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To: Geoff Enfield - Printable Version

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To: Geoff Enfield - Sciamach - 01-07-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Enfield
From: Erikasaria Espinosa
Subject: I have a job for you
Encryption: [Absolute]

Much as it pains me to say it, I need your heeel--
I need your heeeeeeehlhll--

*ahem* I require your services.

I have a number of materials I need brought into my jurisdiction and I need it done discreetly. Your buddy Oranos isn't exactly the most unknown figure in Maltese spheres anymore, and unfortunately everyone else I could think to contact is already on Tarxien's payroll or otherwise occupied/indisposed.

That unfortunately, leaves me with you as my only option here. So tell me: are you up to the task of doing this off the record?

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Geoffacake - 01-07-2016


......Encrypted Communication Stream......

Zealous Epsilon
Private Contractor

To: Erika Espinosa

Good lord you struggle at this "Being nice" thing. At the meantime, Geoff is currently assigned to paperwork and lots of patrols fighting off VWA insurgents on our doorstep. Painful as it is, he's again taken prisoner by the bane of the Pen & Desk. Although I'm now again more capable of doing physical tasks. With this new "equipment" and all. Anyway, in the meantime I'll be taking your request, hopefully you can work with that. What is it you'll be needing?

Zealous Epsilon


RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Sciamach - 01-07-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Enfield ("Zeal"-whatever)
From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order
Subject: RE:I have a job for you
Encryption: [Absolute]

Do I even want to ask who in the hell you are?

Second thought, let me answer my own question: No, I don't care.
You're using Enfield's encryption cipher, that's all I care about.

I have need of quite a number of materials that need remain out of the public eye. The first batch of which include 5000 Nuclear Devices to be delivered to Ibiza. You needn't know or ask about what they're for, in the same way that I needn't ask about your obtainment of such objects. The less each of us know the better, so lets at the very least pretend we're professionals and get this over with. The sooner this is complete, the more credits I'll tack onto your bill at the end of all of this.

So, do we have an accord?
[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Geoffacake - 01-07-2016


......Encrypted Communication Stream......

Zealous Epsilon
Private Contractor

To: Erika Espinosa

Good, My vessel will depart shortly. You'll see them in due time.
I've had nothing better to do than maintain servers for now; So it'll be good flying again.

Oh and I'm also his partner.

Zealous Epsilon


RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Geoffacake - 01-07-2016


......Encrypted Communication Stream......

Zealous Epsilon
Private Contractor

To: Erika Espinosa

Honestly, It was nice traveling around again, I saw a firefight in the Sigmas, people said hello. I mainly just flipped on my auto-pilot and I instead just oversaw the loading of the cargo and then decided to play on my Holo-guitar. It was fun.

Anyway, here are the nuclear devices and stocks. I calculated at least just over one-thousand uses for them, but they're all just possibilities.

Quote:Nuclear devices: 5580/5000
Pickup location: Mannheim station
Drop-off location: Ibiza base

Photographs: [-] [-] [-] [-]

Zealous Epsilon


RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Sciamach - 01-08-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Enfield ("Zeal"-whatever)
From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order
Subject: RE:I have a job for you
Encryption: [Absolute]


You'll forgive me for not being 100% convinced that you weren't sitting outside the station already carrying my cargo when I sent you this message with how quickly you pulled that off... You have my gra-- Ghraaaa-- *ahem* gratitude for being so diligent with this.

Now, next up is going to be a bit of a test of your abilities with diplomacy; as some of the materials I need are found in bulk almost exclusively in Gallic territories. So prepare to brush up on your french and scribble a mustache on your upper lip:

Magnets are the big one; a series of 15,000 of industrial sized electro-magnets.
Following that, 2,000 pallets of pure Yttrium bonding agents.
Finally, some 5,000 units of Energy Field Equipment-- you have no idea what un-shielded gamma-rays can do to your internal organs.

As always, where you get them from is not my concern-- and for the love of gods please be discreet about this. Once this all is completed, I'll need to be in touch with Enfield himself, as well as Oranos for some... advice I guess you could say.

