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Staff Applications! - Printable Version

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Staff Applications! - Remnant - 12-24-2015

Hey there ladies and gents, it's about that time where we're looking for potential expansions to our staffing.
We're looking for additional Moderators, as well as a few Developers. Included at the bottom of this thread, is a link to an application. Fill it out as your interests suit, and perhaps we'll get back to you, depending on who you appear to be as a community member!


It's really a universal explanation when it comes to explaining what Moderators do. These people are in charge of the forums, making sure people suddenly don't go rambo on each other and start flame-wars.
Beyond making sure all of the posts follow the rules of the community, Moderators also have a say in violation reports, and player requests.
Beyond that, it's more or less common knowledge that we choose Administrator candidates from the Moderator pools, so if that's something you want to aim for, show us that you're a reasonable and responsible person if you take up this post!

Development Team Members

Discovery in the end, is a volunteer made mod. A bunch of talented people working together, to create something.
When it comes development, having a nicely sized group of people working together is better than anything that could be asked for.
Do you have any skills which you'd be willing to help the team out with?

Currently, the Dev team is only asking for System Developers and Ship Modelers - Although we put in an OTHER section. Even though we're not looking for anyone else, if you think you can contribute in a legitimate way, we really have no reason not to hear you out. Why don't you tell us what you're thinking of anyways?

Deadline: 12/30/15

RE: Staff Applications! - Alestone - 12-25-2015

Could I get a bit more definition on what a System Developer entails?

I understand the obvious, create a star system, but I am more wondering what sort of talents would be desirable to qualify.

RE: Staff Applications! - Karst - 12-25-2015

Oh, aren't you looking for a mining developer? I thought you might be, since there haven't been any changes in the area since, rough estimate, early 2014 and we're still dealing with things like below, despite fully completed fixes being submitted back in summer and several times after to account for mod changes?

RE: Staff Applications! - Teerin - 12-25-2015

@Chance - It's not so much creating star systems as moving around things (bases, objects, fields, jump holes, etc.), adjusting jump point connections, occasionally changing IFFs, sometimes making new fields, and more along that line. The work is quite hands-on and a little tedious, but some people really enjoy it.

@Karst - We have a mining developer, and we've examined a number of mining proposals over the past few months.

RE: Staff Applications! - Querious - 12-25-2015

I'm not asking for a dev position, but I do have some general ideas on how certain things could be moved around to make stuff a lot more interesting around here.

My ideas usually include removing useless systems and using removed systems' assets to upgrade already viable systems, but sometimes I'll include some new things.

Cyber Byte Wrote:I have ideas for revamps on:
-The Barrier Rim (Cortez<--->Coronado Jump Gate, Removing Drake but still having Wild Bases nearby...)
-Southern Independent Worlds (Humboldt, Hudson, Kansas, Vespucci)
-Bretonia (No, seriously, I've thought out revamps of just about every system there for some reason...)
-Omegas (Omega Mining Wars: IMG vs DHC vs BMM, Getting rid of Reapers, Omega 7<--->Humboldt Jump Hole...what the heck?!!)
-Order Territory (Mu, 100, Minor, 92)
-Rheinland Guard Systems (moving their assets to other places in Rheinland)
-Kusari Civil War (includes MAJOR effects on Sigmas and Taus)
-New Routes into Gallia (Tau-44, Tau-37, Tau-65)
-Liberty Guard Systems (Moving them around and combining some areas)
-Omicron Delta (Route to Iota, using assets from Zeta, etc.)
-Corsair Homeworlds (Making 91 and 94 not so useless)
-Taus (Trade Lanes in 23, Escalated conflict over Harris, War in 44)
-2nd Gallic Civil War: Revolution on Amiens (War in Picardy) {thanks for the idea, @Thyrzul}
-The list goes on.....
tl;dr I've been thinking about how to revamp systems too much for my own good.

Anyway, if you guys want my input on system projects of yours, PM me when you need to and I'll get to you sooner or later.

It really doesn't matter that much if the ideas I presented above include some useless ones in your opinion, since I still have a lot more material I can use for my inputs. I guess that's the benefit of having thought about this WAY too long...

Have fun joining up if you decide to, and if you become a System Dev I will be proud (proud of Ship Designers and Mods too, but this tops them)

RE: Staff Applications! - SMI-Great.Fox - 12-25-2015

Well since I'm no real good as a Dev, I'll throw my hat into the ring for another try at Moderator.

RE: Staff Applications! - Gulryz - 12-25-2015

(12-25-2015, 11:32 AM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: Well since I'm no real good as a Dev, I'll throw my hat into the ring for another try at Moderator.


RE: Staff Applications! - StarRaven - 12-25-2015

I would like to apply for a spot on the moderator team. I believe I've been here
long enough to have a very good grasp at what's going on with everything and
I know right from wrong, so here I submit my application for moderator. Thank you.

-Coteazur Admin-

RE: Staff Applications! - TheShooter36 - 12-25-2015

hmmm i may go and volunteerly throw myself to orange paintbox

RE: Staff Applications! - The.Outlaw.Star - 12-26-2015

Thank you for the opportunity once again!