To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - TheSauron - 01-10-2016

[Image: 1vJZT1P.png]
From: Freeport 6, Tau-29
Subject: Formal Request
Encryption: Very High

Good day, senor Volante.

I am extremly grateful for the premission granted to me by the Council. However, I am forced to delay the expedition.
I am not sure if the news about Nomad presence in orbit of New London itself has already reached Crete, but I know that the crew of Torshavn can provide you with more details.
Back on the subject, I simply cannot sit idle while things like these happen. I will organise the expedition and the team once things calm down. I'll make sure to inform you when that happens.


Message end.

RE: To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - TheSauron - 01-18-2016

[Image: 1vJZT1P.png]
From: Freeport 6, Tau-29
Subject: Formal Request
Encryption: Very High


Since the situation within New London, and Bretonia as a whole, has stabilised, I have made my way back to Kusari.
After going through necessary paperwork within Samura I'll organise a small team and make my way to Skiros. We'll begin our research from there.


Message end.

RE: To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - TheSauron - 01-23-2016

[Image: 1vJZT1P.png]
From: Skiros Station, Omicron Gamma
Subject: Stage 0 - Surroundings
Encryption: Very High


My team has arrived on Skiros.
Our plan for tomorrow is to conduct a brief scan of planet Cella Dor before proceeding to Kalhmera. Once there, we'll deploy two probes to scan a few selected locations that, according to data provided to us on Skiros, were least explored in recent centuries. After the probes complete their mission, we'll head straight to Crete and stop by at the mooring facilities.

Does anything require elaboration?

Message end.

RE: To: The Council of Elders of the Corsair Empire - Clavius - 01-29-2016

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Hola senorita,

Good to see that you made it out in one piece, we have been woried that the worst has happend after not hearing from you for quiet some time. Your plans check out, we have sent a expert xenoarcheologist to Skiros that will join your team and assist you with whatever necessary. I will be waiting on Crete after you are done with stage 1.

Best of luck in your search,

| Elder Vreni Volante, The Brotherhood
| Transmission terminated.