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To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - Printable Version

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To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - AlphaWolf215 - 01-08-2016

[Image: 6MjjVth.png]

To all of you, I appologise, but right now I ask, nay, beg for your help.

Bretonia is threatened by a force it has never truly experienced before, and it is our own stipidity and pride that has led to this. You will not be aware, but Newcastle plays host to a "Nomad City". It has sat, dormant, for years, under the watchful eye of the 11th Great Grimsby Research Fleet. We have been attempting for some time to remove it, permanently. Bretonia wishes no involvement with the Nomads or their technology.

Unfortunately, our, no, my stubbornness has allowed this to escalate beyond our control. The city is active, and already we are seeing forces arriving. I choose to step forward now, and humbly.. no, I BEG your forgiveness, and aid. Bretonia cannot handle this alone.

Please, if not for myself or the Armed Forces, do it for the innocent people who have no choice. Bretonia is made strong by the friends and allies it finds itself in the company of, and right now we are weak without your aid.

I ask one final time. I beg your help, for I weep for my people.

Bretonia NEEDS you. All of you.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix,

Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
First Sea Lord
Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces

Bretonian Command

RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - Eva Adenauer - 01-08-2016

[Image: P3gIqk3.gif]

"Ve would haff attended regardless, invited or not.
Attack Group West, consisting of ze vessels 'Willow Grove,' 'Coco Solo,' 'Presque Isle,' and 'Scorpion,' under ze command of Agent 'Tracer', will arrive shortly."

Eva Adenauer, Executive Director, Liberty Security Force.

RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - Thyrzul - 01-08-2016


Intensité du signal: _ 090%
Encryptage: ________ ___ FORT

Source: ________ CLN Candide, Newcastle
Expéditeur: ____ General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil ___ [C]
Destinataire(s): Fleeet Admiral Michelle O'Brian ______ BAF|

Sujet: _________ Re: -

Début de transmission...

Bonsoir Fleeet Admiral O'Brian,

The more details I hear about the current situation the less satisfied I am with how it is - et apparently was - handled. It is good to know that this thing we are about to fight has been sitting in the system for years now, at least we were finally told, though I would have preferred different circumstances for the relevation.

As I informed Admiral Davis earlier I tried to contact et gather the available forces we can aid you with, following shortly Monsieur Durand assured me that the CLN Candide is nearby et ready for combat. Since then I've flown here to take command of the battlecruiser, meanwhile another captain contacted to inform me the CLN Democratie, an other Obstinate-class vessel, may also join the fight on our side.

I really hope that enough forces will gather from all the recipient factions to put up a fight et not let the whole mess turn into a massacre of mankind. At the same time I also hope we weren't alarmed falsely, though I could cope with that kind of inconvenience more easily. Anyways, see you on the battlefield.

General Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
General en Chef Du Conseil
Chef de Groupement tactique Roussillonnaise


RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - TheShooter36 - 01-08-2016

COMM ID: Michael Richard, Fleet Admiral of Crayter Military
SUBJECT: Assistance

Greetings, Fleet Admiral O'Brian. I will cut this shortly. Crayter Military will send a battlegroup to aid Armed Forces against Nomad threat.

Signed, Michael Richard
Fleet Admiral of Crayter Military


RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - Lythrilux - 01-09-2016

:::[Incoming Transmission]:::
:::[Establishing video feed]:::
:::[Video Feed: Live]:::

ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: -
Encryption: Invincible

Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian,

In the wake of this activity, the Core has already assigned its Bretonian battle-group to the Newcastle system. My pilots will keep a watchful eye over the city and are more than equipped to deal with the threat. The Core will aim to provide as much intel on the city, as well as any other movements of Nomad activity throughout Bretonia in the coming days. For the city to suddenly become active now must have great relevance to the plans of these creatures - therefore we must be vigilant and stay alert and attempt to discover the reason for this activity.

I assure you, the Core will ensure that you and your people will remain safe. These creatures have made a grave mistake to come out of hiding, and we will teach these aliens the meaning of fear if they do not know such already. We will inflict vengeance at a rate tenfold of the pain they have done to us. They will rue the day they attempted to test humanity's resolve.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - Arbs - 01-10-2016

- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -

SENDER ID: FADM Harriet Fieldson ::: Liberty Navy, First Fleet
RECEIVER ID: Fleet Admiral O'Brian
SENT ON: 9 (Saturday) ::: 10 (January) ::: 823 A.S.
SUBJECT: Reinforcements


Fleet Admiral O'Brian,

Such messages are received with great regret that our Bretonian brothers in arms have to face such a threat. Fleet Admiral O'Brien, you will not be alone against this new opponent. The Liberty Navy will provide full support to the Kingdom of Bretonia and their efforts against the dreadful Nomad threat.

I have already instructed units from the Expeditionary Fleet to provide support and safety for New London until they are reinforced by the Lexington II carrier group accompanied by units from the 56th division of the Home Fleet, which should shortly arrive in Bretonian space. The ESRD teams are already investigating the matter and will provide information for future operations.

Fear not as we will not stand watch as our allies are threatened by the abominable Nomad forces nor will we accept such atrocities. We will fight back, strong and united and we will turn the tide against these creatures, accepting nothing but victory.

Harriet Fieldson
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC of Liberty Navy


RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - thisDerius - 01-10-2016

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Medium
Origin: Battleship Yukon
ID: Captain John Darius
Subject: Reinforcements

Admiral Jack O'Neil is not available currently so I will speak in the name of our fleet.

Your reinforcements from the 5th fleet are coming. You will not face this enemy alone. We must face this threat together or we will all fall.

I have also notified several of my friends to come and aid all of us in this battle.

We will not fail you that we promise. The Nomads were a threat once destroyed and it will be destroyed again.

Our ships are coming.

CPT. John Darius

RE: To: [LN], 5th|, =LSF=, CR|, [C], Core|, Armed Forces Reserve Fleet (//unofficial) - Lythrilux - 01-11-2016


ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: -

Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian,

As you may know, several months ago the Core|WV-Invictus had to be returned to Southampton Shipyard in New London for powercore repairs, as it had begun to dangerously malfunction in the field. As you can imagine, such a faulty vessel cannot operate efficiently.

The ship underwent repairs at Southampton as overseen by Captain Oliver Davis - I pray that in wake of recent events he is safe, but given the news I am not optimistic. To avenge him, as well as to help us support our allies, I am requesting that instead of taking the Core|WV-Invictus back to the Edge Worlds, we keep it in Bretonia to defend it against the Nomad threat. The ship is still docked on Southampton as we speak and it is the closest Capital the Core has to Bretonian space (otherwise our nearest Capital assets are in the Omegas).

With your permission I would like to re-commission the Core|WV-Invictus, take it out of Southampton and wreak havoc against the Nomads as well as avenge Captain Davis. The ship will be drafted into a new battle-group initiative that we are currently setting up - to help better defend Bretonia against hostile threats.

On another note, we were able to obtain a sample of the rock outside Planet New London. It's composition has been found to match a substance known as Azurite. We have encountered this before and our current data shows that Azurite is a highly efficient (more efficient than Nomad materials) component in the creation of cloaking devices.

[Image: uwYNlYDl.jpg]

I hope you find this data to be useful.

-E. Nodtviet
Guildmaster, The Core
CEO, AP Manufacturing