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To: Hunt From:Maxwell - Printable Version

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To: Hunt From:Maxwell - Fuski - 01-02-2016

From: Security Code-4141888, Maxwell-Jayse
Direct line from: Coronado System
To: Joshua Hunt
Subject: Be careful

Video Feed: Negative- Audio Link-Negative, record and send message? Y


I understand Pierce had been terminated and now you are the one running things. However, On my mission to relay a message I was asked about how the Initiative felt about LSF and Hellfire Legion. When I interjected my own thoughts about the LSF, A pilot of the wing ended up clamming up and offing his comms. Here's the audio log.

I also came in at part of the conversation where they were talking something about "Mindshare". Besides that, that's it.
Phantom-3, out.

RE: To: Hunt From:Maxwell - Vendetta - 01-06-2016

[Image: RNd8p8y.jpg]

Hello Jayse,

Long time no see. I appreciate the work you've been doing, but I regret to inform you that Control Station: AEGIS, and the Refinery, was destroyed by people I once called friend. We lost fourteen people in the evacuation. The fleet has been mobilized, and we've arrived in Theta, full force. You're hereby instructed to remain within the boundries of Liberty until this unfortunate event is sorted.

Communication will be sparse, and you're the only one left out in the field. Stick with Auxesia, and update them on the situation until the network can be re-establishdd. Be vigilant, as our enemies can be behind any corner. Only contact in the event of emergancy.

Aegis-Actual will break silence when a solution is decided.

|Signal Lost|

RE: To: Hunt From:Maxwell - Vendetta - 01-08-2016

[Image: RNd8p8y.jpg]

Aegis-Actual to Phantom three, new directive:

Communications blackout is in effect. Phantoms will recieve AWACS support from the Artemis. Rendezvous is South of Point Delta for surveillance. Do NOT engage local authorities, ghost protocol in effect. Artemis will serve as an EWS of Point Delta.

Do not communicate with anyone without proper clearance, security code DOFRN.

Do not return to Aegis-Actual unless instructed.

Only contact in the event of an emergancy. Otherwise, Aegis-Actual will break comm silence if need be.

In the event of an Infested Zone, make contact with local authorities to remedy the situation.

Additional instructions: Aegis-Actual needs eyes on Point Delta, prep Stealth drive for incursion into Restricted Zone for image retrieval. Deliver images via this network.

Good luck operatives.

|Signal Lost|

RE: To: Hunt From:Maxwell - Fuski - 01-12-2016

From: Security Code-4141888, Maxwell-Jayse
Direct line from: New Castle System

Well, boss. I went in as I was told to the Newcastle system to point Delta. From there the Artemis had met with me. I proceeded into the cloud to have a gander of what was there to find there was a BAF| agent within the field. He cornered me and insisted I leave the area and when we did, wanted me to wipe my drives clean of pictures and guncams of everything I had taken within the last 72 hours. Now I wasn't about to let that happen. The cloaks on these things come in real nice use. The Artemis served as a nice distraction as I slipped back into the cloud to retrieve these images.

I also got a guncam of this thing that was just outside....

Not too long after the pictures had been taken, I get a transmission from one of our transports, The Shiva, who was in New London. They opened a link with me, and said that something strange was happening. During the feed, one of the brothers aboard the ship managed to get a video tether out of the ship and they captured a feed of the rocks that were starting to appear out of no-where.

Point delta had become the least of our worries. During the mining operation there was an anomaly that happened. It had just.... Disappeared. The rock. Gone. No evidence that it was even there like nothing had even happened.

That's the full debrief, Signing off. Phantom-3, moving to Coronado.