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To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Printable Version

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To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 12-24-2015

Incoming transmission
Atka Research Station, Sigma-17

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[Image: ZNkiOXN.png]

[Image: bQRlMdS.png]
Sender: Jera, Wisp Innovations
Recipient: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell
Subject: Bacteria.


It seems our previous transmission was lost on the wires. I, however, trust that you still remember our deal and what is going to be made of it.

We found the bacteria you discovered relatively useful and we would like to receive a larger shipment of those until the end of the year. However due to the nature of our... transaction, that would have to be kept completely confidential. Wisp Innovations will deny any dealings with O'Rhu and the Order should this be discovered.

Now, I understand your group wants something in return. I remember you spoke of Pharmaceuticals for your people. Our logistics division can deliver that for you, just name your price.

Wisp Innovations Security Division

Transmission terminated
Signal lost

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 12-29-2015

[Image: 6LAa14G.gif]


[Image: 6wN8Xes.gif]

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 01-01-2016

[Image: 6LAa14G.gif]


[Image: 6wN8Xes.gif]

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Tarator - 01-02-2016

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: Jera, Wisp Innovations
SENDER: Thrawn, O'Rhu cell
Subject: Bacteria

CONTENT: Greetings, I apologize for the delay in communications. Axisdeus is currently unavailable, and I will be taking his place in this matter. Now, as I understood you are requiring a certain amount of that particular bacteria, and this can be arranged right away. However, we on the other hand, require regular shipments of medical supplies, and if possible, we need to acquire a Kamome. We can of course offer regular shipments of the bacteria in return. That is, if we have a deal.

Awaiting your response
Thrawn out

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 01-02-2016

Incoming transmission
Atka Research Station, Sigma-17

[Image: PWs3CXg.png]
[Image: bG8B1u0.png][Image: Jera.gif][Image: bxPzWM5.png]
[Image: ZNkiOXN.png]

[Image: bQRlMdS.png]
Sender: Jera, Wisp Innovations
Recipient: Thrawn, O'Rhu Cell
Subject: Re: Bacteria.

Mr Thrawn,

As you may or may not imagine, regular deliveries of Pharmaceuticals to such an unsafe place as the Omicrons is not something we can be absolutely sure about. We may dispatch one convoy every now and again, when you request it, but our regular Logistics fleet is not prepared to venture on journeys so far into hostile space.

That being said, I am sure that if you could find a particularly willing group of Freelancers, we could provide them with a significant discount on Pharmaceuticals produced on Denver that would be delivered to you if that is something you want to consider.

Now as for your second request... Kamome might not be easy to acquire. Our company currently is in slightly... cold relations with the GMG. It might be possible to acquire that type of ship from the Samura, however that would require quite a bit of additional costs.

If we are to undertake those additional costs, we would need a provision of some way. Such provision could be the precise location where the bacteria are being mined.

Yours sincerely,
Wisp Innovations

Transmission terminated
Signal lost

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 01-09-2016

[Image: 6LAa14G.gif]


[Image: 6wN8Xes.gif]

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Arbs - 01-11-2016

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: Jera, Wisp Innovations
SENDER: Brake, O'Rhu cell
Subject: Bacteria

CONTENT: Apologies for the delayed response. Axisdeus is still away on his mission and it is now my duty to oversee such agreements.

Firstly I wish to inform you that the first shipment is ready to be exchanged at the earliest convenience. The amount consists of around 4000 container units of Alien Organisms, however because of the perishable nature of these organisms it is recommended for them to be transported quickly. Perhaps in some time we will manage to have a more stable supply chain by the use of freelancer circles.

As for the origin of these organisms, they come from the Damascus Cloud in Omciron Sigma system, in the border of what the order considers safe. However be advised that the area is often raided by Nomads which represent a high risk to any personnel not trained in handling such situations, so caution should be used. If there is perhaps something else you request, do let us know.

Awaiting your response.
Brake out.

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 01-12-2016

Incoming transmission
Atka Research Station, Sigma-17

[Image: PWs3CXg.png]
[Image: bG8B1u0.png][Image: Jera.gif][Image: bxPzWM5.png]
[Image: ZNkiOXN.png]

[Image: bQRlMdS.png]
Sender: Jera, Wisp Innovations
Recipient: Brake, O'Rhu Cell
Subject: Re: Bacteria

Mr Brake,

The Logistics have been informed. Our transports will depart from Colorado with your Pharmaceuticals in exactly three days. The cargo will be deposited on Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta.

We will also attempt to deliver you the requested Kamome at a later date.

Yours sincerely,
Wisp Innovations Security Division

Transmission terminated
Signal lost

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Fairchild - 01-15-2016

Incoming transmission
Freeport 11, Omicron Delta

[Image: PWs3CXg.png]
[Image: bG8B1u0.png][Image: Milton%20Birch.gif][Image: bxPzWM5.png]
[Image: ZNkiOXN.png]

[Image: bQRlMdS.png]
Sender: Milton Birch, Wisp Innovations
Recipient: Brake, O'Rhu Cell
Subject: Re: Bacteria.


I don't believe we've had the opportunity to meet yet. My name is Milton Birch and I'm the head of logistics for Wisp Innovations. I am also the commander of CT Rosemary, which was one of the two transports delivering your Pharmaceuticals. We've just finished our run and we currently await for your side of the deal on Freeport 11 as over eight thousand standard cargo units of our top-of-the-line products await in a secure storage location on the Freeport.

On another note, we would welcome haste as the deep Omicrons aren't a place my crew and myself are particularly fond of.

Yours sincerely,
Milton Fitzgerald Birch
Wisp Innovations Head of Logistics


Transmission terminated
Signal lost

RE: To: Axisdeus, O'Rhu Cell | From: Wisp Innovations - Tarator - 01-19-2016

[Image: dI4M4yq.png]

ADDRESSEE: Milton Birch, Wisp Innovations
SENDER: Thrawn, O'Rhu cell
Subject: Bacteria

CONTENT: Greetings, Agent Brake has overseen the transfer, and I've been notified that everything went smooth. We however will have to look for further possibilities in acquiring medical supplies, and should any possibilities arise with regards to Wisp Innovations, we will be open for further business.

As for the Kamome, if you are able to acquire the vessel, we can of course cover the costs for your troubles for it.

Pleasure doing business with you.
Thrawn out