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Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - Printable Version

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Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - Jansen - 01-09-2016

Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover have been sanctioned for:


Quote:1.2 Trolling or harassing other members of the community
1.7 Metagaming* and/or powergaming** to gain a roleplay benefit for factions, groups or individuals

3.1 An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Saying "Engaging" is not sufficient and aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond.
You can make RP demands, even if the ID lines do not necessarily cover those. You can however not demand things that can not be fullfilled by the other party, such as unmounting guns in space.
Admins can unmount you guns and equipment anywhere as you might realize.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - Corile - 01-09-2016

(01-09-2016, 05:25 PM)Jansen Wrote: You can make RP demands, even if the ID lines do not necessarily cover those.
That was an RP demand as explained in this post. We even told the target in great detail what he had to do.
We'd ask for the sanction to be reviewed again, with the thread linked considered.

@edit: Also evidence pls, for great justice.

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - sindroms - 01-09-2016

Before I reply, I want to ask to be sent the evidence, so I know whether or not this is the incident that I think it is.

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - sindroms - 01-09-2016

I highly suggest you look back over the chatlog of that encounter. Nobody was asked to "unmount their guns in space". They were demanded to stop their ship and to lower their shields so that we could take their guns, ai, shoot them off.

You can see the discussion here

You can find our message dumps in this thread and look up the logs from interactions within them:

The specific demand was no different in the case of Toris and Argo. They were demanded to stop their ships and to lower their shields (Or to hold still so that we can do it for them) so that we would take their guns. We have recorded interactions with at least 6 people who, judging by the fact that they did not end up shot, understood full well what the demand entitled.

You must understand that the demand we are making due to the RP of the group is not a common one, so we are extra careful to word it as correctly and repeat it if needed so that the person understands exactly what they are being asked to do, so that they do not end up a blue message. If you look at the chart regarding part farming, bluing a trader is the last thing we want to due as it yields less parts.

In Torises forum thread, it was stated numerous times, including me posting the logs as proof that the demand was not only IRP, but even us stating twice that the person would not be harmed if they complied. We specifically do that so that, oorply, the person behind the character understands that the demand was not malicious in any way. In the thread you will also notice that the person admitted to shoot us back while we were shooting off his guns - as such, making us engage them. As such, I have a feeling that this sanction report was submitted out of spite AFTER the thread was locked due to oorp reasons.

This sanction report was either done out of oorp spite after the thread was closed and the whole interaction was disassembled over multiple pages.
Either that or the person involved chose not to understand the demand, even though what they said in their own thread leads to think the opposite, considering they themselves said that in the end of the thread - the thread they made was in no way connected to the encounter in Cortez and that I brought it up myself. If so, they knew exactly what was being asked of them and what was not.
This is the specific post I mentioned. The person declined that this was being asked of them and that the encounter they described in the thread was a different one altogether from what happened in Cortez.

I am not going to accept this sanction.
Please re-evaluate the situation that happened and the situation that was

EDIT: I just received the screenshots and they were made by Argo, the other transport present. He was there for most of the encounter and saw very well what we were asking from the other person. He was also there when we began shooting the guns off and could see quite well that no damage was done to the ship's hull. We were fulfilling the demand without any intent to blow up the ship.

When the first transport blew up, we went after Argo. His demands were straightforward:

[30.12.2015 21:59:09] Death: Odani-maru was put out of action by Anticipated.Lover (Gun).

[30.12.2015 21:59:15] Breaking.News: Ji: Done.
[30.12.2015 21:59:20] Anticipated.Lover: Fool.
[30.12.2015 21:59:30] Breaking.News: Ji: You, now.

[30.12.2015 21:59:39] Argo: Antares: so what you want folks?

[30.12.2015 21:59:39] Anticipated.Lover: Now how about YOU hold still?
[30.12.2015 21:59:45] Anticipated.Lover: I want your turrets.
[30.12.2015 21:59:47] Breaking.News: Ji: Hold your ship.
[30.12.2015 21:59:51] Anticipated.Lover: So you are going to disable your shield and hold still.
[30.12.2015 21:59:54] Anticipated.Lover: And I will take them off of your hands.
[30.12.2015 21:59:55] Breaking.News: Ji: And it's not going to hurt.
[30.12.2015 22:00:05] Anticipated.Lover: If you comply, you ain't getting shot.

[30.12.2015 22:00:15] Breaking.News: Ji: *sighs*

His reaction to this demand was simple:

[30.12.2015 22:00:17] Argo: Antares: Well I can't, so guess i won't!

There was NO way the demand was misinterpreted or loopholed. The way we demand guns is foolproof.
If the person deliberately chooses to misinterpret the demand for the sake of submitting a sanction, what do you want me to do?
I await your judgement.

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - sindroms - 01-09-2016 This is the footage of the encounter. Note that we disabled the shield and began fulfilling the demand. If the person has time to write up text about opening fire on us while not even noting that no damage is being done to their ship, I have no idea how to answer to that.

Right now I sort of feel how cops in US must have it right now, when people rail on them for shooting someone after they were given three or four warnings to stop doing something or else they would get shot.

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - Tunicle - 01-09-2016

Is that the screenshot showing you taking his hull down?

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - sindroms - 01-09-2016

(01-09-2016, 06:13 PM)Tunicle Wrote: Is that the screenshot showing you taking his hull down?

I do not understand the question.

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - Tunicle - 01-09-2016

"EDIT I just received the screenshots "

Are those the ones that show his red hull bar not at full strength?

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - sindroms - 01-09-2016

Quote:3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand.

Please look over the footage I gave you. Yes, if the person suddenly starts moving, our guns will hit their hull and cause small amounts of damage. This is why they were DEMANDED to stand still. 2:06 of the video, look at what we are doing. We had no intentions to destroy the ship with our demands. Nobody is asking unreasonable demands. We specifically stated multiple times that the ship would-not-be-harmed if they comply to our demands.

Please take your time and actually read what I posted, because I feel that you do not seem to have the time to do that. But I would like you to at least acknowledge what is being shown to you as an administrator.

I literally cannot plead my case if you do not give a toss.

RE: Players sanctioned: Breaking.News, Anticipated.Lover - Tunicle - 01-09-2016

Quote:3.3 Aggressors are not allowed to issue further demands during the same encounter after the trade vessel has complied, or destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand, in system or local chat. "Halt" on its own is not a demand, however, a trade vessel can be destroyed if they refuse to stop after being asked to in the form of a proper demand.

Now how about YOU hold still?

I want your turrets.

they were DEMANDED to stand still.

So you are going to disable your shield

How many demands?