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To: Emlenton station administrators - Printable Version

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To: Emlenton station administrators - Maddox - 01-05-2016

--- Incoming transmission ---

--- Source system: Pennsylvania ---
--- Origin: Planet Erie ---
--- Destination: Emlenton Storage & Imports ---

--- Message begins ---

Eh oop, chuck. Big Joe Gormley - independent miner here.

Any road up, I did some helium mining today and docked at your station to offload me goods, like. Thing is, though, that when I went to sell 'em, I got a message saying that the stock limit had been reached. I couldn't even sell one unit. Funny thing is that the station manifest shows that there's still over 3000 units of storage capacity going spare and helium doesn't even show up as being for sale, so I've no bloody idea what's going on.

Any road up, 'appen you could get one of your engineer type blokes to fix t'problem, cos I'm sitting here with a full cargo bay that I can't shift and time's money. Let us know what's happening, would ya? Ta.

Right. That's that, then..

--- Message ends ---

--- End transmission ---

RE: To: Emlenton station administrators - Snozzz - 01-05-2016

Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: 29d8ver.png]

Supporting Liberty Since 150 A.S

To - Joe Gormley
From - Richard Burton CAO

Is this some sort of joke the place was destroyed several months ago.


[Image: o4oCNfc.png]
[Image: THsCLuA.png][Image: fnPLZH6.png][Image: 26PSva8.png][Image: RALsZal.png]

RE: To: Emlenton station administrators - Maddox - 01-06-2016

--- Incoming transmission ---

--- Source system: Pennsylvania ---
--- Origin: Planet Erie ---
--- Destination: Universal shipping ---

--- Message begins ---

Is it as heck, like.

The station's there, bold as brass. I've bloody well docked at it. Come down, have a look. It's the dirty great thing near the helium field that's sitting there in chuffin' space.

Like I said, time's money, and I'm looking at the station right now. If you want proof, either have one of your flunkeys check it out, or I can send you video evidence. It's here, I'm not bloody well imagining it pal. P'raps your info isn't up to date. I don't know, but feel free to come down and take a look. I'll even buy you a pint or two.

Any road up, please get someone to come over and sort it out.


--- Message ends ---

--- End transmission ---

RE: To: Emlenton station administrators - Snozzz - 01-06-2016

Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: 29d8ver.png]

Supporting Liberty Since 150 A.S

Dear Mr Gormley,

Thank you for your interest in supplying Emlenton Storage and Imports in Pennsylvania. As you so correctly state time is money. And we would not want you to waste either. So please do not delay on our account. But I feel that I must point out you have your facts wrong. The station is called Emlenton Storage and Exports, not Imports. We no longer take regular supply of raw Helium at Emlenton from casual suppliers, due to the wanton distruction of our other base Imports. We have all the contractors we need to meet our needs. As you point out Helium is no longer for sale to the public on an ad hoc basis, though we are open to new supply contracts. We recomend that you concider other destinations for your cargo and offer the following information about sell points of interest.

GMG – planet Muira in Okinawa
PFI – Canterbury Station in New London

Also there may be new markets opening in other locations if your the adventurous type you may be able to hunt them down. If you are not equiped for long distance haulage of compressed gasses you may concider apploying to work for USI as an employee.
Please note we have no current plans to rebuild the Imports station as Rhienland has yet to compensate us for its destruction.

Richard Burton

[Image: o4oCNfc.png]
[Image: THsCLuA.png][Image: fnPLZH6.png][Image: 26PSva8.png][Image: RALsZal.png]

RE: To: Emlenton station administrators - Maddox - 01-06-2016

--- Incoming transmission ---

--- Source system: Pennsylvania ---
--- Origin: Planet Erie ---
--- Destination: Universal shipping ---

--- Message begins ---

Thanks for the reply, young fellah-me-lad. That would explain why I can't do owt. Sorry to hear that some bast..... people blew yer other station up. Bloody Rheinlanders! should have known they'd have 'ad summat to do wi' it.

Anyway, as you suspected, I'm a miner, not a trucker, so I'm not really up for a long delivery trek. 'Er indoors'd have my guts for garters.

Well, anway, thanks again for coming back to me and if you're ever in need of a miner on a short term contract, drop me a line.

Gormley - Big Joe

Good day to you, sir.

--- Message ends ---

--- End transmission ---

RE: To: Emlenton station administrators - Snozzz - 01-06-2016

Universal Shipping Incorporated

[Image: 29d8ver.png]

Supporting Liberty Since 150 A.S

Dear Mr Gormley,

Perhaps you would be interested in mining Platinum in Alberta for us instead then. Far more rewarding and very secure, we pay 2250 per unit to our miners there.

Richard Burton

[Image: o4oCNfc.png]
[Image: THsCLuA.png][Image: fnPLZH6.png][Image: 26PSva8.png][Image: RALsZal.png]