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To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Printable Version

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To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Fryare - 12-30-2015

::Incoming Trasmissions::

[Image: qvRK1OG.jpg?1]

ID: Genrich Blazkov
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Subject:Helping Mollys's Cause

Privet to all Members and Commanders of the Molly Republic! *rolls an hand-made cigarette* Let me introduce myself, I'm Genrich Blazkov, Junior Lieutenant of the Coalition Army.*Then lights* I saw a lot of news about fights for your just cause (in my opinion) in Bretonia, especially in Dublin system. I think also fighting the Bretonian oppressor is a nice compromise for have a common enemy, don't you? *smiles* But now we come to the real matter of this transmission. The Commander Alejandro Rivera and I wish to give an "external" hand as members of the Coalition Army and Volgograd Industrial to support the Mollys's cause in every possible ways, except pirating. We'll only give some propaganda and We'll try to convince some miners to join your cause, then if they won't accept, they will face their destiny when your faction will trust them *laughs*. We don't need money from your faction as we're anticapitalist soldiers, but we only ask your faction to share your technology, such as the Z-4800 "Greyhound" Very Heavy Fighter, cause I think it's a very agile and versatile ship instead of the one I fly at the moment. I know also one of your bases in Londonderry (Foyle Shipyard if I rember right) got the Pilgrim Liner and I'm interested to get that also. For now I give you a screen made outside Arranmore with your fighting Propaganda and 3 Bottles of nice Whiskey *smiles*. Now I'm waiting hopeful for your response. *He turns off the cigarette in his steel ashtray*

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Do svidaniya!

Genrich Blazkov

::Trasmissions Terminated::

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-09-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Blazkov,

Dhis is Blodwyn O'Driscoll speakin'.
So, oif oy did unnestand well, ye, ser, is speakin' on behalf o' deh Volgograd Industrial, un' would requoire two o' aour ships fer yer personal use : Z-4800 un' a Pilgrim Loiner ; roight ?

Un' o' course, we'll allus need extra hands frem aour allies, but at deh same toime, oy know dhat doses ships could directly be put tae good use oif flown boye aour own poilots.
But oy guess ye 'd be able tae do deh same job as aour poilots, at least oy hope so.

So what 'bout ye'd prove oos, dhat ye get deh job's done, un' doses two ships are yers ?
Let oos say, deh destruction o' ten ships o' doses BMM gold thieves, tryin' tae smuggle unprocessed gold.
O' course, oy'd also be willing tae offer ye doses ships, oif ye manage tae convince some o' dem moiners tae join deh Republic o' Dublin.
Oy guess doses terms are acceptable, ain't dey ?

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Fryare - 01-09-2016

::Incoming Trasmissions::

[Image: qvRK1OG.jpg?1]

ID: Genrich Blazkov
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Subject:About the Task

Privyet Miss O'Driscoll! *rolls an hand-made cigar* I see the task is a bit challenging, but it could be done. So I'm gladly to accept the task and I hope to bring good results for that *grins*. *He turns off the cigar in his steel ashtray*

Do svidaniya!

Genrich Blazkov

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Fryare - 01-30-2016

::Incoming Trasmissions::

[Image: qvRK1OG.jpg?1]

ID: Genrich Blazkov
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Subject:First Task of helping Molly's cause

Privyet Miss O'Driscoll. I report this patrol to you cause it happened something interesting about convincing BMM ships to join your cause.
Here comes the conversation:

