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To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Printable Version

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To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Wesker - 01-10-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: 6fmbbrn.jpg]

Subject: Colonization of Tangier

Sender ID: Major Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

There has been too little communication between us for the past few months and its starting to effect the Red Hessians at least, I understand most of you are busy with other affairs in the Bretonia and in the Borderworlds so I'll cut straight to the point. As many of you know the current "temporary ceasefire" between the Rheinland Military and the Liberty Navy has most likely come to a permanent conclusion due to the lack of Liberty warships in the bordering systems. With this, the Rheinland Military presence is increasing in Dresden, I fear they are going to make a push to retake the system from us. We cannot afford to lose ground in Dresden or in this war, if we do the Rheinland Military will once again have the upper hand. If they are allowed to make such a push against us the Corrupt corporations such as Daumann and Kruger will be allowed to thrive against the IMG and us. We are in need of more resources now more than ever, I understand communication between us has been less than frequent. I promise to fix this in the near future but for now I am going off of our past relations and asking your for help.

As most of you know colonizing Planet Tangier completely and eliminating Casablanca base has been a long goal of the Hessians. Planet Tangier despite its harsh weather conditions is an extremely abundant with resources and its still possible for us to harvest what abundant resources it has. With Tangier and the Omega-47 system under our complete control I am confident we will have the means necessary to hold our ground in Dresden and possibly lay siege Casablanca base giving us both control of the system, and possibly a means for supplying -you- our allies in the future. With this, I am beginning the final steps to colonize planet Tangier.

The Docking ring outside of planet Tangier is in need of repairs to begin the colonization efforts, with this repaired we can bring up more resources faster rather than using shuttles. Here is what we need to finish its repairs:
Quote:Docking ring moduels are being dealt with by the IRG

Here is what we need to move in and colonize the Planet itself, planet Tangier is currently still in its early stages of development as a planet. Hence only mining personnel will colonize the planet for the next several years. Again, each set of these must be delivered to Viernheim Station with proof to receive compensation. For each unit of these will come at 3500 S.C.

Quote:Energy Field Equipment-COMPLETE
Food Rations-COMPLETE
Mining Machinery-COMPLETE
Industrial Materials-COMPLETE
Solar Panels-COMPLETE

I shall await your responses

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Tabris - 01-10-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Major Anna Heinrich
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"The Colonization of a world is never an easy task Comrade. Our people know from experience first-hand when it comes to settling in harsh conditions.

With Omega-47 under threat of Corsair raids during the war it is imperative that supply lines be strengthened and firmly established strong-holds receive what they require. This colonization will help strengthen the Red Hessian's grip upon the region which in turns helps our own cause in defeating the Corsair Empire and neutralizing them as a threat to the People's Revolution.

As such I have passed this request to the Ministry of Plenty and it's assets 'Volgograd Industrial' so they may aid in this endeavour. Both our Nations are fighting side-by side across Rheinland and the Omegas, both against the corrupt 'Federal Republic' and the 'Corsair Empire', we shall continue to stand alongside our allies and ensure a victory so others across Sirius may gaze upon our united splendor as an example to follow.

The Coalition shall heed the call, the Colony will receive full support from our Logistics Division.

Long Live the People's Republic and the Revolution."

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Voronsky - 01-11-2016

. . .Incoming Transmission . . .
ID: Leonardo Gutierrez
Message to: Major Anna Heinrich
Encryption: High
Subject: Successful run.

[Image: nzdGXSj.png][Image: Pyp2VQY.jpg][Image: CoalitionFlag.png]

. . .Beginning Transmission . . .

Guten Abend Kameraden!

I am Leonardo Gutierrez of the Volgograd Industrial, the economic hand of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. Seems you guys have a list of supplies, I would like to report my total of 8210 Food rations to help your cause, the shipment came in from the SCRA|CPS-Rosario , which is my ship. We will continue funding your resources as soon as we can to aid your efforts!

Gutierrez out.

. . .End of Transmission. . .

