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Hedgehog is on stopover - Parker - 12-24-2015


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History Log
Quote:Personal Files

[Image: V2EYCcy.png]

Name: Parker, Avril
Associated Division: Ghost Intelligence Division
Birth: Sevenhundredninetynine After Settlement, location unknown - eventually Los Angeles
Height: Somewhat around 5'1"
Eye: Blood-Red
Quote:Personal Comms

Contacts with the Legion
There be dragons

Contacts with other people
Vital Vatan
Bomba la dash

Contacts by other people
Abs are calling
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RE: Hedgehog is on stopover - Parker - 12-24-2015


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'Hoy. It was a long time since I [we] last recorded an entry to my [our] logs. Yes it was. Two years I [we] think. So much happened, so much to tell. Cannot say where to start even. Maybe start with where I [we] stopped. Now that is one major fine idea. I [we] will do that. Had me [us] hooked up with the GID, the -Ghost Intelligence Division- that is, basically doing the very same stuff as I [we] did before just under new colours. But by all the Gods have they awesome technology at hand I [we] can tinker around with. Legion already had astonishing tech. But this here? That is leagues over their head, I [we] swear. Like, totally. 'Stefania and her boys took me in rather smoothly, never had such a lovely welcome. Which means nobody bothered me [us] for anything and I [we] can likely do whatever I [we] like to do. Apart from running some system-checks and keeping the place together as well as having a watch over the database, archives and projects, I [we] can use my [our] time left for everything that comes to mind. And a lot of stuff comes to my [our] mind. Really a lot. Frakking lot even. Reminds me I [we] have to screen the recent updates on station-status once I [we] am [are] done here.

It became quiet here after the squadron left the place but they are back now, took them over a year. Got to meet some of the higher-ups already, Gabby and Kelly for example. Charming people. 'Stefania is not back yet but Gabby said she will get here in time too.
I [we] used the time available to literally have a look at every single last piece of tech they had around here. After sealing off the station, Sarah pretty nicely kept anything out that was not either me or,.... well, that was not me. Nearly had the defense-grid shoot down the Ghosts at their return. Good thing they will never find out about that one because I [we] have all the information and I [we] do not intend to share word about this or some of the other -incidents- that happened. Used the years to toy around a bit with the infrastructure and was able to suppress individual gravity enforcement on all the upper decks. That is basically the area where I [we] did hang out most. Of course was needed to visit the lower decks from time to time and spend quite some time there, usually somewhat around three to four days to regulate biochemical processes within my [our] muscle cells. All that low- to no-gravity does them not well.
Also got my[our]self upgraded. The cortex-uplink I [we] had? Stories of the past. I [we] now that several cross-cortex-connectors that make it possible to work in several systems simultaneously. Really speeds up my [our] work significantly. Had those iris-inlays build in after I [we] severely improved their accessibility to establish network-connections from anywhere one could also force way into the Neural-Net. What else? Got me [us] holo-sensible imprints on my [our] fingertips. Those are spooky. They glow red in the dark.

Well, that is it for today. I [we] am [are] Corsicas resident processing unit now. Me [us] and Sarah that is.
Might call some people the next days. Have not heard from Joe since my [our] departure from Liberty. I [we] miss Joe.
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RE: Hedgehog is on stopover - Parker - 06-25-2016


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'Hoy. Lots to talk about. Ghosts booted up Corsica, much to my [our] shock. Station was not ready for that and the feedback within the system caused a major failure. The mass-accelerator that I [we] managed to contain was powered up again by that and nearly got us all vanished in the endless nothing. Kelly did the exceptional task of screening the millions of lines of code I [we] changed. Spread out over one-hundred-seventeen distributors within nine nodes. And all that manually. Despite me [us] having Sarah, Kelly beat [me] in speed by lengths.
However. In the end we had to abandon the place. It is astonishing how good the Ghosts are with packing all their laboratories and tech wrapped up for transport and then actually move it to a new location. Took them just a few days.

Lucky for all of us construction of Dis was coming along nicely and so I [we] could link us up with the systems there. I [we] mentioned the logistics of the Ghosts before? Hard to imagine they built a complete city with all its facilities and structures in just half a year. But they did. Underground city even with some nasty layers topping it off. Security measures. I [we] could write pages about that but I [we] will not. No no. Confidential material and all. Right above it there is a natural habitat. They call it the arc-hive, huge dome with what feels like a rainforest inside. There is nothing like that on Malta. Not to mention they got their own port now, heard 'Stefania saying something about no need to deal with others at the hangars anymore. Sounds good to me [us]. I [we] spent most of my [our] time riding the area by the maglev-lines they constructed. Sort of chills me [us] out. It is nice to not need a direct uplink anymore. Can wander the area and still attend my [our] work.
New laboratories are even more suited for complex research than the last ones on Corsica. I [we] was [were] able to finally synthesize liquidized Cardamine. Does not vaporize anymore once it gets into contact with air. No need for us anymore to use this aerosol under pressure you will need a mask for to breathe it. It is really easy now, just put a vial in the designated slot at your lower left arm and the software will release the Cardamine at the dose your body needs it that moment. My [our] invention. Like so many other things the Ghosts got these days. Finished some other developments of the Echelon but that is not going into here.

Had a few talks with 'Stefania to leave now again. She was alright about it. I [we] wonder sometimes why she is so nice to me [us] but I [we] will not question her either. Trying to get back in contact with the Legion was a failure once more, so 'Stefania and I [we] discussed the other options and our thoughts ended with MichaƂ. All set up now already, will add the frequencies in a moment to the overview. Tooth-fairy was a nice guy so far.
That is it for now. Will write the missing parts later.
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