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game crash with my transport char - Printable Version

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game crash with my transport char - PauLucario - 01-07-2016

Hello, i have a really big problem.

My game don't stop to crash everytime i log to the char "Lucario" (a Gallic Advanced Train).

The game started to crash when i docked at Leeds to sell my commodities. When i relaunched the game, i was back in the previous base with all of my commodities. So i did the route again to Leeds, but i crashed again when i did ctrl+V to change the ship view. And since then, i can't come back to the game with this char without instantly crash.

What can i do, please ? Sad

edit : i'll be in the disco TS if you would like to talk with me about this problem, but be warned that i'm not a very good english speaker. (french)

RE: game crash with my transport char - PauLucario - 01-07-2016

Ah ! i find the problem ! it's because of my texture pack ! it caused me to crash in cockpit view ! I just needed to launch the game with my old discovery folder and the basic (ugly) texture pack and i seen the new cockpit view. Can the devs do something about the textures packs please ? I really want to use the texture pack but i can't because of this crash problem. (it's not the swag pack, it's the pack that "your personnal operator" had in his signature some months ago. don't search it, he no longer have the link in his signature. and i don't know where to get it.)

PS : i apologize for the double posting.

RE: game crash with my transport char - Alley - 01-07-2016

(01-07-2016, 08:57 PM)Paul.Lucario Wrote: it's the pack that "your personnal operator" had in his signature some months ago.

that pack was made illegal on discovery because Alhimik decided to use content from other FL mods without their permission and they got upset.
If you want a pack, make your own or use the swag pack.

RE: game crash with my transport char - PauLucario - 01-07-2016

oh s***.... well... thank you for warning me... i see a lot of youtube guys with this pack, so i thought it was okay...