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to: 75th Commander, Claes Leslie - Printable Version

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to: 75th Commander, Claes Leslie - Sciamach - 12-24-2015

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Claes Leslie
From: Erikasaria Espinosa
Subject: Curiosity
Encryption: [Absolute]

A mere few weeks have gone by since I watched the Fenice depart from Cartagena and already I'm hearing stories and tales about the Mosquitoes' exploits. Most of it conjecture, obviously but it's still good to know your people are still around and enjoying the benefits of our arrangement. Consider this an informal inquiry as to the status of the Mosquites-- I'm curious more than anything else about how the vessel fares, as well as how the crew I met just weeks ago are.

This is about as informal as I can get, so-- respond accordingly.

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: to: 75th Commander, Claes Leslie - Hidamari - 12-24-2015

[Image: 7GcSA.png]

*Claes open the comm with a smile, not saluting to keep things a little less formal than usual

"Signorina Espinosa, or.. Erika, if i may? *she asks lowering her head a little* It is good to hear from you. The ship testing is going... Slowly. *Claes stated chosing her words carefully* since we cant afford to break down out here in California, not with everything going to hell like it has been, im sure you've seen the communique we sent, San Diego border station is now just a burnt out shell but from the wreckages surrounding it it cost a heavy price to both sides, its a complete grave yard."

*She rubs her head a little*

"We have had several minor run ins with 5th LNS fleet vessels attempting to engage Fenice D'oro, the last one, a Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser, gave us quite a bit of trouble on our first encounter, Fenice took a lot of damage and we barely scratched it. after a return to the homeworld and Cartagena we were refitted with different weapon systems, he didn't fare so well on the next encounter, resulting in the destruction of his vessel!"*she reports getting a little excited for a moment*

"we are currently intercepting vessels to interrogate them regarding the operations of the freelancer group A/) otherwise at the moment, things are being taken as slowly as possible, with frequent returns to Malta for checks on performance and bug sweeping."

*She smiles*

"I know you want the schimatics of the ship, and you will get them, but not before the vessel is proven to work on cue all the time, every time. Please, have a little more patience, I will not let you down in this"

"Long live Malta."

[Image: iNGeN.png]

RE: to: 75th Commander, Claes Leslie - Sciamach - 12-29-2015

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Claes Leslie
From: Erikasaria Espinosa
Subject: RE: Curiosity
Encryption: [Absolute]

I hear enough of my own title that at this point, I'm tired of it. "Erika" will do just fine.

But it does my heart good to hear of your success stories down in Liberty; always a pleasure to know that some arrogant, worthless pile of false patriotism is getting his teeth kicked in by a vessel I had a part in. Cheers to the knowledge that your vessel will serve you well for years to come.

Now, as far as the schematics: The Cardinals have the pressure on to get a return for our little favor to you. They want their tech but there's no way in the cold void of hell I'm going to let them dictate how I do my job. So forget what they want: I'm contacting you more out of curiosity as a.. "friend" I guess you'd say, rather than a professional contact... pathetic as that may be. As I said before: "an informal inquiry." Something more to ease my own mind rather than that of the Council's.

Stay safe out there-- until we speak again.

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: to: 75th Commander, Claes Leslie - Hidamari - 01-02-2016

[Image: kVr4xPK.png]

*Claes frowns a little before having an unsure expression, she looks to the side and then back to the camera after a few seconds, visibly conflicted.*

"Signorina Esp.. *She says before pausing and taking a breath* Erika, *Claes smiles, glad Erika appeared to have come around a little after her offer during their tour of La Fenice D'oro, though internally she struggled with the idea of having friends again, trying to put the past behind her she moves on* Ive... Only ever had two people that I would have called friends, my highest ranking pilot Camilla Petrucci, and an old associate who used to look after me while I was growing up. They are both dead now... not to mention that first one might have been one sided. *Claes admitted with a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment after remembering them and the loss it brought back, opening her eyes she continued, a small smile appearing* I'd be glad to be able to do so again, Erika."

*Claes smiles a little brighter for a a minute*

"It is however difficult to really appreciate the offer what with the -shall we say- 'waves' being made in Maltese diplomatic circles as of late" *Claes mildly rubs her forehead for a few seconds* "you must be under a lot of pressure..." *she states simply in sympathy* "since our maneuovers are likely to take some time, you could perhaps come to stay with us if you are needing a distraction? I would of course be glad to receive you"

*Claes offers with a smile, lowering her head for a moment and closing the com*

[Image: iNGeN.png]

RE: to: 75th Commander, Claes Leslie - Sciamach - 01-05-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Claes Leslie
From: Erikasaria Espinosa
Subject: RE: Curiosity
Encryption: [Absolute]

You'll have to believe me when I say: you're not the only one experiencing a sense of trepidation: I've been getting kicked around by my superiors for longer than I'll care to admit. That kind of pressure doesn't allow for a whole lot in the way of spare time for "friends." So trust me, I get it.

But I am more than glad to maintain open contact-- a channel by which I must now use to thank you for your participation in our.. Operation in Kansas the other day. Your participation has been duly noted and recognized by the Cardinals-- Some of the footage the Mgarr picked up made it's way to the council chamber and they were quite impressed to see the Fenice's performance. Though, by doing so I fear you may have whet their appetite to whats to come-- a feeling I share myself.

Business aside, a distraction would be a gladly welcome change.. I can't even remember the last time I had anything close to a vacation-- certainly not one in the past few years. If you're willing to have me, I think something can be arranged on my end to get the Cardinals off my back-- though I'll need to make arrangements for my other "affairs" to be in order..

Holler back if everything's alright with you-- I look forward to seeing how you scrappy Mosquitoes handle yourselves, among other things.

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]