[30.01.2016 16:10:47] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Well well
[30.01.2016 16:11:16] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Some miners, who don't to join our talkative
[30.01.2016 16:11:56] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Could you stop for a minute?
[30.01.2016 16:12:40] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: well, probably not...
[30.01.2016 16:13:41] traian-miner: ??????
[30.01.2016 16:13:53] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Join our cause
[30.01.2016 16:14:29] traian-miner: wat your prblm?
[30.01.2016 16:14:39] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: I need your support
[30.01.2016 16:14:59] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Cause we wanna fight an oppressor
[30.01.2016 16:15:09] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: The Crown!
[30.01.2016 16:15:47] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: So if you wanna join our cause,  take this
[30.01.2016 16:16:11] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: *eject propaganda*
[30.01.2016 16:16:17] traian-miner: for wat?
[30.01.2016 16:16:33] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: For claim our territory
[30.01.2016 16:16:53] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: You wanna pick up or not?
[30.01.2016 16:17:24] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Damn paper wasted
[30.01.2016 16:17:32] traian-miner: wait
[30.01.2016 16:18:14] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Wait what?
[30.01.2016 16:18:26] traian-miner: hau much?
[30.01.2016 16:18:31] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: what?
[30.01.2016 16:19:02] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: I don't want your money
[30.01.2016 16:19:16] traian-miner: aaaaaa ok now?
[30.01.2016 16:19:17] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Take this, and think about to join our cause
[30.01.2016 16:19:55] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: I don't wanna hurt you but you can take the guarantee to join Blodwyn cause
[30.01.2016 16:20:09] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: try to talk with him then
[30.01.2016 16:20:18] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Do'Svidanya!
[30.01.2016 16:20:29] traian-miner: bye
[30.01.2016 16:22:33] OSI-Hellespont.Fairfax: Isaac: Ahoy
[30.01.2016 16:22:48] SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov: Privyet
[30.01.2016 16:23:31] 2016-01-30 16:23:36 SMT  Traffic control alert: SCRA|Genrich.Blazkov has requested to dock

Well, the miner seems to accept my compromise to join the Molly's cause. But my mission is not finished yet. I saw you want also the destruction of ten BMM ships right? Or am I wrong?

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Do svidaniya!

Genrich Blazkov

::Trasmissions Terminated::

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 02-02-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, ser Blazkov,

Well, well, well, 'ere some news o' yeese, ser Blazkov...

* her hands were playing with a flagon, tinkling each time her rings were touching the container*

Oy was tinkin' oy was clear 'nough, t'was eidher wun task o' deh odher. ANyway, it seems dhat ye dinnae manage tae complete eidher o' em fer naow.
Fer as oy see what happened widh dhis poilot when oy did read deh datas ye sent mae, oy's pretty sure he dinnae e'en unnestand what happened, so let's nae talk 'bout bein' convinced o' sumtin'...
Well, oy need deh tin' bein' done straight, un' clear evidence aswell.

A'roight, wish ye good luck widh yer task lad.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Fryare - 02-02-2016

::Incoming Trasmissions::

[Image: qvRK1OG.jpg?1]

ID: Genrich Blazkov
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Subject:Understanding the condition and first execution of a BMM ship

Privyet Miss O'Driscoll. Probably the miner didn't understand the issue, but I think I didn't see him in the minefield since I tried to convince him. If I'll meet in again mining as a BMM employer, I don't hesitate to execute him.
In any case, yesterday I executed a light BMM miner ship, cause I caught him mining in our territory. I spare the nearby Kishiro transport life, to concentrate my aim to the BMM smuggler. Unfortunately, it wasn't his lucky day *laughs*. I'm waitin' for your response, Miss and I keep up the work *raise fist*.

Genrich Over and Out,

Some War Photos: #ClickToLoad#

Do svidaniya!

Genrich Blazkov

::Trasmissions Terminated::

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Fryare - 02-02-2016

::Incoming Trasmissions::

[Image: qvRK1OG.jpg?1]

ID: Genrich Blazkov
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Subject:Another execution of BMM ships

Privyet Miss O'Driscoll. I show you my respect to the Molly cause, giving another two heads of those filthy BMM smugglers. I keep up the destruction, my Miss *laughs horribly*

Genrich Over and Out,

Some War Photos: #ClickToLoad#

Do svidaniya!

Genrich Blazkov

::Trasmissions Terminated::

RE: To: Molly Republic, Leader Blodwyn O'Driscoll - Fryare - 02-14-2016

[Image: h0UbGHT.png]

ID: Genrich Blazkov
Location: Arranmore Base, Dublin
Subject:BMM execution

Privyet Miss! Here they are another BMM smugglers executions done in Dublin. Another BMM shippies wants to be pulverized for the glory of the Republic and the rise of our Industry and Social Class Working! *raise fist*

Some War Photos: #ClickToLoad#

Do svidanyia!

Genrich Blazkov

::Trasmissions Terminated::