We'll be in touch.
[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Geoffacake - 01-12-2016


......Encrypted Communication Stream......

Geoff Enfield
Agency Contractor

To: Erika Espinosa

Sassy, Its nice to speak to you again. Hopefully with the accounting shes done, Zeal has sealed the deal with the contract and delivered all the required components that you requested. Although I had to get into contact with a few people to create proxies on who bought them. As much as she'd might want to grow a mustache, it wouldn't fit her very well. If you have any more deliveries, she'll take our Liner out for another few runs. But there is something I need to ask of you, somethings popped up and I'm going to need a favor.

Quote:Magnets: 15,950/15,000
Pickup location: Montbrison Storage Facility (Proxy Transports)
Drop-off location: Ibiza base

Photographs: [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]

Quote:Energy Field Equipment: 6,380/5,000
Pickup location: Boulogne Base
Drop-off location: Ibiza base

Photographs: [-] [-]

Quote:Yttrium: 2,000/2,000
Pickup location: Planet New Berlin
Drop-off location: Ibiza base

Photographs: [-]

Geoff Enfield


RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Sciamach - 01-13-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Enfield ("Zeal"-whatever)
From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order
Subject: RE:I have a job for you
Encryption: [Absolute]

I almost had a reprieve..
Well, as much as I hate to say it, it's actually reassuring to hear from you again. Remember all that time ago I mentioned needing your assistance with something? Yeah- this is /that/ project.

We're merely in the proof-of-concept stages right now so, I'll have a great deal of work for you and your buddy Oranos in the coming months. Not just with the shipments, but also with some of the tech; Callahan can only accomplish so much with the engineers we've rounded together, and you sure as hell won't find me in the rungs of the supports with a wrench.

Before we start talking credits, what exactly is this favor you're asking for?

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]

RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Geoffacake - 01-13-2016


......Encrypted Communication Stream......

Geoff Enfield
Agency Contractor

To: Erika Espinosa

Something has come up. Recently, one of your associated groups called "The Commune" has contacted me in reconstructing and repairing a 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Military standard Fighter. His name is Andre Rise and is the current leader of the Commune. This is of slight concern for me. I've agreed to it in return for some assets, but I need assurance from you since This is posing a big security problem for Rheinlands Foreign Policy, so what I'm asking you is that this fighter is not replicated and constructed from this vessel and you enforce that with him personally. This would greatly benefit the relations between both us and your Nation.

In the meantime, this... "Thing". What is it exactly, you skimped the details with me.

Geoff Enfield


RE: To: Geoff Enfield - Sciamach - 01-14-2016

[Image: oIwb8rE.png]




To: Enfield
From: Inquisitor Erikasaria Espinosa of the 2nd Tarxien Order
Subject: RE:I have a job for you
Encryption: [Absolute]

You ask that I not make every effort to strengthen the Maltese navy, if even a little bit by asking that I restrict access to something we have for the sake of formality. I suppose I can be persuaded to understand your stance here but I have little more than a vague promise of the security of Malta's people in Rheinland and it's bordering systems by means of Rheinland's own. All there is between our peoples is a flimsy conversation that can be cast aside at a moment's notice for the sake of convenience should push come to shove.

Frankly, I'm actually a little insulted; you ask of us such a favor in exchange for some small shipments-- an unfair trade to anyone's eyes.

Contrary to what (basically) everyone will tell you, I'm not unreasonable. I am merely cautious, something I'm sure you and your fellows can understand. So I will say this much: if a more official arrangement is met between Malta and New Berlin's respective populations, or something of equal or greater value is presented to strengthen our protectorate, then I will happily abide by this request-- and in return will even offer the strength of Malta to Rheinland's people should the need arise as a sign of good faith.

Now, I will do as you asked for the time being but I would like an answer, and I would like it soon. Keep in touch, good things are on the horizon.

==[ Attachment: Encrypted txt file:

[Image: rs1UZTi.png]