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Independent Miners Guild - 01-11-2016

Comm ID: Guild Master Alan Smith
Recipient ID: Major Anna Heinrich
Source: Falster Station
Encryption: Maximum
Subject: Re: Colonization of Tangier

[Image: XpN7Tvm.jpg]

Major Heinrich,

I do not believe we have spoken before. My name is Alan Smith and I am one of the Guild Masters of the IMG. The Guild is of course willing and ready to assist our Rheinland friends. We couldn't expect the situation in Rheinland to get any worse but it has only been deteriorated the past few months with their new Chancellor being literally a puppet at the hands of their native mega-corporations.

I have already sent a memo to our shipping division and we'll try our best to fulfill as many items on the list as possible. However I would like to underline an important issue. As you may well know, Docking Ring parts is an advanced technology which we do not possess and they are produced solely by Ageira Technologies. They are sealed inside their famous white boxes which have never been opened by an unauthorized person.

Subsequently I am pessimist that the Guild can be of any use in regards to the Docking Ring parts. My personal suggestion would be to contact Ageira directly and secure the purchase from them. Even if 1% of Lane Hacker propaganda about them is true, Ageira will be willing to deal with the Red Hessian Army provided that you offer them the right incentives.

Expect to receive in this channel some cargo manifests from us soon. It was a pleasure talking to you.

Guild Master Alan Smith

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 01-11-2016

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, lass,

Oy's councillor O'Driscoll speakin' on behalf o' deh Republic o' Dublin.

Oy mus' admit, dehr new Hessian project seems a boit bold tae oos, considerin' deh numerous 'Sar hordes in Omega fourty-seven un' noine, widaout e'en speakin' o' doses located in deh systems beyond deh two aforementioned.
But oy's nae 'ere tae discuss deh choice o' deh Hessian movement, e'en oif oy's shure deh council would agree tae do so.

So let's get straight tae deh point :
Deh Republic o' Dublin will stand alongsoide its allies un' derefore does agree tae help ye shippin' doses goods tae Viernheim Station, sneakin' at deh best aour poilots can do between deh 'Sars loines...

Derefore, ye shall hear news from oos, soon enough.

Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-12-2016

ID: Natasha Romanov
Volgograd Industrial
Secretary of Minister of Plenty

[Image: kBgSzLg.gif]

Privyet, Comrades. Delivery of Food and Mining Machinery has been taken part in a huge Convoy of the Omega Triumvirate Force, together. To proof-read here are the delivery-sheets and documents:

[Click Here]

Do Svidan'ya!

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Kharim - 01-12-2016

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
***Incoming transsmission***
From:Karl von Neudecker
To:Major Anna Heinrich
Subject: Succesfull supply runs

Guten Tag Kommandant! I would like to report succesfull delivery of 12,000 Mining Machinery units to Viernheim base. For the glory of the Revolution we shall colonize Planet Tangier!

Delivery manifests below:
Run no.1
Run no.2
Run no.3

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Wesker - 01-12-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: 6fmbbrn.jpg]

Subject: Colonization of Tangier update

Sender ID: Major Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

Payments have been sent out for the first set of supplies delivered, good work.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - Gutek - 01-13-2016

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]>>>Incoming Transmission<<<[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]

» COMM-ID: Oberleutnant Hans Kloss
» MESSAGE TO: RHA Oberkommando
» LOCATION: Freital Base, Omega 11.
» SUBJECT: Colonisation of Tangier


For the Volksrevolution!

Oberleutnant Hans Kloss reports.

According to Oberkommando orders I have took command over RHA Uruz class transport and launched first convoys
to supply Trangier docking ring costrucion site. We have menaged to deliver 16 200 units of mining machinery from Freital Base.
From my intel that makes this commodity fully delivered and no more mining machinery should be needed.

Another good news is that our friends and allies have answered to our call by showing big support for our goals in Omegas.
Together with all paper work Im sending records over Trumvirate transport fleet that flies toward bright future of the Revolution
and free people of Omegas.

[Image: ZUnrO7C.png]

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Oberleutnant Hans Kloss


RE: To: SCRA, Mollys, Hessians, OSI, and IMG - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-14-2016

ID: Natasha Romanov
Volgograd Industrial
Secretary of Minister of Plenty

[Image: kBgSzLg.gif]

Privyet, Comrades. Delivery of Food. To proof-read here are the delivery-sheets and documents:

[Click Here]

Do Svidan'ya!