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I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Printable Version

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I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Ogie - 12-19-2015

1-What ship is there that can be used to encounter a gunbot ? I mean a gunbot is weak against what type of ship ? Bomber ? Cruiser or LABC ? and with what weapons ?
2-If I undock from a base and enemies start shoot me, but since I undock just now I am invincible for few moments then I quickly dock again. Question is until 50% shields are down, I am not involved in a PvP but what if the case that I docked at 35% shields down and I get a private message from enemies that I have screens of you having your shields down more than 50%, so you are dead now. But I didn't see my shields were 50% down and I don't have a proof too, so what do I do now ? It maybe possible that my shields went 50% down but my screen didn't showed me because I pressed dock, data was sent to server, a small lag spike came up and then I docked. Now what do I do in this situation ? Can I re-engage ?
3-Suppose I die while fighting pirates in my police character, now I have to leave for 2 hours. I switched to my lane hacker character and came in the same system. In RP I am in a different character right now. So can I stay in t he system with LH char ? What if pirates encounter me in my LH char, can I re-engage them ?

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Shudragon - 12-19-2015

1) Gunboats inRP are weak to other gunboats and larger ships like BCs, BSes that can hit it well. ooRP, it depends mostly on the gunboat, even a well piloted VHF vs a poorly piloted light gunboat can be a good duel.
2) I honestly don't know about shield percentages and docking. Docking in the middle of a firefight to me, means you surrender at the least though.
3) Changing characters is permitted in the same system as long as it isn't viewed as metagaming - you die to a pirate on a trader, and switch to navy to fight them, might be a good example of metagaming.

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Walker - 12-19-2015

Your best bet is to get another Gunboat, which can have somewhat of a chance.

Or to get a bomber. But mostly, you want to really practice as you need to be able to consistently hit with your Supernova to do any major damage. Most of the time I see bombers who get a good hit in, and then the Gunboat just goes super evasive until the shields recharge and then the Bombers powercore is shot and yeah...

I've tried seeing if you could take on a GB in a fighter, the most luck I've had is using Screamer Mines on my Order Bastet with 6x Nomads. Same with a Battlecruiser, all they have to do is just thrust away and get at range and take pot shots at you with Infernos/Razors/Whatevs and you might dodge a few of them, but over time they wear you down and you die. There is simply no way to catch them unless you get the jump on them.

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Malmsteen - 12-19-2015

1- I think that the best ship that can engage and kill a gunboat is a Cruiser, Recon Cruiser or Battlecruiser classes. As for the weapons, i think the best for killing gunboats are primary battleship or primary cruiser guns, also can be mixed with some cerbs for good damage effect. The most important is to keep always the same re-fire rate guns on the same firing group of weapons. Why? simply so you don't mess your aim against fast moving ships more than 1.5k away from your ship.

2- Well, First of all, i want to clear something for you. IF you get attacked and someone drained your shield more than 50% without a single word (2 required phrases of RP) then its a violation of rules. Also i wonder how can someone engage you in the 10 seconds of no-effect (after undocking) without a RP? Anyway, if happened with RP, then it is considered as PVP death and in this case, you need to check your ship, so if it's a trader, then you can come back even within the 2 hours range for the purpose of TRADING only. You cannot re-engage the same player with any of your nicknames again unless 2 hours pass, or player switch characters or leave the server (Note: switching chars is exactly the same as departing the server).

3- You cannot come back to the same system with any of your fighting chars if you get killed in the system. You can always come back for the sake of trading but you cannot re-engage the same target again with any of your characters unless 2 hours pass. Also in case that you was near that system and the same attacker came again for you while you are on different character, then you indeed have the right to defend yourself but be careful ... you should not seek fighting the character you got killed by unless 2 hours pass ... and self defense is another case.

I hope that my limited info provided you any useful answers.



RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Alestone - 12-19-2015

2. If you are being shot as you undock, AND you have no previous interaction with the people shooting you, they are in violation of the server rules, specifically the "no shooting until you have RP" clause.

Quote:3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond. If a player is attacked he has the right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. Trading nanobots, shieldbatteries or other ammo and equipment during a fight is also considered taking an active role in the engagement.

The situation you describe is an abuse, but you'll have a tough time proving it without screen shots unless they actually attempt to sanction you. Even then, until you get sanctioned and can tell your side of it, the guilty until proven innocent mentality will see you in Bastille.

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - nOmnomnOm - 12-19-2015

1) 2 to 3 bombers should do the trick. Asuras cannons are a GBs worst fear

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Mephistoles - 12-19-2015

(12-19-2015, 06:35 PM)Malmsteen Wrote: 3- You cannot come back to the same system with any of your fighting chars if you get killed in the system. You can always come back for the sake of trading but you cannot re-engage the same target again with any of your characters unless 2 hours pass.

It should be noted that this applies ONLY if you combat docked on a freighter or a transport. If you died on any ship, or combat docked on a ship of any other class, you may not return to the system until two hours have passed or all involved logged out, even to trade.

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - The Savage - 12-19-2015

(12-19-2015, 06:40 PM)Chance Wrote: 2. If you are being shot as you undock, AND you have no previous interaction with the people shooting you, they are in violation of the server rules, specifically the "no shooting until you have RP" clause.

Now, I am pondering about other situation: let's say, I'm a hypothetical pirate. What if I pirate a target (trader, ofc), then it fails to fulfill my demand and I engage it. After a while, it docks... and then, what I am supposed to do, if it undocks after a while?

(12-19-2015, 07:12 PM)Mephistoles Wrote: 3- You cannot come back to the same system with any of your fighting chars if you get killed in the system. You can always come back for the sake of trading but you cannot re-engage the same target again with any of your characters unless 2 hours pass.
Yes, this one is quite source of confusion between players as even the old-timers were not aware of the rule change.

One thing is sure: if your killer(s) has/have logged out the char(s) that killed you, the 2h rule is reset - provided the player did not appear in 5 minutes, because DC can happen of course. <- Based onto Admin notice, which I can't bring because of forum rollback.

That's the safest explanation of the rule.

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - Skorak - 12-19-2015

For your safety I would write something along this manner: "There you are again. Time for me to finish what I started. Opening fire."
That will make it unnecessary to explain the situation should the attacked party decide to report.

RE: I have 3 questions to ask, related to pvp and server rules - The Savage - 12-19-2015

I see you, @Skorak, then it's quite tricky situation so it would be nice to see a green here - since I do not know, being completely honest, if docking ends the roleplay. That's the main issue here.