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Transmission to Kruger Minerals - LunaticOnTheGrass - 01-06-2016

[Image: gXeep1A.png]


To whom it may concern...

I will dispense with the pleasantries. The Bundschuh are acutely aware that Kruger's political manipulation was complicit in not only Rheinland's defeat in the Eighty Years' War through bribery of then-Empress Leicht with the goal of wresting control of Sigma-13, but it was more concerningly also complicit in the evicting of the Bundschuh Party from the very Bundesrepublik of Rheinland it created - And the perpetuation of the status-quo, the very autocratic and totalitarian "state capitalist" nation we now find ourselves fighting.

And despite our knowledge of this, we've held our metaphorical tongues and pulled our punches. Like all Corporate entities, you hide behind lackies, human shields you can force to take most of the damage of your irresponsibility and greed. "Privatize the Profit and Socialize the Losses" are yours and many other's mottos.

This of course has translated to the Bundschuh's refusal to hijack or otherwise attack what it considers to be "civilian" assets such as Kruger convoys - We have no desire to harm employees who are quite simply doing their jobs, because unlike certain others, the Bundschuhpartei has a soul.

As of late, we've noticed heavily armed Corporate escorts owned by Kruger Minerals coming to the aid of local assaulting Rheinwehr Hauptflotte assets, or even launching assaults in our territory unassisted. Bear in mind that these ships are not escorting your transports, they're acting as roving hunter-killer squadrons.

The Taunusfeld is non-negotiably under the control of the Bundschuhpartei, and today several of your men were informed of this fact rather harshly after we defended ourselves. I've gone to the trouble of listing a couple of antagonistic remarks from Kruger assets over the past year.

[16.04.2015 21:14:45] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Can we help you?
[16.04.2015 21:14:57] Kruger|Xi-15: Perhaps
[16.04.2015 21:15:01] Death: Gryphon was put out of action by RNS-Tonnant (Gun).
[16.04.2015 21:15:04] Kruger|Xi-15: you could die and save me the trouble
[16.04.2015 21:15:09] VWA|Erich.Klugmann:  ...Really?
[16.04.2015 21:15:12] Kruger|Xi-15: ja really
[16.04.2015 21:15:29] Kruger|Xi-15: please self destruct so ich can save the ammo on you two
[16.04.2015 21:15:34] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Don't you have something far, far better to do with your time than harm people who mean you no harm?


[05.01.2016 21:16:48] Sarah.Fischer: If you would be so kind as to vacate the area, that would be very much appreciated.
[05.01.2016 21:17:00] Kruger|Beta-27: You request is denied herrs1
[05.01.2016 21:17:05] Sarah.Fischer: Herr?
[05.01.2016 21:17:05] Kruger|Beta-27: *powering up main guns*
[05.01.2016 22:05:22] Death: Kruger|Beta-27 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.

The latter of them of course was from today's altercation. I'll dictate terms to you as politely and simply as I can.

- Cease attacking Bundschuh territory (The Taunusfeld, and areas within Frankfurt and Munich astride the lanes) or ships with yours.
- Cease treating the Bundschuhpartei, whose sole foes are the Bundesrepublik of Rheinland's leaders and enforcers loyal to them, as a priority terroristic or piratical target.

Failure to do the aforementioned will mark Kruger convoys, assets, and assemblies as priority combat targets, regardless of their intention. Don't let your Corporation's bullheadedness cost the lives of your employees - If they even remotely matter to you.

[Image: JG7K1os.png]

RE: Transmission to Kruger Minerals - LunaticOnTheGrass - 01-08-2016


RE: Transmission to Kruger Minerals - Kruger - 01-10-2016

[Image: gqww.png]
From: Essen Station - New Berlin
To: Erich Klugmann
Subject: RE:
Encryption: HIGH

Guten tag Herr Klugmann,

Your perception on the matters of Rheinland does worry me. I am a man who have enough money to come by with each month. Still i do not strike myself as greedy, if that is your point of perception that is something we would call free will. I agree with you that we are mere a civilian corperation, with a structure in the faction to earn a pretty fair and decent living. Some face more dangerous situation than others, but these differences there will always be there.

The approach of the Kruger employee was rather showing his past military background. It is hard for people just to change and some seem still to have some rather trigger happy fingers. If it is not in the asteroid fields, then it is outside them. But i do not intend to offend you, these are dangerous times for us all. The employee should have investigated the situation before targeting your fellow Bundschuh.

As for your requests, I can only say we will defend our own assets. I am convinced you can understand our stance. You are doing the exact same. But I'll notify the divisions, so we won't make the first move. If you want to discuss it unter vier Augen then it could be arranged.

I await your reply.

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Frederick Schneider

[Image: eepo.png]

RE: Transmission to Kruger Minerals - LunaticOnTheGrass - 01-12-2016

[Image: gXeep1A.png]


Dearest Herr Schneider,

Don't attempt to lecture me on my "perception on Rheinlandic Matters", whomever you are. My four-month tour of Vierlande without official charge taught me everything I need to know about the rogue Bundesrepublik. Ironically if it weren't for the terrorists that Rheinland's media lambasts again and again, I'd have died in Omega-11's Daumann Diamond mines when myself and sixty others were shipped there for "the end of our sentence".

It's a very simple fact, Kruger representative. Kruger amongst the other megacorporations dictating the Bundesrepublik's policy is the primary contributor to the autocracy, poverty, and blind nationalism that plagues what was perhaps once a great nation. A corporation by design sees only the bottom line and the net profit. No matter where you are in the ranks of Kruger's management, I implore you to wake up and recognize that neither Kruger nor the Bundestag have humane intentions beyond the labor that can be extracted from a Rheinlander.

The Bundschuh by contrast would seek out their goals without harming even a single life if it could be avoided, but the fact that your superiors recognize the danger that we pose to their facade means that they'll do anything they can to throw human shields in our way as we climb the mountain - Kruger Security, Bundespolizei and even heavy Military warships.

To preserve your own Corporation's human capital, I recommend that its security not join in the fray of our skirmishes against the government. The Bundschuh's standing orders under the Widerstandsarmee's leadership is to leave civilian assets alone unless they directly tresspass upon or harm us.

That's all I believe I have to say to you, Herr Schneider. Any future attacks from Kruger within the Taunusfeld or elsewhere will be retaliated against and built upon. Kruger nearly sealed its own doom in the Eighty Years War - I'd hope its leadership would be more cautious, more willing to learn from their prior mistakes.

[Image: JG7K1os.png]